"""Generate an integration.""" from pathlib import Path from .model import Info TEMPLATE_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / "templates" TEMPLATE_INTEGRATION = TEMPLATE_DIR / "integration" TEMPLATE_TESTS = TEMPLATE_DIR / "tests" def generate(template: str, info: Info) -> None: """Generate a template.""" print(f"Scaffolding {template} for the {info.domain} integration...") _ensure_tests_dir_exists(info) _generate(TEMPLATE_DIR / template / "integration", info.integration_dir, info) _generate(TEMPLATE_DIR / template / "tests", info.tests_dir, info) _custom_tasks(template, info) print() def _generate(src_dir, target_dir, info: Info) -> None: """Generate an integration.""" replaces = {"NEW_DOMAIN": info.domain, "NEW_NAME": info.name} if not target_dir.exists(): target_dir.mkdir() for source_file in src_dir.glob("**/*"): content = source_file.read_text() for to_search, to_replace in replaces.items(): content = content.replace(to_search, to_replace) target_file = target_dir / source_file.relative_to(src_dir) # If the target file exists, create our template as EXAMPLE_. # Exception: If we are creating a new integration, we can end up running integration base # and a config flows on top of one another. In that case, we want to override the files. if not info.is_new and target_file.exists(): new_name = f"EXAMPLE_{target_file.name}" print(f"File {target_file} already exists, creating {new_name} instead.") target_file = target_file.parent / new_name info.examples_added.add(target_file) elif src_dir.name == "integration": info.files_added.add(target_file) else: info.tests_added.add(target_file) print(f"Writing {target_file}") target_file.write_text(content) def _ensure_tests_dir_exists(info: Info) -> None: """Ensure a test dir exists.""" if info.tests_dir.exists(): return info.tests_dir.mkdir() print(f"Writing {info.tests_dir / '__init__.py'}") (info.tests_dir / "__init__.py").write_text( f'"""Tests for the {info.name} integration."""\n' ) def _append(path: Path, text): """Append some text to a path.""" path.write_text(path.read_text() + text) def _custom_tasks(template, info) -> None: """Handle custom tasks for templates.""" if template == "integration": changes = {"codeowners": [info.codeowner]} if info.requirement: changes["requirements"] = [info.requirement] info.update_manifest(**changes) elif template == "device_trigger": info.update_strings( device_automation={ **info.strings().get("device_automation", {}), "trigger_type": { "turned_on": "{entity_name} turned on", "turned_off": "{entity_name} turned off", }, } ) elif template == "device_condition": info.update_strings( device_automation={ **info.strings().get("device_automation", {}), "condition_type": { "is_on": "{entity_name} is on", "is_off": "{entity_name} is off", }, } ) elif template == "device_action": info.update_strings( device_automation={ **info.strings().get("device_automation", {}), "action_type": { "turn_on": "Turn on {entity_name}", "turn_off": "Turn off {entity_name}", }, } ) elif template == "config_flow": info.update_manifest(config_flow=True) info.update_strings( title=info.name, config={ "step": { "user": {"title": "Connect to the device", "data": {"host": "Host"}} }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "Failed to connect, please try again", "invalid_auth": "Invalid authentication", "unknown": "Unexpected error", }, "abort": {"already_configured": "Device is already configured"}, }, ) elif template == "config_flow_discovery": info.update_manifest(config_flow=True) info.update_strings( title=info.name, config={ "step": { "confirm": { "title": info.name, "description": f"Do you want to set up {info.name}?", } }, "abort": { "single_instance_allowed": f"Only a single configuration of {info.name} is possible.", "no_devices_found": f"No {info.name} devices found on the network.", }, }, ) elif template == "config_flow_oauth2": info.update_manifest(config_flow=True) info.update_strings( title=info.name, config={ "step": { "pick_implementation": {"title": "Pick Authentication Method"} }, "abort": { "missing_configuration": "The {info.name} component is not configured. Please follow the documentation." }, "create_entry": { "default": f"Successfully authenticated with {info.name}." }, }, ) _append( info.integration_dir / "const.py", """ # TODO Update with your own urls OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE = "https://www.example.com/auth/authorize" OAUTH2_TOKEN = "https://www.example.com/auth/token" """, )