"""Helpers for LCN component.""" from __future__ import annotations import re from typing import Tuple, Type, Union, cast import pypck import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_ADDRESS, CONF_BINARY_SENSORS, CONF_COVERS, CONF_DEVICES, CONF_DOMAIN, CONF_ENTITIES, CONF_HOST, CONF_IP_ADDRESS, CONF_LIGHTS, CONF_NAME, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_SENSORS, CONF_SWITCHES, CONF_USERNAME, ) from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, HomeAssistantType from .const import ( CONF_CLIMATES, CONF_CONNECTIONS, CONF_DIM_MODE, CONF_DOMAIN_DATA, CONF_HARDWARE_SERIAL, CONF_HARDWARE_TYPE, CONF_RESOURCE, CONF_SCENES, CONF_SK_NUM_TRIES, CONF_SOFTWARE_SERIAL, CONNECTION, DEFAULT_NAME, DOMAIN, ) # typing AddressType = Tuple[int, int, bool] DeviceConnectionType = Union[ pypck.module.ModuleConnection, pypck.module.GroupConnection ] InputType = Type[pypck.inputs.Input] # Regex for address validation PATTERN_ADDRESS = re.compile( "^((?P\\w+)\\.)?s?(?P\\d+)\\.(?Pm|g)?(?P\\d+)$" ) DOMAIN_LOOKUP = { CONF_BINARY_SENSORS: "binary_sensor", CONF_CLIMATES: "climate", CONF_COVERS: "cover", CONF_LIGHTS: "light", CONF_SCENES: "scene", CONF_SENSORS: "sensor", CONF_SWITCHES: "switch", } def get_device_connection( hass: HomeAssistantType, address: AddressType, config_entry: ConfigEntry ) -> DeviceConnectionType | None: """Return a lcn device_connection.""" host_connection = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id][CONNECTION] addr = pypck.lcn_addr.LcnAddr(*address) return host_connection.get_address_conn(addr) def get_resource(domain_name: str, domain_data: ConfigType) -> str: """Return the resource for the specified domain_data.""" if domain_name in ["switch", "light"]: return cast(str, domain_data["output"]) if domain_name in ["binary_sensor", "sensor"]: return cast(str, domain_data["source"]) if domain_name == "cover": return cast(str, domain_data["motor"]) if domain_name == "climate": return f'{domain_data["source"]}.{domain_data["setpoint"]}' if domain_name == "scene": return f'{domain_data["register"]}.{domain_data["scene"]}' raise ValueError("Unknown domain") def generate_unique_id(address: AddressType) -> str: """Generate a unique_id from the given parameters.""" is_group = "g" if address[2] else "m" return f"{is_group}{address[0]:03d}{address[1]:03d}" def import_lcn_config(lcn_config: ConfigType) -> list[ConfigType]: """Convert lcn settings from configuration.yaml to config_entries data. Create a list of config_entry data structures like: "data": { "host": "pchk", "ip_address": "", "port": 4114, "username": "lcn", "password": "lcn, "sk_num_tries: 0, "dim_mode: "STEPS200", "devices": [ { "address": (0, 7, False) "name": "", "hardware_serial": -1, "software_serial": -1, "hardware_type": -1 }, ... ], "entities": [ { "address": (0, 7, False) "name": "Light_Output1", "resource": "output1", "domain": "light", "domain_data": { "output": "OUTPUT1", "dimmable": True, "transition": 5000.0 } }, ... ] } """ data = {} for connection in lcn_config[CONF_CONNECTIONS]: host = { CONF_HOST: connection[CONF_NAME], CONF_IP_ADDRESS: connection[CONF_HOST], CONF_PORT: connection[CONF_PORT], CONF_USERNAME: connection[CONF_USERNAME], CONF_PASSWORD: connection[CONF_PASSWORD], CONF_SK_NUM_TRIES: connection[CONF_SK_NUM_TRIES], CONF_DIM_MODE: connection[CONF_DIM_MODE], CONF_DEVICES: [], CONF_ENTITIES: [], } data[connection[CONF_NAME]] = host for confkey, domain_config in lcn_config.items(): if confkey == CONF_CONNECTIONS: continue domain = DOMAIN_LOOKUP[confkey] # loop over entities in configuration.yaml for domain_data in domain_config: # remove name and address from domain_data entity_name = domain_data.pop(CONF_NAME) address, host_name = domain_data.pop(CONF_ADDRESS) if host_name is None: host_name = DEFAULT_NAME # check if we have a new device config for device_config in data[host_name][CONF_DEVICES]: if address == device_config[CONF_ADDRESS]: break else: # create new device_config device_config = { CONF_ADDRESS: address, CONF_NAME: "", CONF_HARDWARE_SERIAL: -1, CONF_SOFTWARE_SERIAL: -1, CONF_HARDWARE_TYPE: -1, } data[host_name][CONF_DEVICES].append(device_config) # insert entity config resource = get_resource(domain, domain_data).lower() for entity_config in data[host_name][CONF_ENTITIES]: if ( address == entity_config[CONF_ADDRESS] and resource == entity_config[CONF_RESOURCE] and domain == entity_config[CONF_DOMAIN] ): break else: # create new entity_config entity_config = { CONF_ADDRESS: address, CONF_NAME: entity_name, CONF_RESOURCE: resource, CONF_DOMAIN: domain, CONF_DOMAIN_DATA: domain_data.copy(), } data[host_name][CONF_ENTITIES].append(entity_config) return list(data.values()) def has_unique_host_names(hosts: list[ConfigType]) -> list[ConfigType]: """Validate that all connection names are unique. Use 'pchk' as default connection_name (or add a numeric suffix if pchk' is already in use. """ suffix = 0 for host in hosts: host_name = host.get(CONF_NAME) if host_name is None: if suffix == 0: host[CONF_NAME] = DEFAULT_NAME else: host[CONF_NAME] = f"{DEFAULT_NAME}{suffix:d}" suffix += 1 schema = vol.Schema(vol.Unique()) schema([host.get(CONF_NAME) for host in hosts]) return hosts def is_address(value: str) -> tuple[AddressType, str]: """Validate the given address string. Examples for S000M005 at myhome: myhome.s000.m005 myhome.s0.m5 myhome.0.5 ("m" is implicit if missing) Examples for s000g011 myhome.0.g11 myhome.s0.g11 """ matcher = PATTERN_ADDRESS.match(value) if matcher: is_group = matcher.group("type") == "g" addr = (int(matcher.group("seg_id")), int(matcher.group("id")), is_group) conn_id = matcher.group("conn_id") return addr, conn_id raise ValueError(f"{value} is not a valid address string") def is_states_string(states_string: str) -> list[str]: """Validate the given states string and return states list.""" if len(states_string) != 8: raise ValueError("Invalid length of states string") states = {"1": "ON", "0": "OFF", "T": "TOGGLE", "-": "NOCHANGE"} return [states[state_string] for state_string in states_string]