"""Schema migration helpers.""" import logging import os from sqlalchemy import Table, text from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError, SQLAlchemyError from .models import SCHEMA_VERSION, Base, SchemaChanges from .util import session_scope _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PROGRESS_FILE = ".migration_progress" def migrate_schema(instance): """Check if the schema needs to be upgraded.""" progress_path = instance.hass.config.path(PROGRESS_FILE) with session_scope(session=instance.get_session()) as session: res = ( session.query(SchemaChanges) .order_by(SchemaChanges.change_id.desc()) .first() ) current_version = getattr(res, "schema_version", None) if current_version is None: current_version = _inspect_schema_version(instance.engine, session) _LOGGER.debug( "No schema version found. Inspected version: %s", current_version ) if current_version == SCHEMA_VERSION: # Clean up if old migration left file if os.path.isfile(progress_path): _LOGGER.warning("Found existing migration file, cleaning up") os.remove(instance.hass.config.path(PROGRESS_FILE)) return with open(progress_path, "w"): pass _LOGGER.warning( "Database is about to upgrade. Schema version: %s", current_version ) try: for version in range(current_version, SCHEMA_VERSION): new_version = version + 1 _LOGGER.info("Upgrading recorder db schema to version %s", new_version) _apply_update(instance.engine, new_version, current_version) session.add(SchemaChanges(schema_version=new_version)) _LOGGER.info("Upgrade to version %s done", new_version) finally: os.remove(instance.hass.config.path(PROGRESS_FILE)) def _create_index(engine, table_name, index_name): """Create an index for the specified table. The index name should match the name given for the index within the table definition described in the models """ table = Table(table_name, Base.metadata) _LOGGER.debug("Looking up index for table %s", table_name) # Look up the index object by name from the table is the models index = next(idx for idx in table.indexes if idx.name == index_name) _LOGGER.debug("Creating %s index", index_name) _LOGGER.info( "Adding index `%s` to database. Note: this can take several " "minutes on large databases and slow computers. Please " "be patient!", index_name, ) try: index.create(engine) except OperationalError as err: if "already exists" not in str(err).lower(): raise _LOGGER.warning( "Index %s already exists on %s, continuing", index_name, table_name ) _LOGGER.debug("Finished creating %s", index_name) def _drop_index(engine, table_name, index_name): """Drop an index from a specified table. There is no universal way to do something like `DROP INDEX IF EXISTS` so we will simply execute the DROP command and ignore any exceptions WARNING: Due to some engines (MySQL at least) being unable to use bind parameters in a DROP INDEX statement (at least via SQLAlchemy), the query string here is generated from the method parameters without sanitizing. DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION IN ANY OPERATION THAT TAKES USER INPUT. """ _LOGGER.debug("Dropping index %s from table %s", index_name, table_name) success = False # Engines like DB2/Oracle try: engine.execute(text(f"DROP INDEX {index_name}")) except SQLAlchemyError: pass else: success = True # Engines like SQLite, SQL Server if not success: try: engine.execute( text( "DROP INDEX {table}.{index}".format( index=index_name, table=table_name ) ) ) except SQLAlchemyError: pass else: success = True if not success: # Engines like MySQL, MS Access try: engine.execute( text( "DROP INDEX {index} ON {table}".format( index=index_name, table=table_name ) ) ) except SQLAlchemyError: pass else: success = True if success: _LOGGER.debug( "Finished dropping index %s from table %s", index_name, table_name ) else: _LOGGER.warning( "Failed to drop index %s from table %s. Schema " "Migration will continue; this is not a " "critical operation.", index_name, table_name, ) def _add_columns(engine, table_name, columns_def): """Add columns to a table.""" _LOGGER.info( "Adding columns %s to table %s. Note: this can take several " "minutes on large databases and slow computers. Please " "be patient!", ", ".join(column.split(" ")[0] for column in columns_def), table_name, ) columns_def = [f"ADD {col_def}" for col_def in columns_def] try: engine.execute( text( "ALTER TABLE {table} {columns_def}".format( table=table_name, columns_def=", ".join(columns_def) ) ) ) return except OperationalError: # Some engines support adding all columns at once, # this error is when they don't _LOGGER.info("Unable to use quick column add. Adding 1 by 1.") for column_def in columns_def: try: engine.execute( text( "ALTER TABLE {table} {column_def}".format( table=table_name, column_def=column_def ) ) ) except OperationalError as err: if "duplicate" not in str(err).lower(): raise _LOGGER.warning( "Column %s already exists on %s, continuing", column_def.split(" ")[1], table_name, ) def _apply_update(engine, new_version, old_version): """Perform operations to bring schema up to date.""" if new_version == 1: _create_index(engine, "events", "ix_events_time_fired") elif new_version == 2: # Create compound start/end index for recorder_runs _create_index(engine, "recorder_runs", "ix_recorder_runs_start_end") # Create indexes for states _create_index(engine, "states", "ix_states_last_updated") elif new_version == 3: # There used to be a new index here, but it was removed in version 4. pass elif new_version == 4: # Queries were rewritten in this schema release. Most indexes from # earlier versions of the schema are no longer needed. if old_version == 3: # Remove index that was added in version 3 _drop_index(engine, "states", "ix_states_created_domain") if old_version == 2: # Remove index that was added in version 2 _drop_index(engine, "states", "ix_states_entity_id_created") # Remove indexes that were added in version 0 _drop_index(engine, "states", "states__state_changes") _drop_index(engine, "states", "states__significant_changes") _drop_index(engine, "states", "ix_states_entity_id_created") _create_index(engine, "states", "ix_states_entity_id_last_updated") elif new_version == 5: # Create supporting index for States.event_id foreign key _create_index(engine, "states", "ix_states_event_id") elif new_version == 6: _add_columns( engine, "events", ["context_id CHARACTER(36)", "context_user_id CHARACTER(36)"], ) _create_index(engine, "events", "ix_events_context_id") _create_index(engine, "events", "ix_events_context_user_id") _add_columns( engine, "states", ["context_id CHARACTER(36)", "context_user_id CHARACTER(36)"], ) _create_index(engine, "states", "ix_states_context_id") _create_index(engine, "states", "ix_states_context_user_id") elif new_version == 7: _create_index(engine, "states", "ix_states_entity_id") elif new_version == 8: _add_columns(engine, "events", ["context_parent_id CHARACTER(36)"]) _add_columns(engine, "states", ["context_parent_id CHARACTER(36)"]) _add_columns(engine, "states", ["old_state_id INTEGER"]) _create_index(engine, "states", "ix_states_context_parent_id") _create_index(engine, "events", "ix_events_context_parent_id") else: raise ValueError(f"No schema migration defined for version {new_version}") def _inspect_schema_version(engine, session): """Determine the schema version by inspecting the db structure. When the schema version is not present in the db, either db was just created with the correct schema, or this is a db created before schema versions were tracked. For now, we'll test if the changes for schema version 1 are present to make the determination. Eventually this logic can be removed and we can assume a new db is being created. """ inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine) indexes = inspector.get_indexes("events") for index in indexes: if index["column_names"] == ["time_fired"]: # Schema addition from version 1 detected. New DB. session.add(SchemaChanges(schema_version=SCHEMA_VERSION)) return SCHEMA_VERSION # Version 1 schema changes not found, this db needs to be migrated. current_version = SchemaChanges(schema_version=0) session.add(current_version) return current_version.schema_version