"""Implement the Google Smart Home traits.""" import logging from homeassistant.components import ( cover, group, fan, input_boolean, media_player, light, lock, scene, script, switch, vacuum, ) from homeassistant.components.climate import const as climate from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, STATE_LOCKED, STATE_OFF, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, ATTR_TEMPERATURE, ) from homeassistant.core import DOMAIN as HA_DOMAIN from homeassistant.util import color as color_util, temperature as temp_util from .const import ERR_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE from .helpers import SmartHomeError _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PREFIX_TRAITS = 'action.devices.traits.' TRAIT_ONOFF = PREFIX_TRAITS + 'OnOff' TRAIT_DOCK = PREFIX_TRAITS + 'Dock' TRAIT_STARTSTOP = PREFIX_TRAITS + 'StartStop' TRAIT_BRIGHTNESS = PREFIX_TRAITS + 'Brightness' TRAIT_COLOR_SPECTRUM = PREFIX_TRAITS + 'ColorSpectrum' TRAIT_COLOR_TEMP = PREFIX_TRAITS + 'ColorTemperature' TRAIT_SCENE = PREFIX_TRAITS + 'Scene' TRAIT_TEMPERATURE_SETTING = PREFIX_TRAITS + 'TemperatureSetting' TRAIT_LOCKUNLOCK = PREFIX_TRAITS + 'LockUnlock' TRAIT_FANSPEED = PREFIX_TRAITS + 'FanSpeed' TRAIT_MODES = PREFIX_TRAITS + 'Modes' PREFIX_COMMANDS = 'action.devices.commands.' COMMAND_ONOFF = PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'OnOff' COMMAND_DOCK = PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'Dock' COMMAND_STARTSTOP = PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'StartStop' COMMAND_PAUSEUNPAUSE = PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'PauseUnpause' COMMAND_BRIGHTNESS_ABSOLUTE = PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'BrightnessAbsolute' COMMAND_COLOR_ABSOLUTE = PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'ColorAbsolute' COMMAND_ACTIVATE_SCENE = PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'ActivateScene' COMMAND_THERMOSTAT_TEMPERATURE_SETPOINT = ( PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'ThermostatTemperatureSetpoint') COMMAND_THERMOSTAT_TEMPERATURE_SET_RANGE = ( PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'ThermostatTemperatureSetRange') COMMAND_THERMOSTAT_SET_MODE = PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'ThermostatSetMode' COMMAND_LOCKUNLOCK = PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'LockUnlock' COMMAND_FANSPEED = PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'SetFanSpeed' COMMAND_MODES = PREFIX_COMMANDS + 'SetModes' TRAITS = [] def register_trait(trait): """Decorate a function to register a trait.""" TRAITS.append(trait) return trait def _google_temp_unit(units): """Return Google temperature unit.""" if units == TEMP_FAHRENHEIT: return 'F' return 'C' class _Trait: """Represents a Trait inside Google Assistant skill.""" commands = [] def __init__(self, hass, state, config): """Initialize a trait for a state.""" self.hass = hass self.state = state self.config = config def sync_attributes(self): """Return attributes for a sync request.""" raise NotImplementedError def query_attributes(self): """Return the attributes of this trait for this entity.""" raise NotImplementedError def can_execute(self, command, params): """Test if command can be executed.""" return command in self.commands async def execute(self, command, params): """Execute a trait command.""" raise NotImplementedError @register_trait class BrightnessTrait(_Trait): """Trait to control brightness of a device. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/traits/brightness """ name = TRAIT_BRIGHTNESS commands = [ COMMAND_BRIGHTNESS_ABSOLUTE ] @staticmethod def supported(domain, features): """Test if state is supported.""" if domain == light.DOMAIN: return features & light.SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS if domain == cover.DOMAIN: return features & cover.SUPPORT_SET_POSITION if domain == media_player.DOMAIN: return features & media_player.SUPPORT_VOLUME_SET return False def sync_attributes(self): """Return brightness attributes for a sync request.""" return {} def query_attributes(self): """Return brightness query attributes.""" domain = self.state.domain response = {} if domain == light.DOMAIN: brightness = self.state.attributes.get(light.ATTR_BRIGHTNESS) if brightness is not None: response['brightness'] = int(100 * (brightness / 255)) elif domain == cover.DOMAIN: position = self.state.attributes.get(cover.ATTR_CURRENT_POSITION) if position is not None: response['brightness'] = position elif domain == media_player.DOMAIN: level = self.state.attributes.get( media_player.ATTR_MEDIA_VOLUME_LEVEL) if level is not None: # Convert 0.0-1.0 to 0-255 response['brightness'] = int(level * 100) return response async def execute(self, command, params): """Execute a brightness command.""" domain = self.state.domain if domain == light.DOMAIN: await self.hass.services.async_call( light.DOMAIN, light.SERVICE_TURN_ON, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id, light.ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT: params['brightness'] }, blocking=True) elif domain == cover.DOMAIN: await self.hass.services.async_call( cover.DOMAIN, cover.SERVICE_SET_COVER_POSITION, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id, cover.ATTR_POSITION: params['brightness'] }, blocking=True) elif domain == media_player.DOMAIN: await self.hass.services.async_call( media_player.DOMAIN, media_player.SERVICE_VOLUME_SET, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id, media_player.ATTR_MEDIA_VOLUME_LEVEL: params['brightness'] / 100 }, blocking=True) @register_trait class OnOffTrait(_Trait): """Trait to offer basic on and off functionality. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/traits/onoff """ name = TRAIT_ONOFF commands = [ COMMAND_ONOFF ] @staticmethod def supported(domain, features): """Test if state is supported.""" if domain == climate.DOMAIN: return features & climate.SUPPORT_ON_OFF != 0 return domain in ( group.DOMAIN, input_boolean.DOMAIN, switch.DOMAIN, fan.DOMAIN, light.DOMAIN, cover.DOMAIN, media_player.DOMAIN, ) def sync_attributes(self): """Return OnOff attributes for a sync request.""" return {} def query_attributes(self): """Return OnOff query attributes.""" if self.state.domain == cover.DOMAIN: return {'on': self.state.state != cover.STATE_CLOSED} return {'on': self.state.state != STATE_OFF} async def execute(self, command, params): """Execute an OnOff command.""" domain = self.state.domain if domain == cover.DOMAIN: service_domain = domain if params['on']: service = cover.SERVICE_OPEN_COVER else: service = cover.SERVICE_CLOSE_COVER elif domain == group.DOMAIN: service_domain = HA_DOMAIN service = SERVICE_TURN_ON if params['on'] else SERVICE_TURN_OFF else: service_domain = domain service = SERVICE_TURN_ON if params['on'] else SERVICE_TURN_OFF await self.hass.services.async_call(service_domain, service, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id }, blocking=True) @register_trait class ColorSpectrumTrait(_Trait): """Trait to offer color spectrum functionality. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/traits/colorspectrum """ name = TRAIT_COLOR_SPECTRUM commands = [ COMMAND_COLOR_ABSOLUTE ] @staticmethod def supported(domain, features): """Test if state is supported.""" if domain != light.DOMAIN: return False return features & light.SUPPORT_COLOR def sync_attributes(self): """Return color spectrum attributes for a sync request.""" # Other colorModel is hsv return {'colorModel': 'rgb'} def query_attributes(self): """Return color spectrum query attributes.""" response = {} color_hs = self.state.attributes.get(light.ATTR_HS_COLOR) if color_hs is not None: response['color'] = { 'spectrumRGB': int(color_util.color_rgb_to_hex( *color_util.color_hs_to_RGB(*color_hs)), 16), } return response def can_execute(self, command, params): """Test if command can be executed.""" return (command in self.commands and 'spectrumRGB' in params.get('color', {})) async def execute(self, command, params): """Execute a color spectrum command.""" # Convert integer to hex format and left pad with 0's till length 6 hex_value = "{0:06x}".format(params['color']['spectrumRGB']) color = color_util.color_RGB_to_hs( *color_util.rgb_hex_to_rgb_list(hex_value)) await self.hass.services.async_call(light.DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id, light.ATTR_HS_COLOR: color }, blocking=True) @register_trait class ColorTemperatureTrait(_Trait): """Trait to offer color temperature functionality. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/traits/colortemperature """ name = TRAIT_COLOR_TEMP commands = [ COMMAND_COLOR_ABSOLUTE ] @staticmethod def supported(domain, features): """Test if state is supported.""" if domain != light.DOMAIN: return False return features & light.SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP def sync_attributes(self): """Return color temperature attributes for a sync request.""" attrs = self.state.attributes # Max Kelvin is Min Mireds K = 1000000 / mireds # Min Kevin is Max Mireds K = 1000000 / mireds return { 'temperatureMaxK': color_util.color_temperature_mired_to_kelvin( attrs.get(light.ATTR_MIN_MIREDS)), 'temperatureMinK': color_util.color_temperature_mired_to_kelvin( attrs.get(light.ATTR_MAX_MIREDS)), } def query_attributes(self): """Return color temperature query attributes.""" response = {} temp = self.state.attributes.get(light.ATTR_COLOR_TEMP) # Some faulty integrations might put 0 in here, raising exception. if temp == 0: _LOGGER.warning('Entity %s has incorrect color temperature %s', self.state.entity_id, temp) elif temp is not None: response['color'] = { 'temperature': color_util.color_temperature_mired_to_kelvin(temp) } return response def can_execute(self, command, params): """Test if command can be executed.""" return (command in self.commands and 'temperature' in params.get('color', {})) async def execute(self, command, params): """Execute a color temperature command.""" temp = color_util.color_temperature_kelvin_to_mired( params['color']['temperature']) min_temp = self.state.attributes[light.ATTR_MIN_MIREDS] max_temp = self.state.attributes[light.ATTR_MAX_MIREDS] if temp < min_temp or temp > max_temp: raise SmartHomeError( ERR_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE, "Temperature should be between {} and {}".format(min_temp, max_temp)) await self.hass.services.async_call(light.DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id, light.ATTR_COLOR_TEMP: temp, }, blocking=True) @register_trait class SceneTrait(_Trait): """Trait to offer scene functionality. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/traits/scene """ name = TRAIT_SCENE commands = [ COMMAND_ACTIVATE_SCENE ] @staticmethod def supported(domain, features): """Test if state is supported.""" return domain in (scene.DOMAIN, script.DOMAIN) def sync_attributes(self): """Return scene attributes for a sync request.""" # Neither supported domain can support sceneReversible return {} def query_attributes(self): """Return scene query attributes.""" return {} async def execute(self, command, params): """Execute a scene command.""" # Don't block for scripts as they can be slow. await self.hass.services.async_call( self.state.domain, SERVICE_TURN_ON, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id }, blocking=self.state.domain != script.DOMAIN) @register_trait class DockTrait(_Trait): """Trait to offer dock functionality. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/traits/dock """ name = TRAIT_DOCK commands = [ COMMAND_DOCK ] @staticmethod def supported(domain, features): """Test if state is supported.""" return domain == vacuum.DOMAIN def sync_attributes(self): """Return dock attributes for a sync request.""" return {} def query_attributes(self): """Return dock query attributes.""" return {'isDocked': self.state.state == vacuum.STATE_DOCKED} async def execute(self, command, params): """Execute a dock command.""" await self.hass.services.async_call( self.state.domain, vacuum.SERVICE_RETURN_TO_BASE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id }, blocking=True) @register_trait class StartStopTrait(_Trait): """Trait to offer StartStop functionality. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/traits/startstop """ name = TRAIT_STARTSTOP commands = [ COMMAND_STARTSTOP, COMMAND_PAUSEUNPAUSE ] @staticmethod def supported(domain, features): """Test if state is supported.""" return domain == vacuum.DOMAIN def sync_attributes(self): """Return StartStop attributes for a sync request.""" return {'pausable': self.state.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) & vacuum.SUPPORT_PAUSE != 0} def query_attributes(self): """Return StartStop query attributes.""" return { 'isRunning': self.state.state == vacuum.STATE_CLEANING, 'isPaused': self.state.state == vacuum.STATE_PAUSED, } async def execute(self, command, params): """Execute a StartStop command.""" if command == COMMAND_STARTSTOP: if params['start']: await self.hass.services.async_call( self.state.domain, vacuum.SERVICE_START, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id }, blocking=True) else: await self.hass.services.async_call( self.state.domain, vacuum.SERVICE_STOP, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id }, blocking=True) elif command == COMMAND_PAUSEUNPAUSE: if params['pause']: await self.hass.services.async_call( self.state.domain, vacuum.SERVICE_PAUSE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id }, blocking=True) else: await self.hass.services.async_call( self.state.domain, vacuum.SERVICE_START, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id }, blocking=True) @register_trait class TemperatureSettingTrait(_Trait): """Trait to offer handling both temperature point and modes functionality. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/traits/temperaturesetting """ name = TRAIT_TEMPERATURE_SETTING commands = [ COMMAND_THERMOSTAT_TEMPERATURE_SETPOINT, COMMAND_THERMOSTAT_TEMPERATURE_SET_RANGE, COMMAND_THERMOSTAT_SET_MODE, ] # We do not support "on" as we are unable to know how to restore # the last mode. hass_to_google = { climate.STATE_HEAT: 'heat', climate.STATE_COOL: 'cool', STATE_OFF: 'off', climate.STATE_AUTO: 'heatcool', climate.STATE_FAN_ONLY: 'fan-only', climate.STATE_DRY: 'dry', climate.STATE_ECO: 'eco' } google_to_hass = {value: key for key, value in hass_to_google.items()} @staticmethod def supported(domain, features): """Test if state is supported.""" if domain != climate.DOMAIN: return False return features & climate.SUPPORT_OPERATION_MODE def sync_attributes(self): """Return temperature point and modes attributes for a sync request.""" modes = [] for mode in self.state.attributes.get(climate.ATTR_OPERATION_LIST, []): google_mode = self.hass_to_google.get(mode) if google_mode is not None: modes.append(google_mode) return { 'availableThermostatModes': ','.join(modes), 'thermostatTemperatureUnit': _google_temp_unit( self.hass.config.units.temperature_unit) } def query_attributes(self): """Return temperature point and modes query attributes.""" attrs = self.state.attributes response = {} operation = attrs.get(climate.ATTR_OPERATION_MODE) if operation is not None and operation in self.hass_to_google: response['thermostatMode'] = self.hass_to_google[operation] unit = self.hass.config.units.temperature_unit current_temp = attrs.get(climate.ATTR_CURRENT_TEMPERATURE) if current_temp is not None: response['thermostatTemperatureAmbient'] = \ round(temp_util.convert(current_temp, unit, TEMP_CELSIUS), 1) current_humidity = attrs.get(climate.ATTR_CURRENT_HUMIDITY) if current_humidity is not None: response['thermostatHumidityAmbient'] = current_humidity if (operation == climate.STATE_AUTO and climate.ATTR_TARGET_TEMP_HIGH in attrs and climate.ATTR_TARGET_TEMP_LOW in attrs): response['thermostatTemperatureSetpointHigh'] = \ round(temp_util.convert(attrs[climate.ATTR_TARGET_TEMP_HIGH], unit, TEMP_CELSIUS), 1) response['thermostatTemperatureSetpointLow'] = \ round(temp_util.convert(attrs[climate.ATTR_TARGET_TEMP_LOW], unit, TEMP_CELSIUS), 1) else: target_temp = attrs.get(ATTR_TEMPERATURE) if target_temp is not None: response['thermostatTemperatureSetpoint'] = round( temp_util.convert(target_temp, unit, TEMP_CELSIUS), 1) return response async def execute(self, command, params): """Execute a temperature point or mode command.""" # All sent in temperatures are always in Celsius unit = self.hass.config.units.temperature_unit min_temp = self.state.attributes[climate.ATTR_MIN_TEMP] max_temp = self.state.attributes[climate.ATTR_MAX_TEMP] if command == COMMAND_THERMOSTAT_TEMPERATURE_SETPOINT: temp = temp_util.convert( params['thermostatTemperatureSetpoint'], TEMP_CELSIUS, unit) if unit == TEMP_FAHRENHEIT: temp = round(temp) if temp < min_temp or temp > max_temp: raise SmartHomeError( ERR_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE, "Temperature should be between {} and {}".format(min_temp, max_temp)) await self.hass.services.async_call( climate.DOMAIN, climate.SERVICE_SET_TEMPERATURE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id, ATTR_TEMPERATURE: temp }, blocking=True) elif command == COMMAND_THERMOSTAT_TEMPERATURE_SET_RANGE: temp_high = temp_util.convert( params['thermostatTemperatureSetpointHigh'], TEMP_CELSIUS, unit) if unit == TEMP_FAHRENHEIT: temp_high = round(temp_high) if temp_high < min_temp or temp_high > max_temp: raise SmartHomeError( ERR_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE, "Upper bound for temperature range should be between " "{} and {}".format(min_temp, max_temp)) temp_low = temp_util.convert( params['thermostatTemperatureSetpointLow'], TEMP_CELSIUS, unit) if unit == TEMP_FAHRENHEIT: temp_low = round(temp_low) if temp_low < min_temp or temp_low > max_temp: raise SmartHomeError( ERR_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE, "Lower bound for temperature range should be between " "{} and {}".format(min_temp, max_temp)) await self.hass.services.async_call( climate.DOMAIN, climate.SERVICE_SET_TEMPERATURE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id, climate.ATTR_TARGET_TEMP_HIGH: temp_high, climate.ATTR_TARGET_TEMP_LOW: temp_low, }, blocking=True) elif command == COMMAND_THERMOSTAT_SET_MODE: await self.hass.services.async_call( climate.DOMAIN, climate.SERVICE_SET_OPERATION_MODE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id, climate.ATTR_OPERATION_MODE: self.google_to_hass[params['thermostatMode']], }, blocking=True) @register_trait class LockUnlockTrait(_Trait): """Trait to lock or unlock a lock. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/traits/lockunlock """ name = TRAIT_LOCKUNLOCK commands = [ COMMAND_LOCKUNLOCK ] @staticmethod def supported(domain, features): """Test if state is supported.""" return domain == lock.DOMAIN def sync_attributes(self): """Return LockUnlock attributes for a sync request.""" return {} def query_attributes(self): """Return LockUnlock query attributes.""" return {'isLocked': self.state.state == STATE_LOCKED} def can_execute(self, command, params): """Test if command can be executed.""" allowed_unlock = not params['lock'] and self.config.allow_unlock return params['lock'] or allowed_unlock async def execute(self, command, params): """Execute an LockUnlock command.""" if params['lock']: service = lock.SERVICE_LOCK else: service = lock.SERVICE_UNLOCK await self.hass.services.async_call(lock.DOMAIN, service, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id }, blocking=True) @register_trait class FanSpeedTrait(_Trait): """Trait to control speed of Fan. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/traits/fanspeed """ name = TRAIT_FANSPEED commands = [ COMMAND_FANSPEED ] speed_synonyms = { fan.SPEED_OFF: ['stop', 'off'], fan.SPEED_LOW: ['slow', 'low', 'slowest', 'lowest'], fan.SPEED_MEDIUM: ['medium', 'mid', 'middle'], fan.SPEED_HIGH: [ 'high', 'max', 'fast', 'highest', 'fastest', 'maximum' ] } @staticmethod def supported(domain, features): """Test if state is supported.""" if domain != fan.DOMAIN: return False return features & fan.SUPPORT_SET_SPEED def sync_attributes(self): """Return speed point and modes attributes for a sync request.""" modes = self.state.attributes.get(fan.ATTR_SPEED_LIST, []) speeds = [] for mode in modes: if mode not in self.speed_synonyms: continue speed = { "speed_name": mode, "speed_values": [{ "speed_synonym": self.speed_synonyms.get(mode), "lang": 'en' }] } speeds.append(speed) return { 'availableFanSpeeds': { 'speeds': speeds, 'ordered': True }, "reversible": bool(self.state.attributes.get( ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) & fan.SUPPORT_DIRECTION) } def query_attributes(self): """Return speed point and modes query attributes.""" attrs = self.state.attributes response = {} speed = attrs.get(fan.ATTR_SPEED) if speed is not None: response['on'] = speed != fan.SPEED_OFF response['online'] = True response['currentFanSpeedSetting'] = speed return response async def execute(self, command, params): """Execute an SetFanSpeed command.""" await self.hass.services.async_call( fan.DOMAIN, fan.SERVICE_SET_SPEED, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id, fan.ATTR_SPEED: params['fanSpeed'] }, blocking=True) @register_trait class ModesTrait(_Trait): """Trait to set modes. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/traits/modes """ name = TRAIT_MODES commands = [ COMMAND_MODES ] # Google requires specific mode names and settings. Here is the full list. # https://developers.google.com/actions/reference/smarthome/traits/modes # All settings are mapped here as of 2018-11-28 and can be used for other # entity types. HA_TO_GOOGLE = { media_player.ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE: "input source", } SUPPORTED_MODE_SETTINGS = { 'xsmall': [ 'xsmall', 'extra small', 'min', 'minimum', 'tiny', 'xs'], 'small': ['small', 'half'], 'large': ['large', 'big', 'full'], 'xlarge': ['extra large', 'xlarge', 'xl'], 'Cool': ['cool', 'rapid cool', 'rapid cooling'], 'Heat': ['heat'], 'Low': ['low'], 'Medium': ['medium', 'med', 'mid', 'half'], 'High': ['high'], 'Auto': ['auto', 'automatic'], 'Bake': ['bake'], 'Roast': ['roast'], 'Convection Bake': ['convection bake', 'convect bake'], 'Convection Roast': ['convection roast', 'convect roast'], 'Favorite': ['favorite'], 'Broil': ['broil'], 'Warm': ['warm'], 'Off': ['off'], 'On': ['on'], 'Normal': [ 'normal', 'normal mode', 'normal setting', 'standard', 'schedule', 'original', 'default', 'old settings' ], 'None': ['none'], 'Tap Cold': ['tap cold'], 'Cold Warm': ['cold warm'], 'Hot': ['hot'], 'Extra Hot': ['extra hot'], 'Eco': ['eco'], 'Wool': ['wool', 'fleece'], 'Turbo': ['turbo'], 'Rinse': ['rinse', 'rinsing', 'rinse wash'], 'Away': ['away', 'holiday'], 'maximum': ['maximum'], 'media player': ['media player'], 'chromecast': ['chromecast'], 'tv': [ 'tv', 'television', 'tv position', 'television position', 'watching tv', 'watching tv position', 'entertainment', 'entertainment position' ], 'am fm': ['am fm', 'am radio', 'fm radio'], 'internet radio': ['internet radio'], 'satellite': ['satellite'], 'game console': ['game console'], 'antifrost': ['antifrost', 'anti-frost'], 'boost': ['boost'], 'Clock': ['clock'], 'Message': ['message'], 'Messages': ['messages'], 'News': ['news'], 'Disco': ['disco'], 'antifreeze': ['antifreeze', 'anti-freeze', 'anti freeze'], 'balanced': ['balanced', 'normal'], 'swing': ['swing'], 'media': ['media', 'media mode'], 'panic': ['panic'], 'ring': ['ring'], 'frozen': ['frozen', 'rapid frozen', 'rapid freeze'], 'cotton': ['cotton', 'cottons'], 'blend': ['blend', 'mix'], 'baby wash': ['baby wash'], 'synthetics': ['synthetic', 'synthetics', 'compose'], 'hygiene': ['hygiene', 'sterilization'], 'smart': ['smart', 'intelligent', 'intelligence'], 'comfortable': ['comfortable', 'comfort'], 'manual': ['manual'], 'energy saving': ['energy saving'], 'sleep': ['sleep'], 'quick wash': ['quick wash', 'fast wash'], 'cold': ['cold'], 'airsupply': ['airsupply', 'air supply'], 'dehumidification': ['dehumidication', 'dehumidify'], 'game': ['game', 'game mode'] } @staticmethod def supported(domain, features): """Test if state is supported.""" if domain != media_player.DOMAIN: return False return features & media_player.SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE def sync_attributes(self): """Return mode attributes for a sync request.""" sources_list = self.state.attributes.get( media_player.ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE_LIST, []) modes = [] sources = {} if sources_list: sources = { "name": self.HA_TO_GOOGLE.get(media_player.ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE), "name_values": [{ "name_synonym": ['input source'], "lang": "en" }], "settings": [], "ordered": False } for source in sources_list: if source in self.SUPPORTED_MODE_SETTINGS: src = source synonyms = self.SUPPORTED_MODE_SETTINGS.get(src) elif source.lower() in self.SUPPORTED_MODE_SETTINGS: src = source.lower() synonyms = self.SUPPORTED_MODE_SETTINGS.get(src) else: continue sources['settings'].append( { "setting_name": src, "setting_values": [{ "setting_synonym": synonyms, "lang": "en" }] } ) if sources: modes.append(sources) payload = {'availableModes': modes} return payload def query_attributes(self): """Return current modes.""" attrs = self.state.attributes response = {} mode_settings = {} if attrs.get(media_player.ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE_LIST): mode_settings.update({ media_player.ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE: attrs.get( media_player.ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE) }) if mode_settings: response['on'] = self.state.state != STATE_OFF response['online'] = True response['currentModeSettings'] = mode_settings return response async def execute(self, command, params): """Execute an SetModes command.""" settings = params.get('updateModeSettings') requested_source = settings.get( self.HA_TO_GOOGLE.get(media_player.ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE)) if requested_source: for src in self.state.attributes.get( media_player.ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE_LIST): if src.lower() == requested_source.lower(): source = src await self.hass.services.async_call( media_player.DOMAIN, media_player.SERVICE_SELECT_SOURCE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.state.entity_id, media_player.ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE: source }, blocking=True)