"""Test the Z-Wave JS siren platform."""
from zwave_js_server.event import Event

from homeassistant.components.siren import (
from homeassistant.const import STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, STATE_UNKNOWN

SIREN_ENTITY = "siren.indoor_siren_6_2"

    "endpoint": 2,
    "commandClass": 121,
    "commandClassName": "Sound Switch",
    "property": "toneId",
    "propertyName": "toneId",
    "ccVersion": 1,
    "metadata": {
        "type": "number",
        "readable": True,
        "writeable": True,
        "label": "Play Tone",
        "min": 0,
        "max": 30,
        "states": {
            "0": "off",
            "1": "01DING~1 (5 sec)",
            "2": "02DING~1 (9 sec)",
            "3": "03TRAD~1 (11 sec)",
            "4": "04ELEC~1 (2 sec)",
            "5": "05WEST~1 (13 sec)",
            "6": "06CHIM~1 (7 sec)",
            "7": "07CUCK~1 (31 sec)",
            "8": "08TRAD~1 (6 sec)",
            "9": "09SMOK~1 (11 sec)",
            "10": "10SMOK~1 (6 sec)",
            "11": "11FIRE~1 (35 sec)",
            "12": "12COSE~1 (5 sec)",
            "13": "13KLAX~1 (38 sec)",
            "14": "14DEEP~1 (41 sec)",
            "15": "15WARN~1 (37 sec)",
            "16": "16TORN~1 (46 sec)",
            "17": "17ALAR~1 (35 sec)",
            "18": "18DEEP~1 (62 sec)",
            "19": "19ALAR~1 (15 sec)",
            "20": "20ALAR~1 (7 sec)",
            "21": "21DIGI~1 (8 sec)",
            "22": "22ALER~1 (64 sec)",
            "23": "23SHIP~1 (4 sec)",
            "25": "25CHRI~1 (4 sec)",
            "26": "26GONG~1 (12 sec)",
            "27": "27SING~1 (1 sec)",
            "28": "28TONA~1 (5 sec)",
            "29": "29UPWA~1 (2 sec)",
            "30": "30DOOR~1 (27 sec)",
            "255": "default",
        "valueChangeOptions": ["volume"],

async def test_siren(hass, client, aeotec_zw164_siren, integration):
    """Test the siren entity."""
    node = aeotec_zw164_siren
    state = hass.states.get(SIREN_ENTITY)

    assert state
    assert state.state == STATE_UNKNOWN
    assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_AVAILABLE_TONES) == {
        0: "off",
        1: "01DING~1 (5 sec)",
        2: "02DING~1 (9 sec)",
        3: "03TRAD~1 (11 sec)",
        4: "04ELEC~1 (2 sec)",
        5: "05WEST~1 (13 sec)",
        6: "06CHIM~1 (7 sec)",
        7: "07CUCK~1 (31 sec)",
        8: "08TRAD~1 (6 sec)",
        9: "09SMOK~1 (11 sec)",
        10: "10SMOK~1 (6 sec)",
        11: "11FIRE~1 (35 sec)",
        12: "12COSE~1 (5 sec)",
        13: "13KLAX~1 (38 sec)",
        14: "14DEEP~1 (41 sec)",
        15: "15WARN~1 (37 sec)",
        16: "16TORN~1 (46 sec)",
        17: "17ALAR~1 (35 sec)",
        18: "18DEEP~1 (62 sec)",
        19: "19ALAR~1 (15 sec)",
        20: "20ALAR~1 (7 sec)",
        21: "21DIGI~1 (8 sec)",
        22: "22ALER~1 (64 sec)",
        23: "23SHIP~1 (4 sec)",
        25: "25CHRI~1 (4 sec)",
        26: "26GONG~1 (12 sec)",
        27: "27SING~1 (1 sec)",
        28: "28TONA~1 (5 sec)",
        29: "29UPWA~1 (2 sec)",
        30: "30DOOR~1 (27 sec)",
        255: "default",

    # Test turn on with default
    await hass.services.async_call(
        {"entity_id": SIREN_ENTITY},

    assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1
    args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0]
    assert args["command"] == "node.set_value"
    assert args["nodeId"] == node.node_id
    assert args["valueId"] == {
        "endpoint": 2,
        "commandClass": 121,
        "property": "toneId",
    assert args["value"] == 255


    # Test value update from value updated event
    event = Event(
        type="value updated",
            "source": "node",
            "event": "value updated",
            "nodeId": node.node_id,
            "args": {
                "commandClassName": "Sound Switch",
                "commandClass": 121,
                "endpoint": 2,
                "property": "toneId",
                "newValue": 255,
                "prevValue": None,
                "propertyName": "toneId",

    state = hass.states.get(SIREN_ENTITY)
    assert state.state == STATE_ON

    # Test turn on with specific tone name and volume level
    await hass.services.async_call(
            "entity_id": SIREN_ENTITY,
            ATTR_TONE: "01DING~1 (5 sec)",
            ATTR_VOLUME_LEVEL: 0.5,

    assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1
    args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0]
    assert args["command"] == "node.set_value"
    assert args["nodeId"] == node.node_id
    assert args["valueId"] == {
        "endpoint": 2,
        "commandClass": 121,
        "property": "toneId",
    assert args["value"] == 1
    assert args["options"] == {"volume": 50}


    # Test turn on with specific tone ID and volume level
    await hass.services.async_call(
            "entity_id": SIREN_ENTITY,
            ATTR_TONE: 1,
            ATTR_VOLUME_LEVEL: 0.5,

    assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1
    args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0]
    assert args["command"] == "node.set_value"
    assert args["nodeId"] == node.node_id
    assert args["valueId"] == {
        "endpoint": 2,
        "commandClass": 121,
        "property": "toneId",
    assert args["value"] == 1
    assert args["options"] == {"volume": 50}


    # Test turn off
    await hass.services.async_call(
        {"entity_id": SIREN_ENTITY},

    assert len(client.async_send_command.call_args_list) == 1
    args = client.async_send_command.call_args[0][0]
    assert args["command"] == "node.set_value"
    assert args["nodeId"] == node.node_id
    assert args["valueId"] == {
        "endpoint": 2,
        "commandClass": 121,
        "property": "toneId",
    assert args["value"] == 0


    # Test value update from value updated event
    event = Event(
        type="value updated",
            "source": "node",
            "event": "value updated",
            "nodeId": node.node_id,
            "args": {
                "commandClassName": "Sound Switch",
                "commandClass": 121,
                "endpoint": 2,
                "property": "toneId",
                "newValue": 0,
                "prevValue": 255,
                "propertyName": "toneId",

    state = hass.states.get(SIREN_ENTITY)
    assert state.state == STATE_OFF