"""Test schemas."""
import logging

import pytest
import voluptuous as vol

from homeassistant.components.blueprint import schemas

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # Test allow extra
            "trigger": "Test allow extra",
            "blueprint": {"name": "Test Name", "domain": "automation"},
        # Bare minimum
        {"blueprint": {"name": "Test Name", "domain": "automation"}},
        # Empty triggers
        {"blueprint": {"name": "Test Name", "domain": "automation", "input": {}}},
        # No definition of input
            "blueprint": {
                "name": "Test Name",
                "domain": "automation",
                "input": {
                    "some_placeholder": None,
        # With selector
            "blueprint": {
                "name": "Test Name",
                "domain": "automation",
                "input": {
                    "some_placeholder": {"selector": {"entity": {}}},
        # With min version
            "blueprint": {
                "name": "Test Name",
                "domain": "automation",
                "homeassistant": {
                    "min_version": "1000000.0.0",
def test_blueprint_schema(blueprint):
    """Test different schemas."""
    except vol.Invalid:
        _LOGGER.exception("%s", blueprint)
        assert False, "Expected schema to be valid"

        # no domain
        {"blueprint": {}},
        # non existing key in blueprint
            "blueprint": {
                "name": "Example name",
                "domain": "automation",
                "non_existing": None,
        # non existing key in input
            "blueprint": {
                "name": "Example name",
                "domain": "automation",
                "input": {"some_placeholder": {"non_existing": "bla"}},
        # Invalid version
            "blueprint": {
                "name": "Test Name",
                "domain": "automation",
                "homeassistant": {
                    "min_version": "1000000.invalid.0",
def test_blueprint_schema_invalid(blueprint):
    """Test different schemas."""
    with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid):

        {"path": "hello.yaml"},
        {"path": "hello.yaml", "input": {}},
        {"path": "hello.yaml", "input": {"hello": None}},
def test_blueprint_instance_fields(bp_instance):
    """Test blueprint instance fields."""
    schemas.BLUEPRINT_INSTANCE_FIELDS({"use_blueprint": bp_instance})