"""Base implementation for all modbus platforms.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import abstractmethod from datetime import timedelta import logging import struct from typing import Any from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_ADDRESS, CONF_COMMAND_OFF, CONF_COMMAND_ON, CONF_COUNT, CONF_DELAY, CONF_DEVICE_CLASS, CONF_NAME, CONF_OFFSET, CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, CONF_SLAVE, CONF_STRUCTURE, STATE_ON, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity, ToggleEntity from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later, async_track_time_interval from homeassistant.helpers.restore_state import RestoreEntity from .const import ( CALL_TYPE_COIL, CALL_TYPE_DISCRETE, CALL_TYPE_REGISTER_HOLDING, CALL_TYPE_REGISTER_INPUT, CALL_TYPE_WRITE_COIL, CALL_TYPE_WRITE_COILS, CALL_TYPE_WRITE_REGISTER, CALL_TYPE_WRITE_REGISTERS, CALL_TYPE_X_COILS, CALL_TYPE_X_REGISTER_HOLDINGS, CONF_DATA_TYPE, CONF_INPUT_TYPE, CONF_LAZY_ERROR, CONF_PRECISION, CONF_SCALE, CONF_STATE_OFF, CONF_STATE_ON, CONF_SWAP, CONF_SWAP_BYTE, CONF_SWAP_WORD, CONF_SWAP_WORD_BYTE, CONF_VERIFY, CONF_WRITE_TYPE, DATA_TYPE_STRING, ) from .modbus import ModbusHub PARALLEL_UPDATES = 1 _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BasePlatform(Entity): """Base for readonly platforms.""" def __init__(self, hub: ModbusHub, entry: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Initialize the Modbus binary sensor.""" self._hub = hub # temporary fix, # make sure slave is always defined to avoid an error in pymodbus # attr(in_waiting) not defined. # see issue #657 and PR #660 in riptideio/pymodbus self._slave = entry.get(CONF_SLAVE, 0) self._address = int(entry[CONF_ADDRESS]) self._input_type = entry[CONF_INPUT_TYPE] self._value = None self._scan_interval = int(entry[CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL]) self._call_active = False self._attr_name = entry[CONF_NAME] self._attr_should_poll = False self._attr_device_class = entry.get(CONF_DEVICE_CLASS) self._attr_available = True self._attr_unit_of_measurement = None self._lazy_error_count = entry[CONF_LAZY_ERROR] self._lazy_errors = self._lazy_error_count @abstractmethod async def async_update(self, now=None): """Virtual function to be overwritten.""" async def async_base_added_to_hass(self): """Handle entity which will be added.""" if self._scan_interval > 0: cancel_func = async_track_time_interval( self.hass, self.async_update, timedelta(seconds=self._scan_interval) ) self._hub.entity_timers.append(cancel_func) class BaseStructPlatform(BasePlatform, RestoreEntity): """Base class representing a sensor/climate.""" def __init__(self, hub: ModbusHub, config: dict) -> None: """Initialize the switch.""" super().__init__(hub, config) self._swap = config[CONF_SWAP] self._data_type = config[CONF_DATA_TYPE] self._structure = config.get(CONF_STRUCTURE) self._precision = config[CONF_PRECISION] self._scale = config[CONF_SCALE] self._offset = config[CONF_OFFSET] self._count = config[CONF_COUNT] def _swap_registers(self, registers): """Do swap as needed.""" if self._swap in (CONF_SWAP_BYTE, CONF_SWAP_WORD_BYTE): # convert [12][34] --> [21][43] for i, register in enumerate(registers): registers[i] = int.from_bytes( register.to_bytes(2, byteorder="little"), byteorder="big", signed=False, ) if self._swap in (CONF_SWAP_WORD, CONF_SWAP_WORD_BYTE): # convert [12][34] ==> [34][12] registers.reverse() return registers def unpack_structure_result(self, registers): """Convert registers to proper result.""" registers = self._swap_registers(registers) byte_string = b"".join([x.to_bytes(2, byteorder="big") for x in registers]) if self._data_type == DATA_TYPE_STRING: return byte_string.decode() val = struct.unpack(self._structure, byte_string) # Issue: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/41944 # If unpack() returns a tuple greater than 1, don't try to process the value. # Instead, return the values of unpack(...) separated by commas. if len(val) > 1: # Apply scale and precision to floats and ints v_result = [] for entry in val: v_temp = self._scale * entry + self._offset # We could convert int to float, and the code would still work; however # we lose some precision, and unit tests will fail. Therefore, we do # the conversion only when it's absolutely necessary. if isinstance(v_temp, int) and self._precision == 0: v_result.append(str(v_temp)) else: v_result.append(f"{float(v_temp):.{self._precision}f}") return ",".join(map(str, v_result)) # Apply scale and precision to floats and ints val = self._scale * val[0] + self._offset # We could convert int to float, and the code would still work; however # we lose some precision, and unit tests will fail. Therefore, we do # the conversion only when it's absolutely necessary. if isinstance(val, int) and self._precision == 0: return str(val) return f"{float(val):.{self._precision}f}" class BaseSwitch(BasePlatform, ToggleEntity, RestoreEntity): """Base class representing a Modbus switch.""" def __init__(self, hub: ModbusHub, config: dict) -> None: """Initialize the switch.""" config[CONF_INPUT_TYPE] = "" super().__init__(hub, config) self._attr_is_on = False convert = { CALL_TYPE_REGISTER_HOLDING: ( CALL_TYPE_REGISTER_HOLDING, CALL_TYPE_WRITE_REGISTER, ), CALL_TYPE_DISCRETE: ( CALL_TYPE_DISCRETE, None, ), CALL_TYPE_REGISTER_INPUT: ( CALL_TYPE_REGISTER_INPUT, None, ), CALL_TYPE_COIL: (CALL_TYPE_COIL, CALL_TYPE_WRITE_COIL), CALL_TYPE_X_COILS: (CALL_TYPE_COIL, CALL_TYPE_WRITE_COILS), CALL_TYPE_X_REGISTER_HOLDINGS: ( CALL_TYPE_REGISTER_HOLDING, CALL_TYPE_WRITE_REGISTERS, ), } self._write_type = convert[config[CONF_WRITE_TYPE]][1] self.command_on = config[CONF_COMMAND_ON] self._command_off = config[CONF_COMMAND_OFF] if CONF_VERIFY in config: if config[CONF_VERIFY] is None: config[CONF_VERIFY] = {} self._verify_active = True self._verify_delay = config[CONF_VERIFY].get(CONF_DELAY, 0) self._verify_address = config[CONF_VERIFY].get( CONF_ADDRESS, config[CONF_ADDRESS] ) self._verify_type = convert[ config[CONF_VERIFY].get(CONF_INPUT_TYPE, config[CONF_WRITE_TYPE]) ][0] self._state_on = config[CONF_VERIFY].get(CONF_STATE_ON, self.command_on) self._state_off = config[CONF_VERIFY].get(CONF_STATE_OFF, self._command_off) else: self._verify_active = False async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Handle entity which will be added.""" await self.async_base_added_to_hass() state = await self.async_get_last_state() if state: self._attr_is_on = state.state == STATE_ON async def async_turn(self, command): """Evaluate switch result.""" result = await self._hub.async_pymodbus_call( self._slave, self._address, command, self._write_type ) if result is None: self._attr_available = False self.async_write_ha_state() return self._attr_available = True if not self._verify_active: self._attr_is_on = command == self.command_on self.async_write_ha_state() return if self._verify_delay: async_call_later(self.hass, self._verify_delay, self.async_update) else: await self.async_update() async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Set switch off.""" await self.async_turn(self._command_off) async def async_update(self, now=None): """Update the entity state.""" # remark "now" is a dummy parameter to avoid problems with # async_track_time_interval if not self._verify_active: self._attr_available = True self.async_write_ha_state() return # do not allow multiple active calls to the same platform if self._call_active: return self._call_active = True result = await self._hub.async_pymodbus_call( self._slave, self._verify_address, 1, self._verify_type ) self._call_active = False if result is None: if self._lazy_errors: self._lazy_errors -= 1 return self._lazy_errors = self._lazy_error_count self._attr_available = False self.async_write_ha_state() return self._lazy_errors = self._lazy_error_count self._attr_available = True if self._verify_type == CALL_TYPE_COIL: self._attr_is_on = bool(result.bits[0] & 1) else: value = int(result.registers[0]) if value == self._state_on: self._attr_is_on = True elif value == self._state_off: self._attr_is_on = False elif value is not None: _LOGGER.error( "Unexpected response from modbus device slave %s register %s, got 0x%2x", self._slave, self._verify_address, value, ) self.async_write_ha_state()