"""Sensors on Zigbee Home Automation networks.""" import logging from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.components.sensor import DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import ( TEMP_CELSIUS, POWER_WATT, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT ) from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from .core.const import ( DATA_ZHA, DATA_ZHA_DISPATCHERS, ZHA_DISCOVERY_NEW, HUMIDITY, TEMPERATURE, ILLUMINANCE, PRESSURE, METERING, ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT, GENERIC, SENSOR_TYPE, ATTRIBUTE_CHANNEL, ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CHANNEL, SIGNAL_ATTR_UPDATED, SIGNAL_STATE_ATTR) from .entity import ZhaEntity PARALLEL_UPDATES = 5 _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Formatter functions def pass_through_formatter(value): """No op update function.""" return value def illuminance_formatter(value): """Convert Illimination data.""" if value is None: return None return round(pow(10, ((value - 1) / 10000)), 1) def temperature_formatter(value): """Convert temperature data.""" if value is None: return None return round(value / 100, 1) def humidity_formatter(value): """Return the state of the entity.""" if value is None: return None return round(float(value) / 100, 1) def active_power_formatter(value): """Return the state of the entity.""" if value is None: return None return round(float(value) / 10, 1) def pressure_formatter(value): """Return the state of the entity.""" if value is None: return None return round(float(value)) FORMATTER_FUNC_REGISTRY = { HUMIDITY: humidity_formatter, TEMPERATURE: temperature_formatter, PRESSURE: pressure_formatter, ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT: active_power_formatter, ILLUMINANCE: illuminance_formatter, GENERIC: pass_through_formatter, } UNIT_REGISTRY = { HUMIDITY: '%', TEMPERATURE: TEMP_CELSIUS, PRESSURE: 'hPa', ILLUMINANCE: 'lx', METERING: POWER_WATT, ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT: POWER_WATT, GENERIC: None } CHANNEL_REGISTRY = { ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT: ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CHANNEL, } POLLING_REGISTRY = { ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT: True } FORCE_UPDATE_REGISTRY = { ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT: False } async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Old way of setting up Zigbee Home Automation sensors.""" pass async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up the Zigbee Home Automation sensor from config entry.""" async def async_discover(discovery_info): await _async_setup_entities(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities, [discovery_info]) unsub = async_dispatcher_connect( hass, ZHA_DISCOVERY_NEW.format(DOMAIN), async_discover) hass.data[DATA_ZHA][DATA_ZHA_DISPATCHERS].append(unsub) sensors = hass.data.get(DATA_ZHA, {}).get(DOMAIN) if sensors is not None: await _async_setup_entities(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities, sensors.values()) del hass.data[DATA_ZHA][DOMAIN] async def _async_setup_entities(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities, discovery_infos): """Set up the ZHA sensors.""" entities = [] for discovery_info in discovery_infos: entities.append(await make_sensor(discovery_info)) async_add_entities(entities, update_before_add=True) async def make_sensor(discovery_info): """Create ZHA sensors factory.""" return Sensor(**discovery_info) class Sensor(ZhaEntity): """Base ZHA sensor.""" _domain = DOMAIN def __init__(self, unique_id, zha_device, channels, **kwargs): """Init this sensor.""" super().__init__(unique_id, zha_device, channels, **kwargs) self._sensor_type = kwargs.get(SENSOR_TYPE, GENERIC) self._unit = UNIT_REGISTRY.get(self._sensor_type) self._formatter_function = FORMATTER_FUNC_REGISTRY.get( self._sensor_type, pass_through_formatter ) self._force_update = FORCE_UPDATE_REGISTRY.get( self._sensor_type, False ) self._should_poll = POLLING_REGISTRY.get( self._sensor_type, False ) self._channel = self.cluster_channels.get( CHANNEL_REGISTRY.get(self._sensor_type, ATTRIBUTE_CHANNEL) ) async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Run when about to be added to hass.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() await self.async_accept_signal( self._channel, SIGNAL_ATTR_UPDATED, self.async_set_state) await self.async_accept_signal( self._channel, SIGNAL_STATE_ATTR, self.async_update_state_attribute) @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement of this entity.""" return self._unit @property def state(self) -> str: """Return the state of the entity.""" if self._state is None: return None if isinstance(self._state, float): return str(round(self._state, 2)) return self._state def async_set_state(self, state): """Handle state update from channel.""" # this is necessary because HA saves the unit based on what shows in # the UI and not based on what the sensor has configured so we need # to flip it back after state restoration self._unit = UNIT_REGISTRY.get(self._sensor_type) self._state = self._formatter_function(state) self.async_schedule_update_ha_state() @callback def async_restore_last_state(self, last_state): """Restore previous state.""" self._state = last_state.state self._unit = last_state.attributes.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT)