"""The test for the statistics sensor platform.""" import unittest import statistics from homeassistant.setup import setup_component from homeassistant.components.sensor.statistics import StatisticsSensor from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, TEMP_CELSIUS, STATE_UNKNOWN) from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from tests.common import get_test_home_assistant from unittest.mock import patch from datetime import datetime, timedelta from tests.common import init_recorder_component from homeassistant.components import recorder class TestStatisticsSensor(unittest.TestCase): """Test the Statistics sensor.""" def setup_method(self, method): """Set up things to be run when tests are started.""" self.hass = get_test_home_assistant() self.values = [17, 20, 15.2, 5, 3.8, 9.2, 6.7, 14, 6] self.count = len(self.values) self.min = min(self.values) self.max = max(self.values) self.total = sum(self.values) self.mean = round(sum(self.values) / len(self.values), 2) self.median = round(statistics.median(self.values), 2) self.deviation = round(statistics.stdev(self.values), 2) self.variance = round(statistics.variance(self.values), 2) self.change = round(self.values[-1] - self.values[0], 2) self.average_change = round(self.change / (len(self.values) - 1), 2) self.change_rate = round(self.average_change / (60 * (self.count - 1)), 2) def teardown_method(self, method): """Stop everything that was started.""" self.hass.stop() def test_binary_sensor_source(self): """Test if source is a sensor.""" values = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1] assert setup_component(self.hass, 'sensor', { 'sensor': { 'platform': 'statistics', 'name': 'test', 'entity_id': 'binary_sensor.test_monitored', } }) for value in values: self.hass.states.set('binary_sensor.test_monitored', value) self.hass.block_till_done() state = self.hass.states.get('sensor.test_count') assert str(len(values)) == state.state def test_sensor_source(self): """Test if source is a sensor.""" assert setup_component(self.hass, 'sensor', { 'sensor': { 'platform': 'statistics', 'name': 'test', 'entity_id': 'sensor.test_monitored', } }) for value in self.values: self.hass.states.set('sensor.test_monitored', value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS}) self.hass.block_till_done() state = self.hass.states.get('sensor.test_mean') assert str(self.mean) == state.state assert self.min == state.attributes.get('min_value') assert self.max == state.attributes.get('max_value') assert self.variance == state.attributes.get('variance') assert self.median == state.attributes.get('median') assert self.deviation == \ state.attributes.get('standard_deviation') assert self.mean == state.attributes.get('mean') assert self.count == state.attributes.get('count') assert self.total == state.attributes.get('total') assert '°C' == state.attributes.get('unit_of_measurement') assert self.change == state.attributes.get('change') assert self.average_change == \ state.attributes.get('average_change') def test_sampling_size(self): """Test rotation.""" assert setup_component(self.hass, 'sensor', { 'sensor': { 'platform': 'statistics', 'name': 'test', 'entity_id': 'sensor.test_monitored', 'sampling_size': 5, } }) for value in self.values: self.hass.states.set('sensor.test_monitored', value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS}) self.hass.block_till_done() state = self.hass.states.get('sensor.test_mean') assert 3.8 == state.attributes.get('min_value') assert 14 == state.attributes.get('max_value') def test_sampling_size_1(self): """Test validity of stats requiring only one sample.""" assert setup_component(self.hass, 'sensor', { 'sensor': { 'platform': 'statistics', 'name': 'test', 'entity_id': 'sensor.test_monitored', 'sampling_size': 1, } }) for value in self.values[-3:]: # just the last 3 will do self.hass.states.set('sensor.test_monitored', value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS}) self.hass.block_till_done() state = self.hass.states.get('sensor.test_mean') # require only one data point assert self.values[-1] == state.attributes.get('min_value') assert self.values[-1] == state.attributes.get('max_value') assert self.values[-1] == state.attributes.get('mean') assert self.values[-1] == state.attributes.get('median') assert self.values[-1] == state.attributes.get('total') assert 0 == state.attributes.get('change') assert 0 == state.attributes.get('average_change') # require at least two data points assert STATE_UNKNOWN == state.attributes.get('variance') assert STATE_UNKNOWN == \ state.attributes.get('standard_deviation') def test_max_age(self): """Test value deprecation.""" mock_data = { 'return_time': datetime(2017, 8, 2, 12, 23, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC), } def mock_now(): return mock_data['return_time'] with patch('homeassistant.components.sensor.statistics.dt_util.utcnow', new=mock_now): assert setup_component(self.hass, 'sensor', { 'sensor': { 'platform': 'statistics', 'name': 'test', 'entity_id': 'sensor.test_monitored', 'max_age': {'minutes': 3} } }) for value in self.values: self.hass.states.set('sensor.test_monitored', value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS}) self.hass.block_till_done() # insert the next value one minute later mock_data['return_time'] += timedelta(minutes=1) state = self.hass.states.get('sensor.test_mean') assert 6 == state.attributes.get('min_value') assert 14 == state.attributes.get('max_value') def test_change_rate(self): """Test min_age/max_age and change_rate.""" mock_data = { 'return_time': datetime(2017, 8, 2, 12, 23, 42, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC), } def mock_now(): return mock_data['return_time'] with patch('homeassistant.components.sensor.statistics.dt_util.utcnow', new=mock_now): assert setup_component(self.hass, 'sensor', { 'sensor': { 'platform': 'statistics', 'name': 'test', 'entity_id': 'sensor.test_monitored' } }) for value in self.values: self.hass.states.set('sensor.test_monitored', value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS}) self.hass.block_till_done() # insert the next value one minute later mock_data['return_time'] += timedelta(minutes=1) state = self.hass.states.get('sensor.test_mean') assert datetime(2017, 8, 2, 12, 23, 42, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC) == \ state.attributes.get('min_age') assert datetime(2017, 8, 2, 12, 23 + self.count - 1, 42, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC) == \ state.attributes.get('max_age') assert self.change_rate == state.attributes.get('change_rate') def test_initialize_from_database(self): """Test initializing the statistics from the database.""" # enable the recorder init_recorder_component(self.hass) # store some values for value in self.values: self.hass.states.set('sensor.test_monitored', value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS}) self.hass.block_till_done() # wait for the recorder to really store the data self.hass.data[recorder.DATA_INSTANCE].block_till_done() # only now create the statistics component, so that it must read the # data from the database assert setup_component(self.hass, 'sensor', { 'sensor': { 'platform': 'statistics', 'name': 'test', 'entity_id': 'sensor.test_monitored', 'sampling_size': 100, } }) # check if the result is as in test_sensor_source() state = self.hass.states.get('sensor.test_mean') assert str(self.mean) == state.state def test_initialize_from_database_with_maxage(self): """Test initializing the statistics from the database.""" mock_data = { 'return_time': datetime(2017, 8, 2, 12, 23, 42, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC), } def mock_now(): return mock_data['return_time'] # Testing correct retrieval from recorder, thus we do not # want purging to occur within the class itself. def mock_purge(self): return # Set maximum age to 3 hours. max_age = 3 # Determine what our minimum age should be based on test values. expected_min_age = mock_data['return_time'] + \ timedelta(hours=len(self.values) - max_age) # enable the recorder init_recorder_component(self.hass) with patch('homeassistant.components.sensor.statistics.dt_util.utcnow', new=mock_now), \ patch.object(StatisticsSensor, '_purge_old', mock_purge): # store some values for value in self.values: self.hass.states.set('sensor.test_monitored', value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS}) self.hass.block_till_done() # insert the next value 1 hour later mock_data['return_time'] += timedelta(hours=1) # wait for the recorder to really store the data self.hass.data[recorder.DATA_INSTANCE].block_till_done() # only now create the statistics component, so that it must read # the data from the database assert setup_component(self.hass, 'sensor', { 'sensor': { 'platform': 'statistics', 'name': 'test', 'entity_id': 'sensor.test_monitored', 'sampling_size': 100, 'max_age': {'hours': max_age} } }) # check if the result is as in test_sensor_source() state = self.hass.states.get('sensor.test_mean') assert expected_min_age == state.attributes.get('min_age') # The max_age timestamp should be 1 hour before what we have right # now in mock_data['return_time']. assert mock_data['return_time'] == state.attributes.get('max_age') +\ timedelta(hours=1)