"""Helpers to deal with Cast devices."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

import attr
from pychromecast import dial
from pychromecast.const import CAST_TYPE_GROUP
from pychromecast.models import CastInfo

@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True)
class ChromecastInfo:
    """Class to hold all data about a chromecast for creating connections.

    This also has the same attributes as the mDNS fields by zeroconf.

    cast_info: CastInfo = attr.ib()
    is_dynamic_group = attr.ib(type=Optional[bool], default=None)

    def friendly_name(self) -> str:
        """Return the UUID."""
        return self.cast_info.friendly_name

    def is_audio_group(self) -> bool:
        """Return if the cast is an audio group."""
        return self.cast_info.cast_type == CAST_TYPE_GROUP

    def uuid(self) -> bool:
        """Return the UUID."""
        return self.cast_info.uuid

    def fill_out_missing_chromecast_info(self) -> ChromecastInfo:
        """Return a new ChromecastInfo object with missing attributes filled in.

        Uses blocking HTTP / HTTPS.
        if not self.is_audio_group or self.is_dynamic_group is not None:
            # We have all information, no need to check HTTP API.
            return self

        # Fill out missing group information via HTTP API.
        is_dynamic_group = False
        http_group_status = None
        http_group_status = dial.get_multizone_status(
        if http_group_status is not None:
            is_dynamic_group = any(
                g.uuid == self.cast_info.uuid for g in http_group_status.dynamic_groups

        return ChromecastInfo(

class ChromeCastZeroconf:
    """Class to hold a zeroconf instance."""

    __zconf = None

    def set_zeroconf(cls, zconf):
        """Set zeroconf."""
        cls.__zconf = zconf

    def get_zeroconf(cls):
        """Get zeroconf."""
        return cls.__zconf

class CastStatusListener:
    """Helper class to handle pychromecast status callbacks.

    Necessary because a CastDevice entity can create a new socket client
    and therefore callbacks from multiple chromecast connections can
    potentially arrive. This class allows invalidating past chromecast objects.

    def __init__(self, cast_device, chromecast, mz_mgr, mz_only=False):
        """Initialize the status listener."""
        self._cast_device = cast_device
        self._uuid = chromecast.uuid
        self._valid = True
        self._mz_mgr = mz_mgr

        if cast_device._cast_info.is_audio_group:
        if mz_only:

        if not cast_device._cast_info.is_audio_group:
            self._mz_mgr.register_listener(chromecast.uuid, self)

    def new_cast_status(self, cast_status):
        """Handle reception of a new CastStatus."""
        if self._valid:

    def new_media_status(self, media_status):
        """Handle reception of a new MediaStatus."""
        if self._valid:

    def new_connection_status(self, connection_status):
        """Handle reception of a new ConnectionStatus."""
        if self._valid:

    def added_to_multizone(group_uuid):
        """Handle the cast added to a group."""

    def removed_from_multizone(self, group_uuid):
        """Handle the cast removed from a group."""
        if self._valid:
            self._cast_device.multizone_new_media_status(group_uuid, None)

    def multizone_new_cast_status(self, group_uuid, cast_status):
        """Handle reception of a new CastStatus for a group."""

    def multizone_new_media_status(self, group_uuid, media_status):
        """Handle reception of a new MediaStatus for a group."""
        if self._valid:
            self._cast_device.multizone_new_media_status(group_uuid, media_status)

    def invalidate(self):
        """Invalidate this status listener.

        All following callbacks won't be forwarded.
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        if self._cast_device._cast_info.is_audio_group:
            self._mz_mgr.deregister_listener(self._uuid, self)
        self._valid = False