""" homeassistant.components.light.hyperion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Support for Hyperion remotes. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/light.hyperion/ """ import json import logging import socket from homeassistant.components.light import ATTR_RGB_COLOR, Light from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) REQUIREMENTS = [] def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices_callback, discovery_info=None): """ Sets up a Hyperion server remote """ host = config.get(CONF_HOST, None) port = config.get("port", 19444) device = Hyperion(host, port) if device.setup(): add_devices_callback([device]) return True else: return False class Hyperion(Light): """ Represents a Hyperion remote """ def __init__(self, host, port): self._host = host self._port = port self._name = host self._is_available = True self._rgb_color = [255, 255, 255] @property def name(self): """ Return the hostname of the server. """ return self._name @property def rgb_color(self): """ Last RGB color value set. """ return self._rgb_color @property def is_on(self): """ True if the device is online. """ return self._is_available def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """ Turn the lights on. """ if self._is_available: if ATTR_RGB_COLOR in kwargs: self._rgb_color = kwargs[ATTR_RGB_COLOR] self.json_request({"command": "color", "priority": 128, "color": self._rgb_color}) def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """ Disconnect the remote. """ self.json_request({"command": "clearall"}) def update(self): """ Ping the remote. """ # just see if the remote port is open self._is_available = self.json_request() def setup(self): """ Get the hostname of the remote. """ response = self.json_request({"command": "serverinfo"}) if response: self._name = response["info"]["hostname"] return True return False def json_request(self, request=None, wait_for_response=False): """ Communicate with the json server. """ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(5) try: sock.connect((self._host, self._port)) except OSError: sock.close() return False if not request: # no communication needed, simple presence detection returns True sock.close() return True sock.send(bytearray(json.dumps(request) + "\n", "utf-8")) try: buf = sock.recv(4096) except socket.timeout: # something is wrong, assume it's offline sock.close() return False # read until a newline or timeout buffering = True while buffering: if "\n" in str(buf, "utf-8"): response = str(buf, "utf-8").split("\n")[0] buffering = False else: try: more = sock.recv(4096) except socket.timeout: more = None if not more: buffering = False response = str(buf, "utf-8") else: buf += more sock.close() return json.loads(response)