""" Support for Z-Wave lights. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/light.zwave/ """ import logging # Because we do not compile openzwave on CI # pylint: disable=import-error from threading import Timer from homeassistant.components.light import ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, \ ATTR_RGB_COLOR, DOMAIN, Light from homeassistant.components import zwave from homeassistant.const import STATE_OFF, STATE_ON from homeassistant.util.color import HASS_COLOR_MAX, HASS_COLOR_MIN, \ color_temperature_mired_to_kelvin, color_temperature_to_rgb, \ color_rgb_to_rgbw, color_rgbw_to_rgb _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) AEOTEC = 0x86 AEOTEC_ZW098_LED_BULB = 0x62 AEOTEC_ZW098_LED_BULB_LIGHT = (AEOTEC, AEOTEC_ZW098_LED_BULB) COLOR_CHANNEL_WARM_WHITE = 0x01 COLOR_CHANNEL_COLD_WHITE = 0x02 COLOR_CHANNEL_RED = 0x04 COLOR_CHANNEL_GREEN = 0x08 COLOR_CHANNEL_BLUE = 0x10 WORKAROUND_ZW098 = 'zw098' DEVICE_MAPPINGS = { AEOTEC_ZW098_LED_BULB_LIGHT: WORKAROUND_ZW098 } # Generate midpoint color temperatures for bulbs that have limited # support for white light colors TEMP_MID_HASS = (HASS_COLOR_MAX - HASS_COLOR_MIN) / 2 + HASS_COLOR_MIN TEMP_WARM_HASS = (HASS_COLOR_MAX - HASS_COLOR_MIN) / 3 * 2 + HASS_COLOR_MIN TEMP_COLD_HASS = (HASS_COLOR_MAX - HASS_COLOR_MIN) / 3 + HASS_COLOR_MIN def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Find and add Z-Wave lights.""" if discovery_info is None or zwave.NETWORK is None: return node = zwave.NETWORK.nodes[discovery_info[zwave.ATTR_NODE_ID]] value = node.values[discovery_info[zwave.ATTR_VALUE_ID]] if value.command_class != zwave.COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL: return if value.type != zwave.TYPE_BYTE: return if value.genre != zwave.GENRE_USER: return value.set_change_verified(False) if node.has_command_class(zwave.COMMAND_CLASS_COLOR): try: add_devices([ZwaveColorLight(value)]) except ValueError as exception: _LOGGER.warning( "Error initializing as color bulb: %s " "Initializing as standard dimmer.", exception) add_devices([ZwaveDimmer(value)]) else: add_devices([ZwaveDimmer(value)]) def brightness_state(value): """Return the brightness and state.""" if value.data > 0: return (value.data / 99) * 255, STATE_ON else: return 255, STATE_OFF class ZwaveDimmer(zwave.ZWaveDeviceEntity, Light): """Representation of a Z-Wave dimmer.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, value): """Initialize the light.""" from openzwave.network import ZWaveNetwork from pydispatch import dispatcher zwave.ZWaveDeviceEntity.__init__(self, value, DOMAIN) self._brightness = None self._state = None self.update_properties() # Used for value change event handling self._refreshing = False self._timer = None dispatcher.connect( self._value_changed, ZWaveNetwork.SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED) def update_properties(self): """Update internal properties based on zwave values.""" # Brightness self._brightness, self._state = brightness_state(self._value) def _value_changed(self, value): """Called when a value has changed on the network.""" if self._value.value_id == value.value_id or \ self._value.node == value.node: if self._refreshing: self._refreshing = False self.update_properties() else: def _refresh_value(): """Used timer callback for delayed value refresh.""" self._refreshing = True self._value.refresh() if self._timer is not None and self._timer.isAlive(): self._timer.cancel() self._timer = Timer(2, _refresh_value) self._timer.start() self.update_ha_state() @property def brightness(self): """Return the brightness of this light between 0..255.""" return self._brightness @property def is_on(self): """Return true if device is on.""" return self._state == STATE_ON def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device on.""" if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: self._brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] # Zwave multilevel switches use a range of [0, 99] to control # brightness. brightness = int((self._brightness / 255) * 99) if self._value.node.set_dimmer(self._value.value_id, brightness): self._state = STATE_ON def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device off.""" if self._value.node.set_dimmer(self._value.value_id, 0): self._state = STATE_OFF def ct_to_rgb(temp): """Convert color temperature (mireds) to RGB.""" colorlist = list( color_temperature_to_rgb(color_temperature_mired_to_kelvin(temp))) return [int(val) for val in colorlist] class ZwaveColorLight(ZwaveDimmer): """Representation of a Z-Wave color changing light.""" def __init__(self, value): """Initialize the light.""" self._value_color = None self._value_color_channels = None self._color_channels = None self._rgb = None self._ct = None self._zw098 = None # Here we attempt to find a zwave color value with the same instance # id as the dimmer value. Currently zwave nodes that change colors # only include one dimmer and one color command, but this will # hopefully provide some forward compatibility for new devices that # have multiple color changing elements. for value_color in value.node.get_rgbbulbs().values(): if value.instance == value_color.instance: self._value_color = value_color if self._value_color is None: raise ValueError("No matching color command found.") for value_color_channels in value.node.get_values( class_id=zwave.COMMAND_CLASS_COLOR, genre='System', type="Int").values(): self._value_color_channels = value_color_channels if self._value_color_channels is None: raise ValueError("Color Channels not found.") # Make sure that we have values for the key before converting to int if (value.node.manufacturer_id.strip() and value.node.product_id.strip()): specific_sensor_key = (int(value.node.manufacturer_id, 16), int(value.node.product_id, 16)) if specific_sensor_key in DEVICE_MAPPINGS: if DEVICE_MAPPINGS[specific_sensor_key] == WORKAROUND_ZW098: _LOGGER.debug("AEOTEC ZW098 workaround enabled") self._zw098 = 1 super().__init__(value) def update_properties(self): """Update internal properties based on zwave values.""" super().update_properties() # Color Channels self._color_channels = self._value_color_channels.data # Color Data String data = self._value_color.data # RGB is always present in the openzwave color data string. self._rgb = [ int(data[1:3], 16), int(data[3:5], 16), int(data[5:7], 16)] # Parse remaining color channels. Openzwave appends white channels # that are present. index = 7 # Warm white if self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_WARM_WHITE: warm_white = int(data[index:index+2], 16) index += 2 else: warm_white = 0 # Cold white if self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_COLD_WHITE: cold_white = int(data[index:index+2], 16) index += 2 else: cold_white = 0 # Color temperature. With the AEOTEC ZW098 bulb, only two color # temperatures are supported. The warm and cold channel values # indicate brightness for warm/cold color temperature. if self._zw098: if warm_white > 0: self._ct = TEMP_WARM_HASS self._rgb = ct_to_rgb(self._ct) elif cold_white > 0: self._ct = TEMP_COLD_HASS self._rgb = ct_to_rgb(self._ct) else: # RGB color is being used. Just report midpoint. self._ct = TEMP_MID_HASS elif self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_WARM_WHITE: self._rgb = list(color_rgbw_to_rgb(*self._rgb, w=warm_white)) elif self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_COLD_WHITE: self._rgb = list(color_rgbw_to_rgb(*self._rgb, w=cold_white)) # If no rgb channels supported, report None. if not (self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_RED or self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_GREEN or self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_BLUE): self._rgb = None @property def rgb_color(self): """Return the rgb color.""" return self._rgb @property def color_temp(self): """Return the color temperature.""" return self._ct def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device on.""" rgbw = None if ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs: # Color temperature. With the AEOTEC ZW098 bulb, only two color # temperatures are supported. The warm and cold channel values # indicate brightness for warm/cold color temperature. if self._zw098: if kwargs[ATTR_COLOR_TEMP] > TEMP_MID_HASS: self._ct = TEMP_WARM_HASS rgbw = b'#000000FF00' else: self._ct = TEMP_COLD_HASS rgbw = b'#00000000FF' elif ATTR_RGB_COLOR in kwargs: self._rgb = kwargs[ATTR_RGB_COLOR] if (not self._zw098 and ( self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_WARM_WHITE or self._color_channels & COLOR_CHANNEL_COLD_WHITE)): rgbw = b'#' for colorval in color_rgb_to_rgbw(*self._rgb): rgbw += format(colorval, '02x').encode('utf-8') rgbw += b'00' else: rgbw = b'#' for colorval in self._rgb: rgbw += format(colorval, '02x').encode('utf-8') rgbw += b'0000' if rgbw is None: _LOGGER.warning("rgbw string was not generated for turn_on") else: self._value_color.node.set_rgbw(self._value_color.value_id, rgbw) super().turn_on(**kwargs)