""" Support for tracking MySensors devices. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/device_tracker.mysensors/ """ import logging from homeassistant.components import mysensors from homeassistant.util import slugify DEPENDENCIES = ['mysensors'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def setup_scanner(hass, config, see, discovery_info=None): """Setup the MySensors tracker.""" def mysensors_callback(gateway, msg): """Callback for mysensors platform.""" node = gateway.sensors[msg.node_id] if node.sketch_name is None: _LOGGER.debug('No sketch_name: node %s', msg.node_id) return pres = gateway.const.Presentation set_req = gateway.const.SetReq child = node.children.get(msg.child_id) if child is None: return position = child.values.get(set_req.V_POSITION) if child.type != pres.S_GPS or position is None: return try: latitude, longitude, _ = position.split(',') except ValueError: _LOGGER.error('Payload for V_POSITION %s is not of format ' 'latitude,longitude,altitude', position) return name = '{} {} {}'.format( node.sketch_name, msg.node_id, child.id) attr = { mysensors.ATTR_CHILD_ID: child.id, mysensors.ATTR_DESCRIPTION: child.description, mysensors.ATTR_DEVICE: gateway.device, mysensors.ATTR_NODE_ID: msg.node_id, } see( dev_id=slugify(name), host_name=name, gps=(latitude, longitude), battery=node.battery_level, attributes=attr ) gateways = hass.data.get(mysensors.MYSENSORS_GATEWAYS) for gateway in gateways: if float(gateway.protocol_version) < 2.0: continue gateway.platform_callbacks.append(mysensors_callback) return True