"""Generate bluetooth file.""" from __future__ import annotations import json from .model import Config, Integration BASE = """ \"\"\"Automatically generated by hassfest. To update, run python3 -m script.hassfest \"\"\" from __future__ import annotations # fmt: off BLUETOOTH: list[dict[str, str | int | list[int]]] = {} """.strip() def generate_and_validate(integrations: list[dict[str, str]]): """Validate and generate bluetooth data.""" match_list = [] for domain in sorted(integrations): integration = integrations[domain] if not integration.manifest or not integration.config_flow: continue match_types = integration.manifest.get("bluetooth", []) if not match_types: continue for entry in match_types: match_list.append({"domain": domain, **entry}) return BASE.format(json.dumps(match_list, indent=4)) def validate(integrations: dict[str, Integration], config: Config): """Validate bluetooth file.""" bluetooth_path = config.root / "homeassistant/generated/bluetooth.py" config.cache["bluetooth"] = content = generate_and_validate(integrations) if config.specific_integrations: return with open(str(bluetooth_path)) as fp: current = fp.read().strip() if current != content: config.add_error( "bluetooth", "File bluetooth.py is not up to date. Run python3 -m script.hassfest", fixable=True, ) return def generate(integrations: dict[str, Integration], config: Config): """Generate bluetooth file.""" bluetooth_path = config.root / "homeassistant/generated/bluetooth.py" with open(str(bluetooth_path), "w") as fp: fp.write(f"{config.cache['bluetooth']}\n")