""" homeassistant.helpers.entity_component ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Provides helpers for components that manage entities. """ from homeassistant.bootstrap import prepare_setup_platform from homeassistant.helpers import ( generate_entity_id, config_per_platform, extract_entity_ids) from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_utc_time_change from homeassistant.components import group, discovery from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL = 15 class EntityComponent(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ Helper class that will help a component manage its entities. """ def __init__(self, logger, domain, hass, scan_interval=DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL, discovery_platforms=None, group_name=None): self.logger = logger self.hass = hass self.domain = domain self.entity_id_format = domain + '.{}' self.scan_interval = scan_interval self.discovery_platforms = discovery_platforms self.group_name = group_name self.entities = {} self.group = None self.is_polling = False self.config = None def setup(self, config): """ Sets up a full entity component: - Loads the platforms from the config - Will listen for supported discovered platforms """ self.config = config # Look in config for Domain, Domain 2, Domain 3 etc and load them for p_type, p_config in \ config_per_platform(config, self.domain, self.logger): self._setup_platform(p_type, p_config) if self.discovery_platforms: discovery.listen(self.hass, self.discovery_platforms.keys(), self._entity_discovered) def add_entities(self, new_entities): """ Takes in a list of new entities. For each entity will see if it already exists. If not, will add it, set it up and push the first state. """ for entity in new_entities: if entity is not None and entity not in self.entities.values(): entity.hass = self.hass if getattr(entity, 'entity_id', None) is None: entity.entity_id = generate_entity_id( self.entity_id_format, entity.name, self.entities.keys()) self.entities[entity.entity_id] = entity entity.update_ha_state() if self.group is None and self.group_name is not None: self.group = group.Group(self.hass, self.group_name, user_defined=False) if self.group is not None: self.group.update_tracked_entity_ids(self.entities.keys()) self._start_polling() def extract_from_service(self, service): """ Takes a service and extracts all known entities. Will return all if no entity IDs given in service. """ if ATTR_ENTITY_ID not in service.data: return self.entities.values() else: return [self.entities[entity_id] for entity_id in extract_entity_ids(self.hass, service) if entity_id in self.entities] def _update_entity_states(self, now): """ Update the states of all the entities. """ self.logger.info("Updating %s entities", self.domain) for entity in self.entities.values(): if entity.should_poll: entity.update_ha_state(True) def _entity_discovered(self, service, info): """ Called when a entity is discovered. """ if service not in self.discovery_platforms: return self._setup_platform(self.discovery_platforms[service], {}, info) def _start_polling(self): """ Start polling entities if necessary. """ if self.is_polling or \ not any(entity.should_poll for entity in self.entities.values()): return self.is_polling = True track_utc_time_change( self.hass, self._update_entity_states, second=range(0, 60, self.scan_interval)) def _setup_platform(self, platform_type, platform_config, discovery_info=None): """ Tries to setup a platform for this component. """ platform = prepare_setup_platform( self.hass, self.config, self.domain, platform_type) if platform is None: return try: platform.setup_platform( self.hass, platform_config, self.add_entities, discovery_info) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.logger.exception( 'Error while setting up platform %s', platform_type) return platform_name = '{}.{}'.format(self.domain, platform_type) self.hass.config.components.append(platform_name)