""" tests.components.sensor.tcp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tests TCP sensor. """ import socket from copy import copy from uuid import uuid4 from unittest.mock import patch, Mock from homeassistant.components.sensor import tcp from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from tests.common import get_test_home_assistant TEST_CONFIG = { tcp.CONF_NAME: "test_name", tcp.CONF_HOST: "test_host", tcp.CONF_PORT: 12345, tcp.CONF_TIMEOUT: tcp.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT + 1, tcp.CONF_PAYLOAD: "test_payload", tcp.CONF_UNIT: "test_unit", tcp.CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE: "test_template", tcp.CONF_VALUE_ON: "test_on", tcp.CONF_BUFFER_SIZE: tcp.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE + 1 } KEYS_AND_DEFAULTS = { tcp.CONF_NAME: None, tcp.CONF_TIMEOUT: tcp.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, tcp.CONF_UNIT: None, tcp.CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE: None, tcp.CONF_VALUE_ON: None, tcp.CONF_BUFFER_SIZE: tcp.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE } def test_setup_platform_valid_config(): """ Should check the supplied config and call add_entities with Sensor. """ add_entities = Mock() ret = tcp.setup_platform(None, TEST_CONFIG, add_entities) assert ret is None, "setup_platform() should return None if successful." assert add_entities.called assert isinstance(add_entities.call_args[0][0][0], tcp.Sensor) def test_setup_platform_invalid_config(): """ Should check the supplied config and return False if it is invalid. """ config = copy(TEST_CONFIG) del config[tcp.CONF_HOST] assert tcp.setup_platform(None, config, None) is False class TestTCPSensor(): """ Test the TCP Sensor. """ def setup_class(cls): cls.hass = get_test_home_assistant() def teardown_class(cls): cls.hass.stop() def test_name(self): """ Should return the name if set in the config. """ sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, TEST_CONFIG) assert sensor.name == TEST_CONFIG[tcp.CONF_NAME] def test_name_not_set(self): """ Should return the superclass name property if not set in config """ config = copy(TEST_CONFIG) del config[tcp.CONF_NAME] entity = Entity() sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, config) assert sensor.name == entity.name def test_state(self): """ Should return the contents of _state. """ sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, TEST_CONFIG) uuid = str(uuid4()) sensor._state = uuid assert sensor.state == uuid def test_unit_of_measurement(self): """ Should return the configured unit of measurement. """ sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, TEST_CONFIG) assert sensor.unit_of_measurement == TEST_CONFIG[tcp.CONF_UNIT] @patch("homeassistant.components.sensor.tcp.Sensor.update") def test_config_valid_keys(self, *args): """ Should store valid keys in _config. """ sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, TEST_CONFIG) for key in TEST_CONFIG: assert key in sensor._config def test_validate_config_valid_keys(self): """ Should return True when provided with the correct keys. """ assert tcp.Sensor.validate_config(TEST_CONFIG) @patch("homeassistant.components.sensor.tcp.Sensor.update") def test_config_invalid_keys(self, *args): """ Shouldn't store invalid keys in _config. """ config = copy(TEST_CONFIG) config.update({ "a": "test_a", "b": "test_b", "c": "test_c" }) sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, config) for invalid_key in tuple("abc"): assert invalid_key not in sensor._config @patch("homeassistant.components.sensor.tcp.Sensor.update") def test_validate_config_invalid_keys(self, *args): """ Should return True when provided with the correct keys plus some extra. """ config = copy(TEST_CONFIG) config.update({ "a": "test_a", "b": "test_b", "c": "test_c" }) assert tcp.Sensor.validate_config(config) @patch("homeassistant.components.sensor.tcp.Sensor.update") def test_config_uses_defaults(self, *args): """ Should use defaults where appropriate. """ config = copy(TEST_CONFIG) for key in KEYS_AND_DEFAULTS.keys(): del config[key] sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, config) for key, default in KEYS_AND_DEFAULTS.items(): assert sensor._config[key] == default def test_validate_config_missing_defaults(self): """ Should return True when defaulted keys are not provided. """ config = copy(TEST_CONFIG) for key in KEYS_AND_DEFAULTS.keys(): del config[key] assert tcp.Sensor.validate_config(config) def test_validate_config_missing_required(self): """ Should return False when required config items are missing. """ for key in TEST_CONFIG: if key in KEYS_AND_DEFAULTS: continue config = copy(TEST_CONFIG) del config[key] assert not tcp.Sensor.validate_config(config), ( "validate_config() should have returned False since %r was not" "provided." % key) @patch("homeassistant.components.sensor.tcp.Sensor.update") def test_init_calls_update(self, mock_update): """ Should call update() method during __init__(). """ tcp.Sensor(self.hass, TEST_CONFIG) assert mock_update.called @patch("socket.socket") @patch("select.select", return_value=(True, False, False)) def test_update_connects_to_host_and_port(self, mock_select, mock_socket): """ Should connect to the configured host and port. """ tcp.Sensor(self.hass, TEST_CONFIG) mock_socket = mock_socket().__enter__() mock_socket.connect.assert_called_with(( TEST_CONFIG[tcp.CONF_HOST], TEST_CONFIG[tcp.CONF_PORT])) @patch("socket.socket.connect", side_effect=socket.error()) def test_update_returns_if_connecting_fails(self, *args): """ Should return if connecting to host fails. """ with patch("homeassistant.components.sensor.tcp.Sensor.update"): sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, TEST_CONFIG) assert sensor.update() is None @patch("socket.socket.connect") @patch("socket.socket.send", side_effect=socket.error()) def test_update_returns_if_sending_fails(self, *args): """ Should return if sending fails. """ with patch("homeassistant.components.sensor.tcp.Sensor.update"): sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, TEST_CONFIG) assert sensor.update() is None @patch("socket.socket.connect") @patch("socket.socket.send") @patch("select.select", return_value=(False, False, False)) def test_update_returns_if_select_fails(self, *args): """ Should return if select fails to return a socket. """ with patch("homeassistant.components.sensor.tcp.Sensor.update"): sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, TEST_CONFIG) assert sensor.update() is None @patch("socket.socket") @patch("select.select", return_value=(True, False, False)) def test_update_sends_payload(self, mock_select, mock_socket): """ Should send the configured payload as bytes. """ tcp.Sensor(self.hass, TEST_CONFIG) mock_socket = mock_socket().__enter__() mock_socket.send.assert_called_with( TEST_CONFIG[tcp.CONF_PAYLOAD].encode() ) @patch("socket.socket") @patch("select.select", return_value=(True, False, False)) def test_update_calls_select_with_timeout(self, mock_select, mock_socket): """ Should provide the timeout argument to select. """ tcp.Sensor(self.hass, TEST_CONFIG) mock_socket = mock_socket().__enter__() mock_select.assert_called_with( [mock_socket], [], [], TEST_CONFIG[tcp.CONF_TIMEOUT]) @patch("socket.socket") @patch("select.select", return_value=(True, False, False)) def test_update_receives_packet_and_sets_as_state( self, mock_select, mock_socket): """ Should receive the response from the socket and set it as the state. """ test_value = "test_value" mock_socket = mock_socket().__enter__() mock_socket.recv.return_value = test_value.encode() config = copy(TEST_CONFIG) del config[tcp.CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE] sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, config) assert sensor._state == test_value @patch("socket.socket") @patch("select.select", return_value=(True, False, False)) def test_update_renders_value_in_template(self, mock_select, mock_socket): """ Should render the value in the provided template. """ test_value = "test_value" mock_socket = mock_socket().__enter__() mock_socket.recv.return_value = test_value.encode() config = copy(TEST_CONFIG) config[tcp.CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE] = "{{ value }} {{ 1+1 }}" sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, config) assert sensor._state == "%s 2" % test_value @patch("socket.socket") @patch("select.select", return_value=(True, False, False)) def test_update_returns_if_template_render_fails( self, mock_select, mock_socket): """ Should return None if rendering the template fails. """ test_value = "test_value" mock_socket = mock_socket().__enter__() mock_socket.recv.return_value = test_value.encode() config = copy(TEST_CONFIG) config[tcp.CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE] = "{{ this won't work" sensor = tcp.Sensor(self.hass, config) assert sensor.update() is None