"""Helper methods for various modules.""" import asyncio from datetime import datetime, timedelta import enum from functools import wraps import random import re import socket import string import threading from types import MappingProxyType from typing import ( Any, Callable, Coroutine, Iterable, KeysView, Optional, TypeVar, Union, ) import slugify as unicode_slug from .dt import as_local, utcnow # pylint: disable=invalid-name T = TypeVar("T") U = TypeVar("U") ENUM_T = TypeVar("ENUM_T", bound=enum.Enum) # pylint: enable=invalid-name RE_SANITIZE_FILENAME = re.compile(r"(~|\.\.|/|\\)") RE_SANITIZE_PATH = re.compile(r"(~|\.(\.)+)") def sanitize_filename(filename: str) -> str: r"""Sanitize a filename by removing .. / and \\.""" return RE_SANITIZE_FILENAME.sub("", filename) def sanitize_path(path: str) -> str: """Sanitize a path by removing ~ and ..""" return RE_SANITIZE_PATH.sub("", path) def slugify(text: str, *, separator: str = "_") -> str: """Slugify a given text.""" return unicode_slug.slugify(text, separator=separator) # type: ignore def repr_helper(inp: Any) -> str: """Help creating a more readable string representation of objects.""" if isinstance(inp, (dict, MappingProxyType)): return ", ".join( repr_helper(key) + "=" + repr_helper(item) for key, item in inp.items() ) if isinstance(inp, datetime): return as_local(inp).isoformat() return str(inp) def convert( value: Optional[T], to_type: Callable[[T], U], default: Optional[U] = None ) -> Optional[U]: """Convert value to to_type, returns default if fails.""" try: return default if value is None else to_type(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): # If value could not be converted return default def ensure_unique_string( preferred_string: str, current_strings: Union[Iterable[str], KeysView[str]] ) -> str: """Return a string that is not present in current_strings. If preferred string exists will append _2, _3, .. """ test_string = preferred_string current_strings_set = set(current_strings) tries = 1 while test_string in current_strings_set: tries += 1 test_string = f"{preferred_string}_{tries}" return test_string # Taken from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/11735897 def get_local_ip() -> str: """Try to determine the local IP address of the machine.""" try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Use Google Public DNS server to determine own IP sock.connect(("", 80)) return sock.getsockname()[0] # type: ignore except OSError: try: return socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) except socket.gaierror: return "" finally: sock.close() # Taken from http://stackoverflow.com/a/23728630 def get_random_string(length: int = 10) -> str: """Return a random string with letters and digits.""" generator = random.SystemRandom() source_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits return "".join(generator.choice(source_chars) for _ in range(length)) class OrderedEnum(enum.Enum): """Taken from Python 3.4.0 docs.""" # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/2306 # pylint: disable=comparison-with-callable def __ge__(self, other: ENUM_T) -> bool: """Return the greater than element.""" if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return bool(self.value >= other.value) return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other: ENUM_T) -> bool: """Return the greater element.""" if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return bool(self.value > other.value) return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other: ENUM_T) -> bool: """Return the lower than element.""" if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return bool(self.value <= other.value) return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other: ENUM_T) -> bool: """Return the lower element.""" if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return bool(self.value < other.value) return NotImplemented class Throttle: """A class for throttling the execution of tasks. This method decorator adds a cooldown to a method to prevent it from being called more then 1 time within the timedelta interval `min_time` after it returned its result. Calling a method a second time during the interval will return None. Pass keyword argument `no_throttle=True` to the wrapped method to make the call not throttled. Decorator takes in an optional second timedelta interval to throttle the 'no_throttle' calls. Adds a datetime attribute `last_call` to the method. """ def __init__( self, min_time: timedelta, limit_no_throttle: Optional[timedelta] = None ) -> None: """Initialize the throttle.""" self.min_time = min_time self.limit_no_throttle = limit_no_throttle def __call__(self, method: Callable) -> Callable: """Caller for the throttle.""" # Make sure we return a coroutine if the method is async. if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(method): async def throttled_value() -> None: """Stand-in function for when real func is being throttled.""" return None else: def throttled_value() -> None: # type: ignore """Stand-in function for when real func is being throttled.""" return None if self.limit_no_throttle is not None: method = Throttle(self.limit_no_throttle)(method) # Different methods that can be passed in: # - a function # - an unbound function on a class # - a method (bound function on a class) # We want to be able to differentiate between function and unbound # methods (which are considered functions). # All methods have the classname in their qualname separated by a '.' # Functions have a '.' in their qualname if defined inline, but will # be prefixed by '..' so we strip that out. is_func = ( not hasattr(method, "__self__") and "." not in method.__qualname__.split("..")[-1] ) @wraps(method) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[Callable, Coroutine]: """Wrap that allows wrapped to be called only once per min_time. If we cannot acquire the lock, it is running so return None. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access if hasattr(method, "__self__"): host = getattr(method, "__self__") elif is_func: host = wrapper else: host = args[0] if args else wrapper if not hasattr(host, "_throttle"): host._throttle = {} if id(self) not in host._throttle: host._throttle[id(self)] = [threading.Lock(), None] throttle = host._throttle[id(self)] if not throttle[0].acquire(False): return throttled_value() # Check if method is never called or no_throttle is given force = kwargs.pop("no_throttle", False) or not throttle[1] try: if force or utcnow() - throttle[1] > self.min_time: result = method(*args, **kwargs) throttle[1] = utcnow() return result # type: ignore return throttled_value() finally: throttle[0].release() return wrapper