"""Test the helper method for writing tests.""" import os from datetime import timedelta from unittest import mock from homeassistant import core as ha, loader from homeassistant.bootstrap import _setup_component from homeassistant.helpers.entity import ToggleEntity import homeassistant.util.dt as date_util from homeassistant.const import ( STATE_ON, STATE_OFF, DEVICE_DEFAULT_NAME, EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, EVENT_PLATFORM_DISCOVERED, ATTR_SERVICE, ATTR_DISCOVERED, SERVER_PORT, TEMP_CELSIUS) from homeassistant.components import sun, mqtt _TEST_INSTANCE_PORT = SERVER_PORT def get_test_config_dir(): """Return a path to a test config dir.""" return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "config") def get_test_home_assistant(num_threads=None): """Return a Home Assistant object pointing at test config dir.""" if num_threads: orig_num_threads = ha.MIN_WORKER_THREAD ha.MIN_WORKER_THREAD = num_threads hass = ha.HomeAssistant() if num_threads: ha.MIN_WORKER_THREAD = orig_num_threads hass.config.config_dir = get_test_config_dir() hass.config.latitude = 32.87336 hass.config.longitude = -117.22743 hass.config.elevation = 0 hass.config.time_zone = date_util.get_time_zone('US/Pacific') hass.config.temperature_unit = TEMP_CELSIUS if 'custom_components.test' not in loader.AVAILABLE_COMPONENTS: loader.prepare(hass) return hass def get_test_instance_port(): """Return unused port for running test instance. The socket that holds the default port does not get released when we stop HA in a different test case. Until I have figured out what is going on, let's run each test on a different port. """ global _TEST_INSTANCE_PORT _TEST_INSTANCE_PORT += 1 return _TEST_INSTANCE_PORT def mock_service(hass, domain, service): """Setup a fake service. Return a list that logs all calls to fake service. """ calls = [] hass.services.register( domain, service, lambda call: calls.append(call)) return calls def fire_mqtt_message(hass, topic, payload, qos=0): """Fire the MQTT message.""" hass.bus.fire(mqtt.EVENT_MQTT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, { mqtt.ATTR_TOPIC: topic, mqtt.ATTR_PAYLOAD: payload, mqtt.ATTR_QOS: qos, }) def fire_time_changed(hass, time): """Fire a time changes event.""" hass.bus.fire(EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, {'now': time}) def fire_service_discovered(hass, service, info): """Fire the MQTT message.""" hass.bus.fire(EVENT_PLATFORM_DISCOVERED, { ATTR_SERVICE: service, ATTR_DISCOVERED: info }) def ensure_sun_risen(hass): """Trigger sun to rise if below horizon.""" if sun.is_on(hass): return fire_time_changed(hass, sun.next_rising_utc(hass) + timedelta(seconds=10)) def ensure_sun_set(hass): """Trigger sun to set if above horizon.""" if not sun.is_on(hass): return fire_time_changed(hass, sun.next_setting_utc(hass) + timedelta(seconds=10)) def load_fixture(filename): """Helper to load a fixture.""" path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', filename) with open(path) as fp: return fp.read() def mock_state_change_event(hass, new_state, old_state=None): """Mock state change envent.""" event_data = { 'entity_id': new_state.entity_id, 'new_state': new_state, } if old_state: event_data['old_state'] = old_state hass.bus.fire(EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, event_data) def mock_http_component(hass): """Mock the HTTP component.""" hass.wsgi = mock.MagicMock() hass.config.components.append('http') @mock.patch('homeassistant.components.mqtt.MQTT') def mock_mqtt_component(hass, mock_mqtt): """Mock the MQTT component.""" _setup_component(hass, mqtt.DOMAIN, { mqtt.DOMAIN: { mqtt.CONF_BROKER: 'mock-broker', } }) return mock_mqtt class MockModule(object): """Representation of a fake module.""" def __init__(self, domain=None, dependencies=None, setup=None, requirements=None, config_schema=None, platform_schema=None): """Initialize the mock module.""" self.DOMAIN = domain self.DEPENDENCIES = dependencies or [] self.REQUIREMENTS = requirements or [] if config_schema is not None: self.CONFIG_SCHEMA = config_schema if platform_schema is not None: self.PLATFORM_SCHEMA = platform_schema # Setup a mock setup if none given. if setup is None: self.setup = lambda hass, config: True else: self.setup = setup class MockPlatform(object): """Provide a fake platform.""" def __init__(self, setup_platform=None, dependencies=None, platform_schema=None): """Initialize the platform.""" self.DEPENDENCIES = dependencies or [] self._setup_platform = setup_platform if platform_schema is not None: self.PLATFORM_SCHEMA = platform_schema def setup_platform(self, hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Setup the platform.""" if self._setup_platform is not None: self._setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info) class MockToggleDevice(ToggleEntity): """Provide a mock toggle device.""" def __init__(self, name, state): """Initialize the mock device.""" self._name = name or DEVICE_DEFAULT_NAME self._state = state self.calls = [] @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device if any.""" self.calls.append(('name', {})) return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the name of the device if any.""" self.calls.append(('state', {})) return self._state @property def is_on(self): """Return true if device is on.""" self.calls.append(('is_on', {})) return self._state == STATE_ON def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device on.""" self.calls.append(('turn_on', kwargs)) self._state = STATE_ON def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device off.""" self.calls.append(('turn_off', kwargs)) self._state = STATE_OFF def last_call(self, method=None): """Return the last call.""" if not self.calls: return None elif method is None: return self.calls[-1] else: try: return next(call for call in reversed(self.calls) if call[0] == method) except StopIteration: return None