""" homeassistant.components.groups ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Provides functionality to group devices that can be turned on or off. """ import homeassistant as ha import homeassistant.util as util from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME, STATE_ON, STATE_OFF, STATE_HOME, STATE_NOT_HOME, STATE_UNKNOWN) DOMAIN = "group" DEPENDENCIES = [] ENTITY_ID_FORMAT = DOMAIN + ".{}" ATTR_AUTO = "auto" # List of ON/OFF state tuples for groupable states _GROUP_TYPES = [(STATE_ON, STATE_OFF), (STATE_HOME, STATE_NOT_HOME)] def _get_group_on_off(state): """ Determine the group on/off states based on a state. """ for states in _GROUP_TYPES: if state in states: return states return None, None def is_on(hass, entity_id): """ Returns if the group state is in its ON-state. """ state = hass.states.get(entity_id) if state: group_on, _ = _get_group_on_off(state.state) # If we found a group_type, compare to ON-state return group_on is not None and state.state == group_on return False def expand_entity_ids(hass, entity_ids): """ Returns the given list of entity ids and expands group ids into the entity ids it represents if found. """ found_ids = [] for entity_id in entity_ids: try: # If entity_id points at a group, expand it domain, _ = util.split_entity_id(entity_id) if domain == DOMAIN: found_ids.extend( ent_id for ent_id in get_entity_ids(hass, entity_id) if ent_id not in found_ids) else: if entity_id not in found_ids: found_ids.append(entity_id) except AttributeError: # Raised by util.split_entity_id if entity_id is not a string pass return found_ids def get_entity_ids(hass, entity_id, domain_filter=None): """ Get the entity ids that make up this group. """ try: entity_ids = hass.states.get(entity_id).attributes[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] if domain_filter: return [ent_id for ent_id in entity_ids if ent_id.startswith(domain_filter)] else: return entity_ids except (AttributeError, KeyError): # AttributeError if state did not exist # KeyError if key did not exist in attributes return [] def setup(hass, config): """ Sets up all groups found definded in the configuration. """ for name, entity_ids in config.get(DOMAIN, {}).items(): setup_group(hass, name, entity_ids.split(",")) return True class Group(object): """ Tracks a group of entity ids. """ def __init__(self, hass, name, entity_ids=None, user_defined=True): self.hass = hass self.name = name self.user_defined = user_defined self.entity_id = util.ensure_unique_string( ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(util.slugify(name)), hass.states.entity_ids(DOMAIN)) self.tracking = [] self.group_on, self.group_off = None, None if entity_ids is not None: self.update_tracked_entity_ids(entity_ids) else: self.force_update() @property def state(self): """ Return the current state from the group. """ return self.hass.states.get(self.entity_id) @property def state_attr(self): """ State attributes of this group. """ return { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.tracking, ATTR_AUTO: not self.user_defined, ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME: self.name } def update_tracked_entity_ids(self, entity_ids): """ Update the tracked entity IDs. """ self.stop() self.tracking = tuple(entity_ids) self.group_on, self.group_off = None, None self.force_update() self.start() def force_update(self): """ Query all the tracked states and update group state. """ for entity_id in self.tracking: state = self.hass.states.get(entity_id) if state is not None: self._update_group_state(state.entity_id, None, state) # If parsing the entitys did not result in a state, set UNKNOWN if self.state is None: self.hass.states.set( self.entity_id, STATE_UNKNOWN, self.state_attr) def start(self): """ Starts the tracking. """ self.hass.states.track_change(self.tracking, self._update_group_state) def stop(self): """ Unregisters the group from Home Assistant. """ self.hass.states.remove(self.entity_id) self.hass.bus.remove_listener( ha.EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, self._update_group_state) def _update_group_state(self, entity_id, old_state, new_state): """ Updates the group state based on a state change by a tracked entity. """ # We have not determined type of group yet if self.group_on is None: self.group_on, self.group_off = _get_group_on_off(new_state.state) if self.group_on is not None: # New state of the group is going to be based on the first # state that we can recognize self.hass.states.set( self.entity_id, new_state.state, self.state_attr) return # There is already a group state cur_gr_state = self.hass.states.get(self.entity_id).state group_on, group_off = self.group_on, self.group_off # if cur_gr_state = OFF and new_state = ON: set ON # if cur_gr_state = ON and new_state = OFF: research # else: ignore if cur_gr_state == group_off and new_state.state == group_on: self.hass.states.set( self.entity_id, group_on, self.state_attr) elif (cur_gr_state == group_on and new_state.state == group_off): # Check if any of the other states is still on if not any(self.hass.states.is_state(ent_id, group_on) for ent_id in self.tracking if entity_id != ent_id): self.hass.states.set( self.entity_id, group_off, self.state_attr) def setup_group(hass, name, entity_ids, user_defined=True): """ Sets up a group state that is the combined state of several states. Supports ON/OFF and DEVICE_HOME/DEVICE_NOT_HOME. """ return Group(hass, name, entity_ids, user_defined)