"""The tests for the Radarr platform.""" from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from homeassistant.const import DATA_GIGABYTES from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component def mocked_exception(*args, **kwargs): """Mock exception thrown by requests.get.""" raise OSError def mocked_requests_get(*args, **kwargs): """Mock requests.get invocations.""" class MockResponse: """Class to represent a mocked response.""" def __init__(self, json_data, status_code): """Initialize the mock response class.""" self.json_data = json_data self.status_code = status_code def json(self): """Return the json of the response.""" return self.json_data url = str(args[0]) if "api/calendar" in url: return MockResponse( [ { "title": "Resident Evil", "sortTitle": "resident evil final chapter", "sizeOnDisk": 0, "status": "announced", "overview": "Alice, Jill, Claire, Chris, Leon, Ada, and...", "inCinemas": "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z", "physicalRelease": "2017-01-27T00:00:00Z", "images": [ { "coverType": "poster", "url": ( "/radarr/MediaCover/12/poster.jpg" "?lastWrite=636208663600000000" ), }, { "coverType": "banner", "url": ( "/radarr/MediaCover/12/banner.jpg" "?lastWrite=636208663600000000" ), }, ], "website": "", "downloaded": "false", "year": 2017, "hasFile": "false", "youTubeTrailerId": "B5yxr7lmxhg", "studio": "Impact Pictures", "path": "/path/to/Resident Evil The Final Chapter (2017)", "profileId": 3, "monitored": "false", "runtime": 106, "lastInfoSync": "2017-01-24T14:52:40.315434Z", "cleanTitle": "residentevilfinalchapter", "imdbId": "tt2592614", "tmdbId": 173897, "titleSlug": "resident-evil-the-final-chapter-2017", "genres": ["Action", "Horror", "Science Fiction"], "tags": [], "added": "2017-01-24T14:52:39.989964Z", "ratings": {"votes": 363, "value": 4.3}, "alternativeTitles": ["Resident Evil: Rising"], "qualityProfileId": 3, "id": 12, } ], 200, ) if "api/command" in url: return MockResponse( [ { "name": "RescanMovie", "startedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "stateChangeTime": "2014-02-05T05:09:09.2366139Z", "sendUpdatesToClient": "true", "state": "pending", "id": 24, } ], 200, ) if "api/movie" in url: return MockResponse( [ { "title": "Assassin's Creed", "sortTitle": "assassins creed", "sizeOnDisk": 0, "status": "released", "overview": "Lynch discovers he is a descendant of...", "inCinemas": "2016-12-21T00:00:00Z", "images": [ { "coverType": "poster", "url": ( "/radarr/MediaCover/1/poster.jpg" "?lastWrite=636200219330000000" ), }, { "coverType": "banner", "url": ( "/radarr/MediaCover/1/banner.jpg" "?lastWrite=636200219340000000" ), }, ], "website": "https://www.ubisoft.com/en-US/", "downloaded": "false", "year": 2016, "hasFile": "false", "youTubeTrailerId": "pgALJgMjXN4", "studio": "20th Century Fox", "path": "/path/to/Assassin's Creed (2016)", "profileId": 6, "monitored": "true", "runtime": 115, "lastInfoSync": "2017-01-23T22:05:32.365337Z", "cleanTitle": "assassinscreed", "imdbId": "tt2094766", "tmdbId": 121856, "titleSlug": "assassins-creed-121856", "genres": ["Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Science Fiction"], "tags": [], "added": "2017-01-14T20:18:52.938244Z", "ratings": {"votes": 711, "value": 5.2}, "alternativeTitles": ["Assassin's Creed: The IMAX Experience"], "qualityProfileId": 6, "id": 1, } ], 200, ) if "api/diskspace" in url: return MockResponse( [ { "path": "/data", "label": "", "freeSpace": 282500067328, "totalSpace": 499738734592, } ], 200, ) if "api/system/status" in url: return MockResponse( { "version": "", "buildTime": "2017-01-22T23:12:49Z", "isDebug": "false", "isProduction": "true", "isAdmin": "false", "isUserInteractive": "false", "startupPath": "/path/to/radarr", "appData": "/path/to/radarr/data", "osVersion": "", "isMonoRuntime": "true", "isMono": "true", "isLinux": "true", "isOsx": "false", "isWindows": "false", "branch": "develop", "authentication": "forms", "sqliteVersion": "3.16.2", "urlBase": "", "runtimeVersion": ( "4.6.1 (Stable Mon Oct 3 07:57:59 UTC 2016)" ), }, 200, ) return MockResponse({"error": "Unauthorized"}, 401) async def test_diskspace_no_paths(hass): """Test getting all disk space.""" config = { "sensor": { "platform": "radarr", "api_key": "foo", "days": "2", "unit": DATA_GIGABYTES, "include_paths": [], "monitored_conditions": ["diskspace"], } } with patch( "requests.get", side_effect=mocked_requests_get, ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.radarr_disk_space") assert entity is not None assert "263.10" == entity.state assert "mdi:harddisk" == entity.attributes["icon"] assert DATA_GIGABYTES == entity.attributes["unit_of_measurement"] assert "Radarr Disk Space" == entity.attributes["friendly_name"] assert "263.10/465.42GB (56.53%)" == entity.attributes["/data"] async def test_diskspace_paths(hass): """Test getting diskspace for included paths.""" config = { "sensor": { "platform": "radarr", "api_key": "foo", "days": "2", "unit": DATA_GIGABYTES, "include_paths": ["/data"], "monitored_conditions": ["diskspace"], } } with patch( "requests.get", side_effect=mocked_requests_get, ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.radarr_disk_space") assert entity is not None assert "263.10" == entity.state assert "mdi:harddisk" == entity.attributes["icon"] assert DATA_GIGABYTES == entity.attributes["unit_of_measurement"] assert "Radarr Disk Space" == entity.attributes["friendly_name"] assert "263.10/465.42GB (56.53%)" == entity.attributes["/data"] async def test_commands(hass): """Test getting running commands.""" config = { "sensor": { "platform": "radarr", "api_key": "foo", "days": "2", "unit": DATA_GIGABYTES, "include_paths": ["/data"], "monitored_conditions": ["commands"], } } with patch( "requests.get", side_effect=mocked_requests_get, ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.radarr_commands") assert entity is not None assert 1 == int(entity.state) assert "mdi:code-braces" == entity.attributes["icon"] assert "Commands" == entity.attributes["unit_of_measurement"] assert "Radarr Commands" == entity.attributes["friendly_name"] assert "pending" == entity.attributes["RescanMovie"] async def test_movies(hass): """Test getting the number of movies.""" config = { "sensor": { "platform": "radarr", "api_key": "foo", "days": "2", "unit": DATA_GIGABYTES, "include_paths": ["/data"], "monitored_conditions": ["movies"], } } with patch( "requests.get", side_effect=mocked_requests_get, ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.radarr_movies") assert entity is not None assert 1 == int(entity.state) assert "mdi:television" == entity.attributes["icon"] assert "Movies" == entity.attributes["unit_of_measurement"] assert "Radarr Movies" == entity.attributes["friendly_name"] assert "false" == entity.attributes["Assassin's Creed (2016)"] async def test_upcoming_multiple_days(hass): """Test the upcoming movies for multiple days.""" config = { "sensor": { "platform": "radarr", "api_key": "foo", "days": "2", "unit": DATA_GIGABYTES, "include_paths": ["/data"], "monitored_conditions": ["upcoming"], } } with patch( "requests.get", side_effect=mocked_requests_get, ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.radarr_upcoming") assert entity is not None assert 1 == int(entity.state) assert "mdi:television" == entity.attributes["icon"] assert "Movies" == entity.attributes["unit_of_measurement"] assert "Radarr Upcoming" == entity.attributes["friendly_name"] assert "2017-01-27T00:00:00Z" == entity.attributes["Resident Evil (2017)"] @pytest.mark.skip async def test_upcoming_today(hass): """Test filtering for a single day. Radarr needs to respond with at least 2 days. """ config = { "sensor": { "platform": "radarr", "api_key": "foo", "days": "1", "unit": DATA_GIGABYTES, "include_paths": ["/data"], "monitored_conditions": ["upcoming"], } } with patch( "requests.get", side_effect=mocked_requests_get, ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.radarr_upcoming") assert 1 == int(entity.state) assert "mdi:television" == entity.attributes["icon"] assert "Movies" == entity.attributes["unit_of_measurement"] assert "Radarr Upcoming" == entity.attributes["friendly_name"] assert "2017-01-27T00:00:00Z" == entity.attributes["Resident Evil (2017)"] async def test_system_status(hass): """Test the getting of the system status.""" config = { "sensor": { "platform": "radarr", "api_key": "foo", "days": "2", "unit": DATA_GIGABYTES, "include_paths": ["/data"], "monitored_conditions": ["status"], } } with patch( "requests.get", side_effect=mocked_requests_get, ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.radarr_status") assert entity is not None assert "" == entity.state assert "mdi:information" == entity.attributes["icon"] assert "Radarr Status" == entity.attributes["friendly_name"] assert "" == entity.attributes["osVersion"] async def test_ssl(hass): """Test SSL being enabled.""" config = { "sensor": { "platform": "radarr", "api_key": "foo", "days": "1", "unit": DATA_GIGABYTES, "include_paths": ["/data"], "monitored_conditions": ["upcoming"], "ssl": "true", } } with patch( "requests.get", side_effect=mocked_requests_get, ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.radarr_upcoming") assert entity is not None assert 1 == int(entity.state) assert "mdi:television" == entity.attributes["icon"] assert "Movies" == entity.attributes["unit_of_measurement"] assert "Radarr Upcoming" == entity.attributes["friendly_name"] assert "2017-01-27T00:00:00Z" == entity.attributes["Resident Evil (2017)"] async def test_exception_handling(hass): """Test exception being handled.""" config = { "sensor": { "platform": "radarr", "api_key": "foo", "days": "1", "unit": DATA_GIGABYTES, "include_paths": ["/data"], "monitored_conditions": ["upcoming"], } } with patch( "requests.get", side_effect=mocked_exception, ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.radarr_upcoming") assert entity is not None assert "unavailable" == entity.state