"""Test Customize config panel.""" import asyncio import json from unittest.mock import patch from homeassistant.bootstrap import async_setup_component from homeassistant.components import config from homeassistant.config import DATA_CUSTOMIZE @asyncio.coroutine def test_get_entity(hass, aiohttp_client): """Test getting entity.""" with patch.object(config, 'SECTIONS', ['customize']): yield from async_setup_component(hass, 'config', {}) client = yield from aiohttp_client(hass.http.app) def mock_read(path): """Mock reading data.""" return { 'hello.beer': { 'free': 'beer', }, 'other.entity': { 'do': 'something', }, } hass.data[DATA_CUSTOMIZE] = {'hello.beer': {'cold': 'beer'}} with patch('homeassistant.components.config._read', mock_read): resp = yield from client.get( '/api/config/customize/config/hello.beer') assert resp.status == 200 result = yield from resp.json() assert result == {'local': {'free': 'beer'}, 'global': {'cold': 'beer'}} @asyncio.coroutine def test_update_entity(hass, aiohttp_client): """Test updating entity.""" with patch.object(config, 'SECTIONS', ['customize']): yield from async_setup_component(hass, 'config', {}) client = yield from aiohttp_client(hass.http.app) orig_data = { 'hello.beer': { 'ignored': True, }, 'other.entity': { 'polling_intensity': 2, }, } def mock_read(path): """Mock reading data.""" return orig_data written = [] def mock_write(path, data): """Mock writing data.""" written.append(data) hass.states.async_set('hello.world', 'state', {'a': 'b'}) with patch('homeassistant.components.config._read', mock_read), \ patch('homeassistant.components.config._write', mock_write): resp = yield from client.post( '/api/config/customize/config/hello.world', data=json.dumps({ 'name': 'Beer', 'entities': ['light.top', 'light.bottom'], })) assert resp.status == 200 result = yield from resp.json() assert result == {'result': 'ok'} state = hass.states.get('hello.world') assert state.state == 'state' assert dict(state.attributes) == { 'a': 'b', 'name': 'Beer', 'entities': ['light.top', 'light.bottom']} orig_data['hello.world']['name'] = 'Beer' orig_data['hello.world']['entities'] = ['light.top', 'light.bottom'] assert written[0] == orig_data @asyncio.coroutine def test_update_entity_invalid_key(hass, aiohttp_client): """Test updating entity.""" with patch.object(config, 'SECTIONS', ['customize']): yield from async_setup_component(hass, 'config', {}) client = yield from aiohttp_client(hass.http.app) resp = yield from client.post( '/api/config/customize/config/not_entity', data=json.dumps({ 'name': 'YO', })) assert resp.status == 400 @asyncio.coroutine def test_update_entity_invalid_json(hass, aiohttp_client): """Test updating entity.""" with patch.object(config, 'SECTIONS', ['customize']): yield from async_setup_component(hass, 'config', {}) client = yield from aiohttp_client(hass.http.app) resp = yield from client.post( '/api/config/customize/config/hello.beer', data='not json') assert resp.status == 400