"""Home Assistant Switcher Component Switch platform.""" from logging import getLogger from typing import Callable, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING from homeassistant.components.switch import ATTR_CURRENT_POWER_W, SwitchDevice from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType from . import ( ATTR_AUTO_OFF_SET, ATTR_ELECTRIC_CURRENT, ATTR_REMAINING_TIME, DATA_DEVICE, DOMAIN, SIGNAL_SWITCHER_DEVICE_UPDATE) if TYPE_CHECKING: from aioswitcher.devices import SwitcherV2Device from aioswitcher.api.messages import SwitcherV2ControlResponseMSG _LOGGER = getLogger(__name__) DEVICE_PROPERTIES_TO_HA_ATTRIBUTES = { 'power_consumption': ATTR_CURRENT_POWER_W, 'electric_current': ATTR_ELECTRIC_CURRENT, 'remaining_time': ATTR_REMAINING_TIME, 'auto_off_set': ATTR_AUTO_OFF_SET } async def async_setup_platform(hass: HomeAssistantType, config: Dict, async_add_entities: Callable, discovery_info: Dict) -> None: """Set up the switcher platform for the switch component.""" if discovery_info is None: return async_add_entities([SwitcherControl(hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_DEVICE])]) class SwitcherControl(SwitchDevice): """Home Assistant switch entity.""" def __init__(self, device_data: 'SwitcherV2Device') -> None: """Initialize the entity.""" self._self_initiated = False self._device_data = device_data self._state = device_data.state @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the device's name.""" return self._device_data.name @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """Return False, entity pushes its state to HA.""" return False @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return a unique ID.""" return "{}-{}".format( self._device_data.device_id, self._device_data.mac_addr) @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return True if entity is on.""" from aioswitcher.consts import STATE_ON as SWITCHER_STATE_ON return self._state == SWITCHER_STATE_ON @property def current_power_w(self) -> int: """Return the current power usage in W.""" return self._device_data.power_consumption @property def device_state_attributes(self) -> Dict: """Return the optional state attributes.""" from aioswitcher.consts import WAITING_TEXT attribs = {} for prop, attr in DEVICE_PROPERTIES_TO_HA_ATTRIBUTES.items(): value = getattr(self._device_data, prop) if value and value is not WAITING_TEXT: attribs[attr] = value return attribs @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return True if entity is available.""" from aioswitcher.consts import (STATE_OFF as SWITCHER_STATE_OFF, STATE_ON as SWITCHER_STATE_ON) return self._state in [SWITCHER_STATE_ON, SWITCHER_STATE_OFF] async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Run when entity about to be added to hass.""" async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, SIGNAL_SWITCHER_DEVICE_UPDATE, self.async_update_data) async def async_update_data(self, device_data: 'SwitcherV2Device') -> None: """Update the entity data.""" if device_data: if self._self_initiated: self._self_initiated = False else: self._device_data = device_data self._state = self._device_data.state self.async_schedule_update_ha_state() async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Dict) -> None: """Turn the entity on. This method must be run in the event loop and returns a coroutine. """ await self._control_device(True) async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Dict) -> None: """Turn the entity off. This method must be run in the event loop and returns a coroutine. """ await self._control_device(False) async def _control_device(self, send_on: bool) -> None: """Turn the entity on or off.""" from aioswitcher.api import SwitcherV2Api from aioswitcher.consts import (COMMAND_OFF, COMMAND_ON, STATE_OFF as SWITCHER_STATE_OFF, STATE_ON as SWITCHER_STATE_ON) response = None # type: SwitcherV2ControlResponseMSG async with SwitcherV2Api( self.hass.loop, self._device_data.ip_addr, self._device_data.phone_id, self._device_data.device_id, self._device_data.device_password) as swapi: response = await swapi.control_device( COMMAND_ON if send_on else COMMAND_OFF) if response and response.successful: self._self_initiated = True self._state = \ SWITCHER_STATE_ON if send_on else SWITCHER_STATE_OFF self.async_schedule_update_ha_state()