""" homeassistant.components.light ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Provides functionality to interact with lights. It offers the following services: TURN_OFF - Turns one or multiple lights off. Supports following parameters: - transition Integer that represents the time the light should take to transition to the new state. - entity_id String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of lights. TURN_ON - Turns one or multiple lights on and change attributes. Supports following parameters: - transition Integer that represents the time the light should take to transition to the new state. - entity_id String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of lights. - profile String with the name of one of the built-in profiles (relax, energize, concentrate, reading) or one of the custom profiles defined in light_profiles.csv in the current working directory. Light profiles define a xy color and a brightness. If a profile is given and a brightness or xy color then the profile values will be overwritten. - xy_color A list containing two floats representing the xy color you want the light to be. - rgb_color A list containing three integers representing the xy color you want the light to be. - brightness Integer between 0 and 255 representing how bright you want the light to be. """ import logging import os import csv import homeassistant.util as util from homeassistant.const import ( STATE_ON, SERVICE_TURN_ON, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, ATTR_ENTITY_ID) from homeassistant.helpers import ( extract_entity_ids, platform_devices_from_config) from homeassistant.components import group DOMAIN = "light" DEPENDENCIES = [] GROUP_NAME_ALL_LIGHTS = 'all_lights' ENTITY_ID_ALL_LIGHTS = group.ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format( GROUP_NAME_ALL_LIGHTS) ENTITY_ID_FORMAT = DOMAIN + ".{}" # integer that represents transition time in seconds to make change ATTR_TRANSITION = "transition" # lists holding color values ATTR_RGB_COLOR = "rgb_color" ATTR_XY_COLOR = "xy_color" # int with value 0 .. 255 representing brightness of the light ATTR_BRIGHTNESS = "brightness" # String representing a profile (built-in ones or external defined) ATTR_PROFILE = "profile" LIGHT_PROFILES_FILE = "light_profiles.csv" _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def is_on(hass, entity_id=None): """ Returns if the lights are on based on the statemachine. """ entity_id = entity_id or ENTITY_ID_ALL_LIGHTS return hass.states.is_state(entity_id, STATE_ON) # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def turn_on(hass, entity_id=None, transition=None, brightness=None, rgb_color=None, xy_color=None, profile=None): """ Turns all or specified light on. """ data = {} if entity_id: data[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] = entity_id if profile: data[ATTR_PROFILE] = profile if transition is not None: data[ATTR_TRANSITION] = transition if brightness is not None: data[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] = brightness if rgb_color: data[ATTR_RGB_COLOR] = rgb_color if xy_color: data[ATTR_XY_COLOR] = xy_color hass.services.call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, data) def turn_off(hass, entity_id=None, transition=None): """ Turns all or specified light off. """ data = {} if entity_id: data[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] = entity_id if transition is not None: data[ATTR_TRANSITION] = transition hass.services.call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, data) # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-locals def setup(hass, config): """ Exposes light control via statemachine and services. """ # Load built-in profiles and custom profiles profile_paths = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), LIGHT_PROFILES_FILE), hass.get_config_path(LIGHT_PROFILES_FILE)] profiles = {} for profile_path in profile_paths: if os.path.isfile(profile_path): with open(profile_path) as inp: reader = csv.reader(inp) # Skip the header next(reader, None) try: for profile_id, color_x, color_y, brightness in reader: profiles[profile_id] = (float(color_x), float(color_y), int(brightness)) except ValueError: # ValueError if not 4 values per row # ValueError if convert to float/int failed _LOGGER.error( "Error parsing light profiles from %s", profile_path) return False lights = platform_devices_from_config(config, DOMAIN, hass, _LOGGER) if not lights: return False ent_to_light = {} no_name_count = 1 for light in lights: name = light.get_name() if name is None: name = "Light #{}".format(no_name_count) no_name_count += 1 entity_id = util.ensure_unique_string( ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(util.slugify(name)), ent_to_light.keys()) light.entity_id = entity_id ent_to_light[entity_id] = light # pylint: disable=unused-argument def update_lights_state(now): """ Update the states of all the lights. """ for light in lights: light.update_ha_state(hass) update_lights_state(None) # Track all lights in a group group.setup_group( hass, GROUP_NAME_ALL_LIGHTS, ent_to_light.keys(), False) def handle_light_service(service): """ Hande a turn light on or off service call. """ # Get and validate data dat = service.data # Convert the entity ids to valid light ids lights = [ent_to_light[entity_id] for entity_id in extract_entity_ids(hass, service) if entity_id in ent_to_light] if not lights: lights = list(ent_to_light.values()) params = {} transition = util.convert(dat.get(ATTR_TRANSITION), int) if transition is not None: params[ATTR_TRANSITION] = transition if service.service == SERVICE_TURN_OFF: for light in lights: # pylint: disable=star-args light.turn_off(**params) else: # Processing extra data for turn light on request # We process the profile first so that we get the desired # behavior that extra service data attributes overwrite # profile values profile = profiles.get(dat.get(ATTR_PROFILE)) if profile: *params[ATTR_XY_COLOR], params[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] = profile if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in dat: # We pass in the old value as the default parameter if parsing # of the new one goes wrong. params[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] = util.convert( dat.get(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS), int, params.get(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS)) if ATTR_XY_COLOR in dat: try: # xy_color should be a list containing 2 floats xycolor = dat.get(ATTR_XY_COLOR) # Without this check, a xycolor with value '99' would work if not isinstance(xycolor, str): params[ATTR_XY_COLOR] = [float(val) for val in xycolor] except (TypeError, ValueError): # TypeError if xy_color is not iterable # ValueError if value could not be converted to float pass if ATTR_RGB_COLOR in dat: try: # rgb_color should be a list containing 3 ints rgb_color = dat.get(ATTR_RGB_COLOR) if len(rgb_color) == 3: params[ATTR_XY_COLOR] = \ util.color_RGB_to_xy(int(rgb_color[0]), int(rgb_color[1]), int(rgb_color[2])) except (TypeError, ValueError): # TypeError if rgb_color is not iterable # ValueError if not all values can be converted to int pass for light in lights: # pylint: disable=star-args light.turn_on(**params) for light in lights: light.update_ha_state(hass, True) # Update light state every 30 seconds hass.track_time_change(update_lights_state, second=[0, 30]) # Listen for light on and light off service calls hass.services.register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, handle_light_service) hass.services.register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, handle_light_service) return True