""" HTML5 Push Messaging notification service. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/notify.html5/ """ import asyncio import os import logging import json import time import datetime import uuid import voluptuous as vol from voluptuous.humanize import humanize_error from homeassistant.const import (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, URL_ROOT) from homeassistant.util import ensure_unique_string from homeassistant.components.notify import ( ATTR_TARGET, ATTR_TITLE, ATTR_TITLE_DEFAULT, ATTR_DATA, BaseNotificationService, PLATFORM_SCHEMA) from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.components.frontend import add_manifest_json_key from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv REQUIREMENTS = ['pywebpush==1.1.0', 'PyJWT==1.5.3'] DEPENDENCIES = ['frontend'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) REGISTRATIONS_FILE = 'html5_push_registrations.conf' ATTR_GCM_SENDER_ID = 'gcm_sender_id' ATTR_GCM_API_KEY = 'gcm_api_key' PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Optional(ATTR_GCM_SENDER_ID): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_GCM_API_KEY): cv.string, }) ATTR_SUBSCRIPTION = 'subscription' ATTR_BROWSER = 'browser' ATTR_ENDPOINT = 'endpoint' ATTR_KEYS = 'keys' ATTR_AUTH = 'auth' ATTR_P256DH = 'p256dh' ATTR_EXPIRATIONTIME = 'expirationTime' ATTR_TAG = 'tag' ATTR_ACTION = 'action' ATTR_ACTIONS = 'actions' ATTR_TYPE = 'type' ATTR_URL = 'url' ATTR_JWT = 'jwt' # The number of days after the moment a notification is sent that a JWT # is valid. JWT_VALID_DAYS = 7 KEYS_SCHEMA = vol.All(dict, vol.Schema({ vol.Required(ATTR_AUTH): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_P256DH): cv.string })) SUBSCRIPTION_SCHEMA = vol.All(dict, vol.Schema({ # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter vol.Required(ATTR_ENDPOINT): vol.Url(), vol.Required(ATTR_KEYS): KEYS_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(ATTR_EXPIRATIONTIME): vol.Any(None, cv.positive_int) })) REGISTER_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required(ATTR_SUBSCRIPTION): SUBSCRIPTION_SCHEMA, vol.Required(ATTR_BROWSER): vol.In(['chrome', 'firefox']) }) CALLBACK_EVENT_PAYLOAD_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required(ATTR_TAG): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_TYPE): vol.In(['received', 'clicked', 'closed']), vol.Required(ATTR_TARGET): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_ACTION): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_DATA): dict, }) NOTIFY_CALLBACK_EVENT = 'html5_notification' # Badge and timestamp are Chrome specific (not in official spec) HTML5_SHOWNOTIFICATION_PARAMETERS = ( 'actions', 'badge', 'body', 'dir', 'icon', 'image', 'lang', 'renotify', 'requireInteraction', 'tag', 'timestamp', 'vibrate') def get_service(hass, config, discovery_info=None): """Get the HTML5 push notification service.""" json_path = hass.config.path(REGISTRATIONS_FILE) registrations = _load_config(json_path) if registrations is None: return None hass.http.register_view( HTML5PushRegistrationView(registrations, json_path)) hass.http.register_view(HTML5PushCallbackView(registrations)) gcm_api_key = config.get(ATTR_GCM_API_KEY) gcm_sender_id = config.get(ATTR_GCM_SENDER_ID) if gcm_sender_id is not None: add_manifest_json_key( ATTR_GCM_SENDER_ID, config.get(ATTR_GCM_SENDER_ID)) return HTML5NotificationService(gcm_api_key, registrations, json_path) def _load_config(filename): """Load configuration.""" if not os.path.isfile(filename): return {} try: with open(filename, 'r') as fdesc: inp = fdesc.read() # In case empty file if not inp: return {} return json.loads(inp) except (IOError, ValueError) as error: _LOGGER.error("Reading config file %s failed: %s", filename, error) return None class JSONBytesDecoder(json.JSONEncoder): """JSONEncoder to decode bytes objects to unicode.""" # pylint: disable=method-hidden def default(self, obj): """Decode object if it's a bytes object, else defer to baseclass.""" if isinstance(obj, bytes): return obj.decode() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) def _save_config(filename, config): """Save configuration.""" try: with open(filename, 'w') as fdesc: fdesc.write(json.dumps( config, cls=JSONBytesDecoder, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) except (IOError, TypeError) as error: _LOGGER.error("Saving config file failed: %s", error) return False return True class HTML5PushRegistrationView(HomeAssistantView): """Accepts push registrations from a browser.""" url = '/api/notify.html5' name = 'api:notify.html5' def __init__(self, registrations, json_path): """Init HTML5PushRegistrationView.""" self.registrations = registrations self.json_path = json_path @asyncio.coroutine def post(self, request): """Accept the POST request for push registrations from a browser.""" try: data = yield from request.json() except ValueError: return self.json_message('Invalid JSON', HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) try: data = REGISTER_SCHEMA(data) except vol.Invalid as ex: return self.json_message( humanize_error(data, ex), HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) name = ensure_unique_string('unnamed device', self.registrations) self.registrations[name] = data if not _save_config(self.json_path, self.registrations): return self.json_message( 'Error saving registration.', HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) return self.json_message('Push notification subscriber registered.') @asyncio.coroutine def delete(self, request): """Delete a registration.""" try: data = yield from request.json() except ValueError: return self.json_message('Invalid JSON', HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) subscription = data.get(ATTR_SUBSCRIPTION) found = None for key, registration in self.registrations.items(): if registration.get(ATTR_SUBSCRIPTION) == subscription: found = key break if not found: # If not found, unregistering was already done. Return 200 return self.json_message('Registration not found.') reg = self.registrations.pop(found) if not _save_config(self.json_path, self.registrations): self.registrations[found] = reg return self.json_message( 'Error saving registration.', HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) return self.json_message('Push notification subscriber unregistered.') class HTML5PushCallbackView(HomeAssistantView): """Accepts push registrations from a browser.""" requires_auth = False url = '/api/notify.html5/callback' name = 'api:notify.html5/callback' def __init__(self, registrations): """Init HTML5PushCallbackView.""" self.registrations = registrations def decode_jwt(self, token): """Find the registration that signed this JWT and return it.""" import jwt # 1. Check claims w/o verifying to see if a target is in there. # 2. If target in claims, attempt to verify against the given name. # 2a. If decode is successful, return the payload. # 2b. If decode is unsuccessful, return a 401. target_check = jwt.decode(token, options={'verify_signature': False}) if target_check[ATTR_TARGET] in self.registrations: possible_target = self.registrations[target_check[ATTR_TARGET]] key = possible_target[ATTR_SUBSCRIPTION][ATTR_KEYS][ATTR_AUTH] try: return jwt.decode(token, key) except jwt.exceptions.DecodeError: pass return self.json_message('No target found in JWT', status_code=HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) # The following is based on code from Auth0 # https://auth0.com/docs/quickstart/backend/python def check_authorization_header(self, request): """Check the authorization header.""" import jwt auth = request.headers.get('Authorization', None) if not auth: return self.json_message('Authorization header is expected', status_code=HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) parts = auth.split() if parts[0].lower() != 'bearer': return self.json_message('Authorization header must ' 'start with Bearer', status_code=HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) elif len(parts) != 2: return self.json_message('Authorization header must ' 'be Bearer token', status_code=HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) token = parts[1] try: payload = self.decode_jwt(token) except jwt.exceptions.InvalidTokenError: return self.json_message('token is invalid', status_code=HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) return payload @asyncio.coroutine def post(self, request): """Accept the POST request for push registrations event callback.""" auth_check = self.check_authorization_header(request) if not isinstance(auth_check, dict): return auth_check try: data = yield from request.json() except ValueError: return self.json_message('Invalid JSON', HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) event_payload = { ATTR_TAG: data.get(ATTR_TAG), ATTR_TYPE: data[ATTR_TYPE], ATTR_TARGET: auth_check[ATTR_TARGET], } if data.get(ATTR_ACTION) is not None: event_payload[ATTR_ACTION] = data.get(ATTR_ACTION) if data.get(ATTR_DATA) is not None: event_payload[ATTR_DATA] = data.get(ATTR_DATA) try: event_payload = CALLBACK_EVENT_PAYLOAD_SCHEMA(event_payload) except vol.Invalid as ex: _LOGGER.warning("Callback event payload is not valid: %s", humanize_error(event_payload, ex)) event_name = '{}.{}'.format(NOTIFY_CALLBACK_EVENT, event_payload[ATTR_TYPE]) request.app['hass'].bus.fire(event_name, event_payload) return self.json({'status': 'ok', 'event': event_payload[ATTR_TYPE]}) class HTML5NotificationService(BaseNotificationService): """Implement the notification service for HTML5.""" def __init__(self, gcm_key, registrations, json_path): """Initialize the service.""" self._gcm_key = gcm_key self.registrations = registrations self.registrations_json_path = json_path @property def targets(self): """Return a dictionary of registered targets.""" targets = {} for registration in self.registrations: targets[registration] = registration return targets def send_message(self, message="", **kwargs): """Send a message to a user.""" import jwt from pywebpush import WebPusher timestamp = int(time.time()) tag = str(uuid.uuid4()) payload = { 'badge': '/static/images/notification-badge.png', 'body': message, ATTR_DATA: {}, 'icon': '/static/icons/favicon-192x192.png', ATTR_TAG: tag, 'timestamp': (timestamp*1000), # Javascript ms since epoch ATTR_TITLE: kwargs.get(ATTR_TITLE, ATTR_TITLE_DEFAULT) } data = kwargs.get(ATTR_DATA) if data: # Pick out fields that should go into the notification directly vs # into the notification data dictionary. data_tmp = {} for key, val in data.items(): if key in HTML5_SHOWNOTIFICATION_PARAMETERS: payload[key] = val else: data_tmp[key] = val payload[ATTR_DATA] = data_tmp if (payload[ATTR_DATA].get(ATTR_URL) is None and payload.get(ATTR_ACTIONS) is None): payload[ATTR_DATA][ATTR_URL] = URL_ROOT targets = kwargs.get(ATTR_TARGET) if not targets: targets = self.registrations.keys() for target in list(targets): info = self.registrations.get(target) if info is None: _LOGGER.error("%s is not a valid HTML5 push notification" " target", target) continue jwt_exp = (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) + datetime.timedelta(days=JWT_VALID_DAYS)) jwt_secret = info[ATTR_SUBSCRIPTION][ATTR_KEYS][ATTR_AUTH] jwt_claims = {'exp': jwt_exp, 'nbf': timestamp, 'iat': timestamp, ATTR_TARGET: target, ATTR_TAG: payload[ATTR_TAG]} jwt_token = jwt.encode(jwt_claims, jwt_secret).decode('utf-8') payload[ATTR_DATA][ATTR_JWT] = jwt_token response = WebPusher(info[ATTR_SUBSCRIPTION]).send( json.dumps(payload), gcm_key=self._gcm_key, ttl='86400') # pylint: disable=no-member if response.status_code == 410: _LOGGER.info("Notification channel has expired") reg = self.registrations.pop(target) if not _save_config(self.registrations_json_path, self.registrations): self.registrations[target] = reg _LOGGER.error("Error saving registration.") else: _LOGGER.info("Configuration saved")