"""Provide pre-made queries on top of the recorder component.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator, MutableMapping from datetime import datetime from itertools import groupby import logging import time from typing import Any, cast from sqlalchemy import Column, Text, and_, bindparam, func, or_ from sqlalchemy.ext import baked from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import literal from homeassistant.components import recorder from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, State, split_entity_id import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from .models import ( LazyState, RecorderRuns, StateAttributes, States, process_timestamp, process_timestamp_to_utc_isoformat, ) from .util import execute, session_scope # mypy: allow-untyped-defs, no-check-untyped-defs _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) STATE_KEY = "state" LAST_CHANGED_KEY = "last_changed" SIGNIFICANT_DOMAINS = { "climate", "device_tracker", "humidifier", "thermostat", "water_heater", } SIGNIFICANT_DOMAINS_ENTITY_ID_LIKE = [f"{domain}.%" for domain in SIGNIFICANT_DOMAINS] IGNORE_DOMAINS = {"zone", "scene"} IGNORE_DOMAINS_ENTITY_ID_LIKE = [f"{domain}.%" for domain in IGNORE_DOMAINS] NEED_ATTRIBUTE_DOMAINS = { "climate", "humidifier", "input_datetime", "thermostat", "water_heater", } BASE_STATES = [ States.entity_id, States.state, States.last_changed, States.last_updated, ] BASE_STATES_NO_LAST_UPDATED = [ States.entity_id, States.state, States.last_changed, literal(value=None, type_=Text).label("last_updated"), ] QUERY_STATE_NO_ATTR = [ *BASE_STATES, literal(value=None, type_=Text).label("attributes"), literal(value=None, type_=Text).label("shared_attrs"), ] QUERY_STATE_NO_ATTR_NO_LAST_UPDATED = [ *BASE_STATES_NO_LAST_UPDATED, literal(value=None, type_=Text).label("attributes"), literal(value=None, type_=Text).label("shared_attrs"), ] # Remove QUERY_STATES_PRE_SCHEMA_25 # and the migration_in_progress check # once schema 26 is created QUERY_STATES_PRE_SCHEMA_25 = [ *BASE_STATES, States.attributes, literal(value=None, type_=Text).label("shared_attrs"), ] QUERY_STATES_PRE_SCHEMA_25_NO_LAST_UPDATED = [ *BASE_STATES_NO_LAST_UPDATED, States.attributes, literal(value=None, type_=Text).label("shared_attrs"), ] QUERY_STATES = [ *BASE_STATES, # Remove States.attributes once all attributes are in StateAttributes.shared_attrs States.attributes, StateAttributes.shared_attrs, ] QUERY_STATES_NO_LAST_UPDATED = [ *BASE_STATES_NO_LAST_UPDATED, # Remove States.attributes once all attributes are in StateAttributes.shared_attrs States.attributes, StateAttributes.shared_attrs, ] HISTORY_BAKERY = "recorder_history_bakery" def query_and_join_attributes( hass: HomeAssistant, no_attributes: bool ) -> tuple[list[Column], bool]: """Return the query keys and if StateAttributes should be joined.""" # If no_attributes was requested we do the query # without the attributes fields and do not join the # state_attributes table if no_attributes: return QUERY_STATE_NO_ATTR, False # If we in the process of migrating schema we do # not want to join the state_attributes table as we # do not know if it will be there yet if recorder.get_instance(hass).migration_in_progress: return QUERY_STATES_PRE_SCHEMA_25, False # Finally if no migration is in progress and no_attributes # was not requested, we query both attributes columns and # join state_attributes return QUERY_STATES, True def bake_query_and_join_attributes( hass: HomeAssistant, no_attributes: bool, include_last_updated: bool = True ) -> tuple[Any, bool]: """Return the initial backed query and if StateAttributes should be joined. Because these are baked queries the values inside the lambdas need to be explicitly written out to avoid caching the wrong values. """ bakery: baked.bakery = hass.data[HISTORY_BAKERY] # If no_attributes was requested we do the query # without the attributes fields and do not join the # state_attributes table if no_attributes: if include_last_updated: return bakery(lambda session: session.query(*QUERY_STATE_NO_ATTR)), False return ( bakery(lambda session: session.query(*QUERY_STATE_NO_ATTR_NO_LAST_UPDATED)), False, ) # If we in the process of migrating schema we do # not want to join the state_attributes table as we # do not know if it will be there yet if recorder.get_instance(hass).migration_in_progress: if include_last_updated: return ( bakery(lambda session: session.query(*QUERY_STATES_PRE_SCHEMA_25)), False, ) return ( bakery( lambda session: session.query( *QUERY_STATES_PRE_SCHEMA_25_NO_LAST_UPDATED ) ), False, ) # Finally if no migration is in progress and no_attributes # was not requested, we query both attributes columns and # join state_attributes if include_last_updated: return bakery(lambda session: session.query(*QUERY_STATES)), True return bakery(lambda session: session.query(*QUERY_STATES_NO_LAST_UPDATED)), True def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Set up the history hooks.""" hass.data[HISTORY_BAKERY] = baked.bakery() def get_significant_states( hass: HomeAssistant, start_time: datetime, end_time: datetime | None = None, entity_ids: list[str] | None = None, filters: Any | None = None, include_start_time_state: bool = True, significant_changes_only: bool = True, minimal_response: bool = False, no_attributes: bool = False, ) -> MutableMapping[str, list[State | dict[str, Any]]]: """Wrap get_significant_states_with_session with an sql session.""" with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: return get_significant_states_with_session( hass, session, start_time, end_time, entity_ids, filters, include_start_time_state, significant_changes_only, minimal_response, no_attributes, ) def _query_significant_states_with_session( hass: HomeAssistant, session: Session, start_time: datetime, end_time: datetime | None = None, entity_ids: list[str] | None = None, filters: Any = None, significant_changes_only: bool = True, no_attributes: bool = False, ) -> list[States]: """Query the database for significant state changes.""" if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): timer_start = time.perf_counter() baked_query, join_attributes = bake_query_and_join_attributes(hass, no_attributes) if entity_ids is not None and len(entity_ids) == 1: if ( significant_changes_only and split_entity_id(entity_ids[0])[0] not in SIGNIFICANT_DOMAINS ): baked_query, join_attributes = bake_query_and_join_attributes( hass, no_attributes, include_last_updated=False ) baked_query += lambda q: q.filter( States.last_changed == States.last_updated ) elif significant_changes_only: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter( or_( *[ States.entity_id.like(entity_domain) for entity_domain in SIGNIFICANT_DOMAINS_ENTITY_ID_LIKE ], (States.last_changed == States.last_updated), ) ) if entity_ids is not None: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter( States.entity_id.in_(bindparam("entity_ids", expanding=True)) ) else: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter( and_( *[ ~States.entity_id.like(entity_domain) for entity_domain in IGNORE_DOMAINS_ENTITY_ID_LIKE ] ) ) if filters: filters.bake(baked_query) baked_query += lambda q: q.filter(States.last_updated > bindparam("start_time")) if end_time is not None: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter(States.last_updated < bindparam("end_time")) if join_attributes: baked_query += lambda q: q.outerjoin( StateAttributes, States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id ) baked_query += lambda q: q.order_by(States.entity_id, States.last_updated) states = execute( baked_query(session).params( start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, entity_ids=entity_ids ) ) if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): elapsed = time.perf_counter() - timer_start _LOGGER.debug("get_significant_states took %fs", elapsed) return states def get_significant_states_with_session( hass: HomeAssistant, session: Session, start_time: datetime, end_time: datetime | None = None, entity_ids: list[str] | None = None, filters: Any = None, include_start_time_state: bool = True, significant_changes_only: bool = True, minimal_response: bool = False, no_attributes: bool = False, ) -> MutableMapping[str, list[State | dict[str, Any]]]: """ Return states changes during UTC period start_time - end_time. entity_ids is an optional iterable of entities to include in the results. filters is an optional SQLAlchemy filter which will be applied to the database queries unless entity_ids is given, in which case its ignored. Significant states are all states where there is a state change, as well as all states from certain domains (for instance thermostat so that we get current temperature in our graphs). """ states = _query_significant_states_with_session( hass, session, start_time, end_time, entity_ids, filters, significant_changes_only, no_attributes, ) return _sorted_states_to_dict( hass, session, states, start_time, entity_ids, filters, include_start_time_state, minimal_response, no_attributes, ) def get_full_significant_states_with_session( hass: HomeAssistant, session: Session, start_time: datetime, end_time: datetime | None = None, entity_ids: list[str] | None = None, filters: Any = None, include_start_time_state: bool = True, significant_changes_only: bool = True, no_attributes: bool = False, ) -> MutableMapping[str, list[State]]: """Variant of get_significant_states_with_session that does not return minimal responses.""" return cast( MutableMapping[str, list[State]], get_significant_states_with_session( hass=hass, session=session, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, entity_ids=entity_ids, filters=filters, include_start_time_state=include_start_time_state, significant_changes_only=significant_changes_only, minimal_response=False, no_attributes=no_attributes, ), ) def state_changes_during_period( hass: HomeAssistant, start_time: datetime, end_time: datetime | None = None, entity_id: str | None = None, no_attributes: bool = False, descending: bool = False, limit: int | None = None, include_start_time_state: bool = True, ) -> MutableMapping[str, list[State]]: """Return states changes during UTC period start_time - end_time.""" with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: baked_query, join_attributes = bake_query_and_join_attributes( hass, no_attributes, include_last_updated=False ) baked_query += lambda q: q.filter( (States.last_changed == States.last_updated) & (States.last_updated > bindparam("start_time")) ) if end_time is not None: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter( States.last_updated < bindparam("end_time") ) if entity_id is not None: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter_by(entity_id=bindparam("entity_id")) entity_id = entity_id.lower() if join_attributes: baked_query += lambda q: q.outerjoin( StateAttributes, States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id ) if descending: baked_query += lambda q: q.order_by( States.entity_id, States.last_updated.desc() ) else: baked_query += lambda q: q.order_by(States.entity_id, States.last_updated) if limit: baked_query += lambda q: q.limit(bindparam("limit")) states = execute( baked_query(session).params( start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, entity_id=entity_id, limit=limit, ) ) entity_ids = [entity_id] if entity_id is not None else None return cast( MutableMapping[str, list[State]], _sorted_states_to_dict( hass, session, states, start_time, entity_ids, include_start_time_state=include_start_time_state, ), ) def get_last_state_changes( hass: HomeAssistant, number_of_states: int, entity_id: str ) -> MutableMapping[str, list[State]]: """Return the last number_of_states.""" start_time = dt_util.utcnow() with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: baked_query, join_attributes = bake_query_and_join_attributes( hass, False, include_last_updated=False ) baked_query += lambda q: q.filter(States.last_changed == States.last_updated) if entity_id is not None: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter_by(entity_id=bindparam("entity_id")) entity_id = entity_id.lower() if join_attributes: baked_query += lambda q: q.outerjoin( StateAttributes, States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id ) baked_query += lambda q: q.order_by( States.entity_id, States.last_updated.desc() ) baked_query += lambda q: q.limit(bindparam("number_of_states")) states = execute( baked_query(session).params( number_of_states=number_of_states, entity_id=entity_id ) ) entity_ids = [entity_id] if entity_id is not None else None return cast( MutableMapping[str, list[State]], _sorted_states_to_dict( hass, session, reversed(states), start_time, entity_ids, include_start_time_state=False, ), ) def get_states( hass: HomeAssistant, utc_point_in_time: datetime, entity_ids: list[str] | None = None, run: RecorderRuns | None = None, filters: Any = None, no_attributes: bool = False, ) -> list[State]: """Return the states at a specific point in time.""" if run is None: run = recorder.get_instance(hass).run_history.get(utc_point_in_time) if run is None or process_timestamp(run.start) > utc_point_in_time: # History did not run before utc_point_in_time return [] with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: return _get_states_with_session( hass, session, utc_point_in_time, entity_ids, run, filters, no_attributes ) def _get_states_with_session( hass: HomeAssistant, session: Session, utc_point_in_time: datetime, entity_ids: list[str] | None = None, run: RecorderRuns | None = None, filters: Any | None = None, no_attributes: bool = False, ) -> list[State]: """Return the states at a specific point in time.""" if entity_ids and len(entity_ids) == 1: return _get_single_entity_states_with_session( hass, session, utc_point_in_time, entity_ids[0], no_attributes ) if run is None: run = recorder.get_instance(hass).run_history.get(utc_point_in_time) if run is None or process_timestamp(run.start) > utc_point_in_time: # History did not run before utc_point_in_time return [] # We have more than one entity to look at so we need to do a query on states # since the last recorder run started. query_keys, join_attributes = query_and_join_attributes(hass, no_attributes) query = session.query(*query_keys) if entity_ids: # We got an include-list of entities, accelerate the query by filtering already # in the inner query. most_recent_state_ids = ( session.query( func.max(States.state_id).label("max_state_id"), ) .filter( (States.last_updated >= run.start) & (States.last_updated < utc_point_in_time) ) .filter(States.entity_id.in_(entity_ids)) ) most_recent_state_ids = most_recent_state_ids.group_by(States.entity_id) most_recent_state_ids = most_recent_state_ids.subquery() query = query.join( most_recent_state_ids, States.state_id == most_recent_state_ids.c.max_state_id, ) if join_attributes: query = query.outerjoin( StateAttributes, (States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id) ) else: # We did not get an include-list of entities, query all states in the inner # query, then filter out unwanted domains as well as applying the custom filter. # This filtering can't be done in the inner query because the domain column is # not indexed and we can't control what's in the custom filter. most_recent_states_by_date = ( session.query( States.entity_id.label("max_entity_id"), func.max(States.last_updated).label("max_last_updated"), ) .filter( (States.last_updated >= run.start) & (States.last_updated < utc_point_in_time) ) .group_by(States.entity_id) .subquery() ) most_recent_state_ids = ( session.query(func.max(States.state_id).label("max_state_id")) .join( most_recent_states_by_date, and_( States.entity_id == most_recent_states_by_date.c.max_entity_id, States.last_updated == most_recent_states_by_date.c.max_last_updated, ), ) .group_by(States.entity_id) .subquery() ) query = query.join( most_recent_state_ids, States.state_id == most_recent_state_ids.c.max_state_id, ) for entity_domain in IGNORE_DOMAINS_ENTITY_ID_LIKE: query = query.filter(~States.entity_id.like(entity_domain)) if filters: query = filters.apply(query) if join_attributes: query = query.outerjoin( StateAttributes, (States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id) ) attr_cache: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {} return [LazyState(row, attr_cache) for row in execute(query)] def _get_single_entity_states_with_session( hass: HomeAssistant, session: Session, utc_point_in_time: datetime, entity_id: str, no_attributes: bool = False, ) -> list[State]: # Use an entirely different (and extremely fast) query if we only # have a single entity id baked_query, join_attributes = bake_query_and_join_attributes(hass, no_attributes) baked_query += lambda q: q.filter( States.last_updated < bindparam("utc_point_in_time"), States.entity_id == bindparam("entity_id"), ) if join_attributes: baked_query += lambda q: q.outerjoin( StateAttributes, States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id ) baked_query += lambda q: q.order_by(States.last_updated.desc()) baked_query += lambda q: q.limit(1) query = baked_query(session).params( utc_point_in_time=utc_point_in_time, entity_id=entity_id ) return [LazyState(row) for row in execute(query)] def _sorted_states_to_dict( hass: HomeAssistant, session: Session, states: Iterable[States], start_time: datetime, entity_ids: list[str] | None, filters: Any = None, include_start_time_state: bool = True, minimal_response: bool = False, no_attributes: bool = False, ) -> MutableMapping[str, list[State | dict[str, Any]]]: """Convert SQL results into JSON friendly data structure. This takes our state list and turns it into a JSON friendly data structure {'entity_id': [list of states], 'entity_id2': [list of states]} States must be sorted by entity_id and last_updated We also need to go back and create a synthetic zero data point for each list of states, otherwise our graphs won't start on the Y axis correctly. """ result: dict[str, list[State | dict[str, Any]]] = defaultdict(list) # Set all entity IDs to empty lists in result set to maintain the order if entity_ids is not None: for ent_id in entity_ids: result[ent_id] = [] # Get the states at the start time timer_start = time.perf_counter() if include_start_time_state: for state in _get_states_with_session( hass, session, start_time, entity_ids, filters=filters, no_attributes=no_attributes, ): state.last_changed = start_time state.last_updated = start_time result[state.entity_id].append(state) if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): elapsed = time.perf_counter() - timer_start _LOGGER.debug("getting %d first datapoints took %fs", len(result), elapsed) # Called in a tight loop so cache the function # here _process_timestamp_to_utc_isoformat = process_timestamp_to_utc_isoformat if entity_ids and len(entity_ids) == 1: states_iter: Iterable[tuple[str | Column, Iterator[States]]] = ( (entity_ids[0], iter(states)), ) else: states_iter = groupby(states, lambda state: state.entity_id) # Append all changes to it for ent_id, group in states_iter: ent_results = result[ent_id] attr_cache: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {} if not minimal_response or split_entity_id(ent_id)[0] in NEED_ATTRIBUTE_DOMAINS: ent_results.extend(LazyState(db_state, attr_cache) for db_state in group) continue # With minimal response we only provide a native # State for the first and last response. All the states # in-between only provide the "state" and the # "last_changed". if not ent_results: if (first_state := next(group, None)) is None: continue ent_results.append(LazyState(first_state, attr_cache)) prev_state = ent_results[-1] assert isinstance(prev_state, LazyState) initial_state_count = len(ent_results) for db_state in group: # With minimal response we do not care about attribute # changes so we can filter out duplicate states if db_state.state == prev_state.state: continue ent_results.append( { STATE_KEY: db_state.state, LAST_CHANGED_KEY: _process_timestamp_to_utc_isoformat( db_state.last_changed ), } ) prev_state = db_state if prev_state and len(ent_results) != initial_state_count: # There was at least one state change # replace the last minimal state with # a full state ent_results[-1] = LazyState(prev_state, attr_cache) # Filter out the empty lists if some states had 0 results. return {key: val for key, val in result.items() if val} def get_state( hass: HomeAssistant, utc_point_in_time: datetime, entity_id: str, run: RecorderRuns | None = None, no_attributes: bool = False, ) -> State | None: """Return a state at a specific point in time.""" states = get_states(hass, utc_point_in_time, [entity_id], run, None, no_attributes) return states[0] if states else None