"""Config flow for the Abode Security System component.""" from abodepy import Abode from abodepy.exceptions import AbodeException from requests.exceptions import ConnectTimeout, HTTPError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.const import CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME from homeassistant.core import callback from .const import DEFAULT_CACHEDB, DOMAIN, LOGGER # pylint: disable=unused-import CONF_POLLING = "polling" class AbodeFlowHandler(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Config flow for Abode.""" VERSION = 1 CONNECTION_CLASS = config_entries.CONN_CLASS_LOCAL_POLL def __init__(self): """Initialize.""" self.data_schema = { vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): str, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): str, } async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None): """Handle a flow initialized by the user.""" if self._async_current_entries(): return self.async_abort(reason="single_instance_allowed") if not user_input: return self._show_form() username = user_input[CONF_USERNAME] password = user_input[CONF_PASSWORD] polling = user_input.get(CONF_POLLING, False) cache = self.hass.config.path(DEFAULT_CACHEDB) try: await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( Abode, username, password, True, True, True, cache ) except (AbodeException, ConnectTimeout, HTTPError) as ex: LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to Abode: %s", str(ex)) if ex.errcode == 400: return self._show_form({"base": "invalid_credentials"}) return self._show_form({"base": "connection_error"}) return self.async_create_entry( title=user_input[CONF_USERNAME], data={ CONF_USERNAME: username, CONF_PASSWORD: password, CONF_POLLING: polling, }, ) @callback def _show_form(self, errors=None): """Show the form to the user.""" return self.async_show_form( step_id="user", data_schema=vol.Schema(self.data_schema), errors=errors if errors else {}, ) async def async_step_import(self, import_config): """Import a config entry from configuration.yaml.""" if self._async_current_entries(): LOGGER.warning("Only one configuration of abode is allowed.") return self.async_abort(reason="single_instance_allowed") return await self.async_step_user(import_config)