"""The tests for generic camera component.""" import asyncio from homeassistant.components.websocket_api.const import TYPE_RESULT from homeassistant.const import HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, HTTP_NOT_FOUND from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.async_mock import patch async def test_fetching_url(aioclient_mock, hass, hass_client): """Test that it fetches the given url.""" aioclient_mock.get("http://example.com", text="hello world") await async_setup_component( hass, "camera", { "camera": { "name": "config_test", "platform": "generic", "still_image_url": "http://example.com", "username": "user", "password": "pass", } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() client = await hass_client() resp = await client.get("/api/camera_proxy/camera.config_test") assert resp.status == 200 assert aioclient_mock.call_count == 1 body = await resp.text() assert body == "hello world" resp = await client.get("/api/camera_proxy/camera.config_test") assert aioclient_mock.call_count == 2 async def test_fetching_without_verify_ssl(aioclient_mock, hass, hass_client): """Test that it fetches the given url when ssl verify is off.""" aioclient_mock.get("https://example.com", text="hello world") await async_setup_component( hass, "camera", { "camera": { "name": "config_test", "platform": "generic", "still_image_url": "https://example.com", "username": "user", "password": "pass", "verify_ssl": "false", } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() client = await hass_client() resp = await client.get("/api/camera_proxy/camera.config_test") assert resp.status == 200 async def test_fetching_url_with_verify_ssl(aioclient_mock, hass, hass_client): """Test that it fetches the given url when ssl verify is explicitly on.""" aioclient_mock.get("https://example.com", text="hello world") await async_setup_component( hass, "camera", { "camera": { "name": "config_test", "platform": "generic", "still_image_url": "https://example.com", "username": "user", "password": "pass", "verify_ssl": "true", } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() client = await hass_client() resp = await client.get("/api/camera_proxy/camera.config_test") assert resp.status == 200 async def test_limit_refetch(aioclient_mock, hass, hass_client): """Test that it fetches the given url.""" aioclient_mock.get("http://example.com/5a", text="hello world") aioclient_mock.get("http://example.com/10a", text="hello world") aioclient_mock.get("http://example.com/15a", text="hello planet") aioclient_mock.get("http://example.com/20a", status=HTTP_NOT_FOUND) await async_setup_component( hass, "camera", { "camera": { "name": "config_test", "platform": "generic", "still_image_url": 'http://example.com/{{ states.sensor.temp.state + "a" }}', "limit_refetch_to_url_change": True, } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() client = await hass_client() resp = await client.get("/api/camera_proxy/camera.config_test") hass.states.async_set("sensor.temp", "5") with patch("async_timeout.timeout", side_effect=asyncio.TimeoutError()): resp = await client.get("/api/camera_proxy/camera.config_test") assert aioclient_mock.call_count == 0 assert resp.status == HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR hass.states.async_set("sensor.temp", "10") resp = await client.get("/api/camera_proxy/camera.config_test") assert aioclient_mock.call_count == 1 assert resp.status == 200 body = await resp.text() assert body == "hello world" resp = await client.get("/api/camera_proxy/camera.config_test") assert aioclient_mock.call_count == 1 assert resp.status == 200 body = await resp.text() assert body == "hello world" hass.states.async_set("sensor.temp", "15") # Url change = fetch new image resp = await client.get("/api/camera_proxy/camera.config_test") assert aioclient_mock.call_count == 2 assert resp.status == 200 body = await resp.text() assert body == "hello planet" # Cause a template render error hass.states.async_remove("sensor.temp") resp = await client.get("/api/camera_proxy/camera.config_test") assert aioclient_mock.call_count == 2 assert resp.status == 200 body = await resp.text() assert body == "hello planet" async def test_stream_source(aioclient_mock, hass, hass_client, hass_ws_client): """Test that the stream source is rendered.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, "camera", { "camera": { "name": "config_test", "platform": "generic", "still_image_url": "https://example.com", "stream_source": 'http://example.com/{{ states.sensor.temp.state + "a" }}', "limit_refetch_to_url_change": True, } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() hass.states.async_set("sensor.temp", "5") with patch( "homeassistant.components.camera.request_stream", return_value="http://home.assistant/playlist.m3u8", ) as mock_request_stream: # Request playlist through WebSocket client = await hass_ws_client(hass) await client.send_json( {"id": 1, "type": "camera/stream", "entity_id": "camera.config_test"} ) msg = await client.receive_json() # Assert WebSocket response assert mock_request_stream.call_count == 1 assert mock_request_stream.call_args[0][1] == "http://example.com/5a" assert msg["id"] == 1 assert msg["type"] == TYPE_RESULT assert msg["success"] assert msg["result"]["url"][-13:] == "playlist.m3u8" # Cause a template render error hass.states.async_remove("sensor.temp") await client.send_json( {"id": 2, "type": "camera/stream", "entity_id": "camera.config_test"} ) msg = await client.receive_json() # Assert that no new call to the stream request should have been made assert mock_request_stream.call_count == 1 # Assert the websocket error message assert msg["id"] == 2 assert msg["type"] == TYPE_RESULT assert msg["success"] is False assert msg["error"] == { "code": "start_stream_failed", "message": "camera.config_test does not support play stream service", } async def test_no_stream_source(aioclient_mock, hass, hass_client, hass_ws_client): """Test a stream request without stream source option set.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, "camera", { "camera": { "name": "config_test", "platform": "generic", "still_image_url": "https://example.com", "limit_refetch_to_url_change": True, } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() with patch( "homeassistant.components.camera.request_stream", return_value="http://home.assistant/playlist.m3u8", ) as mock_request_stream: # Request playlist through WebSocket client = await hass_ws_client(hass) await client.send_json( {"id": 3, "type": "camera/stream", "entity_id": "camera.config_test"} ) msg = await client.receive_json() # Assert the websocket error message assert mock_request_stream.call_count == 0 assert msg["id"] == 3 assert msg["type"] == TYPE_RESULT assert msg["success"] is False assert msg["error"] == { "code": "start_stream_failed", "message": "camera.config_test does not support play stream service", } async def test_camera_content_type(aioclient_mock, hass, hass_client): """Test generic camera with custom content_type.""" svg_image = "" urlsvg = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/SVG_logo.svg" aioclient_mock.get(urlsvg, text=svg_image) cam_config_svg = { "name": "config_test_svg", "platform": "generic", "still_image_url": urlsvg, "content_type": "image/svg+xml", } cam_config_normal = cam_config_svg.copy() cam_config_normal.pop("content_type") cam_config_normal["name"] = "config_test_jpg" await async_setup_component( hass, "camera", {"camera": [cam_config_svg, cam_config_normal]} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() client = await hass_client() resp_1 = await client.get("/api/camera_proxy/camera.config_test_svg") assert aioclient_mock.call_count == 1 assert resp_1.status == 200 assert resp_1.content_type == "image/svg+xml" body = await resp_1.text() assert body == svg_image resp_2 = await client.get("/api/camera_proxy/camera.config_test_jpg") assert aioclient_mock.call_count == 2 assert resp_2.status == 200 assert resp_2.content_type == "image/jpeg" body = await resp_2.text() assert body == svg_image