""" homeassistant.components.automation.state ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Offers state listening automation rules. """ import logging from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_state_change from homeassistant.const import MATCH_ALL CONF_ENTITY_ID = "state_entity_id" CONF_FROM = "state_from" CONF_TO = "state_to" CONF_STATE = "state" CONF_IF_ENTITY_ID = "entity_id" def trigger(hass, config, action): """ Listen for state changes based on `config`. """ entity_id = config.get(CONF_ENTITY_ID) if entity_id is None: logging.getLogger(__name__).error( "Missing trigger configuration key %s", CONF_ENTITY_ID) return False from_state = config.get(CONF_FROM, MATCH_ALL) to_state = config.get(CONF_TO, MATCH_ALL) def state_automation_listener(entity, from_s, to_s): """ Listens for state changes and calls action. """ action() track_state_change( hass, entity_id, state_automation_listener, from_state, to_state) return True def if_action(hass, config, action): """ Wraps action method with state based condition. """ entity_id = config.get(CONF_IF_ENTITY_ID) state = config.get(CONF_STATE) if entity_id is None or state is None: logging.getLogger(__name__).error( "Missing if-condition configuration key %s or %s", CONF_IF_ENTITY_ID, CONF_STATE) return action def state_if(): """ Execute action if state matches. """ if hass.states.is_state(entity_id, state): action() return state_if