"""Test Z-Wave JS (value notification) events."""
from zwave_js_server.const import CommandClass
from zwave_js_server.event import Event

from tests.common import async_capture_events

async def test_scenes(hass, hank_binary_switch, integration, client):
    """Test scene events."""
    # just pick a random node to fake the value notification events
    node = hank_binary_switch
    events = async_capture_events(hass, "zwave_js_value_notification")

    # Publish fake Basic Set value notification
    event = Event(
        type="value notification",
            "source": "node",
            "event": "value notification",
            "nodeId": 32,
            "args": {
                "commandClassName": "Basic",
                "commandClass": 32,
                "endpoint": 0,
                "property": "event",
                "propertyName": "event",
                "value": 255,
                "metadata": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "readable": True,
                    "writeable": False,
                    "min": 0,
                    "max": 255,
                    "label": "Event value",
                "ccVersion": 1,
    # wait for the event
    await hass.async_block_till_done()
    assert len(events) == 1
    assert events[0].data["home_id"] == client.driver.controller.home_id
    assert events[0].data["node_id"] == 32
    assert events[0].data["endpoint"] == 0
    assert events[0].data["command_class"] == 32
    assert events[0].data["command_class_name"] == "Basic"
    assert events[0].data["label"] == "Event value"
    assert events[0].data["value"] == 255
    assert events[0].data["value_raw"] == 255

    # Publish fake Scene Activation value notification
    event = Event(
        type="value notification",
            "source": "node",
            "event": "value notification",
            "nodeId": 32,
            "args": {
                "commandClassName": "Scene Activation",
                "commandClass": 43,
                "endpoint": 0,
                "property": "SceneID",
                "propertyName": "SceneID",
                "value": 16,
                "metadata": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "readable": True,
                    "writeable": False,
                    "min": 0,
                    "max": 255,
                    "label": "Scene ID",
                "ccVersion": 3,
    # wait for the event
    await hass.async_block_till_done()
    assert len(events) == 2
    assert events[1].data["command_class"] == 43
    assert events[1].data["command_class_name"] == "Scene Activation"
    assert events[1].data["label"] == "Scene ID"
    assert events[1].data["value"] == 16
    assert events[1].data["value_raw"] == 16

    # Publish fake Central Scene value notification
    event = Event(
        type="value notification",
            "source": "node",
            "event": "value notification",
            "nodeId": 32,
            "args": {
                "commandClassName": "Central Scene",
                "commandClass": 91,
                "endpoint": 0,
                "property": "scene",
                "propertyKey": "001",
                "propertyName": "scene",
                "propertyKeyName": "001",
                "value": 4,
                "metadata": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "readable": True,
                    "writeable": False,
                    "min": 0,
                    "max": 255,
                    "label": "Scene 001",
                    "states": {
                        "0": "KeyPressed",
                        "1": "KeyReleased",
                        "2": "KeyHeldDown",
                        "3": "KeyPressed2x",
                        "4": "KeyPressed3x",
                        "5": "KeyPressed4x",
                        "6": "KeyPressed5x",
                "ccVersion": 3,
    # wait for the event
    await hass.async_block_till_done()
    assert len(events) == 3
    assert events[2].data["command_class"] == 91
    assert events[2].data["command_class_name"] == "Central Scene"
    assert events[2].data["label"] == "Scene 001"
    assert events[2].data["value"] == "KeyPressed3x"
    assert events[2].data["value_raw"] == 4

async def test_notifications(hass, hank_binary_switch, integration, client):
    """Test notification events."""
    # just pick a random node to fake the value notification events
    node = hank_binary_switch
    events = async_capture_events(hass, "zwave_js_notification")

    # Publish fake Notification CC notification
    event = Event(
            "source": "node",
            "event": "notification",
            "nodeId": 32,
            "ccId": 113,
            "args": {
                "type": 6,
                "event": 5,
                "label": "Access Control",
                "eventLabel": "Keypad lock operation",
                "parameters": {"userId": 1},
    # wait for the event
    await hass.async_block_till_done()
    assert len(events) == 1
    assert events[0].data["home_id"] == client.driver.controller.home_id
    assert events[0].data["node_id"] == 32
    assert events[0].data["type"] == 6
    assert events[0].data["event"] == 5
    assert events[0].data["label"] == "Access Control"
    assert events[0].data["event_label"] == "Keypad lock operation"
    assert events[0].data["parameters"]["userId"] == 1
    assert events[0].data["command_class"] == CommandClass.NOTIFICATION
    assert events[0].data["command_class_name"] == "Notification"

    # Publish fake Entry Control CC notification
    event = Event(
            "source": "node",
            "event": "notification",
            "nodeId": 32,
            "ccId": 111,
            "args": {"eventType": 5, "dataType": 2, "eventData": "555"},

    # wait for the event
    await hass.async_block_till_done()
    assert len(events) == 2
    assert events[1].data["home_id"] == client.driver.controller.home_id
    assert events[1].data["node_id"] == 32
    assert events[1].data["event_type"] == 5
    assert events[1].data["data_type"] == 2
    assert events[1].data["event_data"] == "555"
    assert events[1].data["command_class"] == CommandClass.ENTRY_CONTROL
    assert events[1].data["command_class_name"] == "Entry Control"

async def test_value_updated(hass, vision_security_zl7432, integration, client):
    """Test value updated events."""
    node = vision_security_zl7432
    events = async_capture_events(hass, "zwave_js_value_updated")

    event = Event(
        type="value updated",
            "source": "node",
            "event": "value updated",
            "nodeId": 7,
            "args": {
                "commandClassName": "Switch Binary",
                "commandClass": 37,
                "endpoint": 1,
                "property": "currentValue",
                "newValue": 1,
                "prevValue": 0,
                "propertyName": "currentValue",

    # wait for the event
    await hass.async_block_till_done()
    assert len(events) == 1
    assert events[0].data["home_id"] == client.driver.controller.home_id
    assert events[0].data["node_id"] == 7
    assert events[0].data["entity_id"] == "switch.in_wall_dual_relay_switch"
    assert events[0].data["command_class"] == CommandClass.SWITCH_BINARY
    assert events[0].data["command_class_name"] == "Switch Binary"
    assert events[0].data["endpoint"] == 1
    assert events[0].data["property_name"] == "currentValue"
    assert events[0].data["property"] == "currentValue"
    assert events[0].data["value"] == 1
    assert events[0].data["value_raw"] == 1

    # Try a value updated event on a value we aren't watching to make sure
    # no event fires
    event = Event(
        type="value updated",
            "source": "node",
            "event": "value updated",
            "nodeId": 7,
            "args": {
                "commandClassName": "Basic",
                "commandClass": 32,
                "endpoint": 1,
                "property": "currentValue",
                "newValue": 1,
                "prevValue": 0,
                "propertyName": "currentValue",

    # wait for the event
    await hass.async_block_till_done()
    # We should only still have captured one event
    assert len(events) == 1