"""Common test objects.""" import time from unittest.mock import Mock from asynctest import CoroutineMock import zigpy.profiles.zha import zigpy.types import zigpy.zcl import zigpy.zcl.clusters.general import zigpy.zcl.foundation as zcl_f import zigpy.zdo.types import homeassistant.components.zha.core.const as zha_const from homeassistant.util import slugify class FakeEndpoint: """Fake endpoint for moking zigpy.""" def __init__(self, manufacturer, model, epid=1): """Init fake endpoint.""" self.device = None self.endpoint_id = epid self.in_clusters = {} self.out_clusters = {} self._cluster_attr = {} self.status = 1 self.manufacturer = manufacturer self.model = model self.profile_id = zigpy.profiles.zha.PROFILE_ID self.device_type = None self.request = CoroutineMock() def add_input_cluster(self, cluster_id): """Add an input cluster.""" cluster = zigpy.zcl.Cluster.from_id(self, cluster_id, is_server=True) patch_cluster(cluster) self.in_clusters[cluster_id] = cluster if hasattr(cluster, "ep_attribute"): setattr(self, cluster.ep_attribute, cluster) def add_output_cluster(self, cluster_id): """Add an output cluster.""" cluster = zigpy.zcl.Cluster.from_id(self, cluster_id, is_server=False) patch_cluster(cluster) self.out_clusters[cluster_id] = cluster def patch_cluster(cluster): """Patch a cluster for testing.""" cluster.bind = CoroutineMock(return_value=[0]) cluster.configure_reporting = CoroutineMock(return_value=[0]) cluster.deserialize = Mock() cluster.handle_cluster_request = Mock() cluster.read_attributes = CoroutineMock() cluster.read_attributes_raw = Mock() cluster.unbind = CoroutineMock(return_value=[0]) cluster.write_attributes = CoroutineMock(return_value=[0]) class FakeDevice: """Fake device for mocking zigpy.""" def __init__(self, app, ieee, manufacturer, model, node_desc=None): """Init fake device.""" self._application = app self.application = app self.ieee = zigpy.types.EUI64.convert(ieee) self.nwk = 0xB79C self.zdo = Mock() self.endpoints = {0: self.zdo} self.lqi = 255 self.rssi = 8 self.last_seen = time.time() self.status = 2 self.initializing = False self.skip_configuration = False self.manufacturer = manufacturer self.model = model self.node_desc = zigpy.zdo.types.NodeDescriptor() self.add_to_group = CoroutineMock() self.remove_from_group = CoroutineMock() if node_desc is None: node_desc = b"\x02@\x807\x10\x7fd\x00\x00*d\x00\x00" self.node_desc = zigpy.zdo.types.NodeDescriptor.deserialize(node_desc)[0] def get_zha_gateway(hass): """Return ZHA gateway from hass.data.""" try: return hass.data[zha_const.DATA_ZHA][zha_const.DATA_ZHA_GATEWAY] except KeyError: return None def make_attribute(attrid, value, status=0): """Make an attribute.""" attr = zcl_f.Attribute() attr.attrid = attrid attr.value = zcl_f.TypeValue() attr.value.value = value return attr async def find_entity_id(domain, zha_device, hass): """Find the entity id under the testing. This is used to get the entity id in order to get the state from the state machine so that we can test state changes. """ ieeetail = "".join([f"{o:02x}" for o in zha_device.ieee[:4]]) head = f"{domain}." + slugify(f"{zha_device.name} {ieeetail}") enitiy_ids = hass.states.async_entity_ids(domain) await hass.async_block_till_done() for entity_id in enitiy_ids: if entity_id.startswith(head): return entity_id return None async def async_enable_traffic(hass, zha_devices): """Allow traffic to flow through the gateway and the zha device.""" for zha_device in zha_devices: zha_device.update_available(True) await hass.async_block_till_done() def make_zcl_header(command_id: int, global_command: bool = True) -> zcl_f.ZCLHeader: """Cluster.handle_message() ZCL Header helper.""" if global_command: frc = zcl_f.FrameControl(zcl_f.FrameType.GLOBAL_COMMAND) else: frc = zcl_f.FrameControl(zcl_f.FrameType.CLUSTER_COMMAND) return zcl_f.ZCLHeader(frc, tsn=1, command_id=command_id) def reset_clusters(clusters): """Reset mocks on cluster.""" for cluster in clusters: cluster.bind.reset_mock() cluster.configure_reporting.reset_mock() cluster.write_attributes.reset_mock() async def async_test_rejoin(hass, zigpy_device, clusters, report_counts, ep_id=1): """Test device rejoins.""" reset_clusters(clusters) zha_gateway = get_zha_gateway(hass) await zha_gateway.async_device_initialized(zigpy_device) await hass.async_block_till_done() for cluster, reports in zip(clusters, report_counts): assert cluster.bind.call_count == 1 assert cluster.bind.await_count == 1 assert cluster.configure_reporting.call_count == reports assert cluster.configure_reporting.await_count == reports