"""Tests for the aws component config and setup.""" from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, patch as async_patch from homeassistant.components import aws from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component class MockAioSession: """Mock AioSession.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Init a mock session.""" self.get_user = AsyncMock() self.invoke = AsyncMock() self.publish = AsyncMock() self.send_message = AsyncMock() def create_client(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Create a mocked client.""" return MagicMock( __aenter__=AsyncMock( return_value=AsyncMock( get_user=self.get_user, # iam invoke=self.invoke, # lambda publish=self.publish, # sns send_message=self.send_message, # sqs ) ), __aexit__=AsyncMock(), ) async def get_available_regions(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return list of available regions.""" return ["us-east-1", "us-east-2", "us-west-1", "us-west-2"] async def test_empty_config(hass): """Test a default config will be create for empty config.""" with async_patch("aiobotocore.session.AioSession", new=MockAioSession): await async_setup_component(hass, "aws", {"aws": {}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() sessions = hass.data[aws.DATA_SESSIONS] assert sessions is not None assert len(sessions) == 1 session = sessions.get("default") assert isinstance(session, MockAioSession) # we don't validate auto-created default profile session.get_user.assert_not_awaited() async def test_empty_credential(hass): """Test a default config will be create for empty credential section.""" with async_patch("aiobotocore.session.AioSession", new=MockAioSession): await async_setup_component( hass, "aws", { "aws": { "notify": [ { "service": "lambda", "name": "New Lambda Test", "region_name": "us-east-1", } ] } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() sessions = hass.data[aws.DATA_SESSIONS] assert sessions is not None assert len(sessions) == 1 session = sessions.get("default") assert isinstance(session, MockAioSession) assert hass.services.has_service("notify", "new_lambda_test") is True await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "new_lambda_test", {"message": "test", "target": "ARN"}, blocking=True ) session.invoke.assert_awaited_once() async def test_profile_credential(hass): """Test credentials with profile name.""" with async_patch("aiobotocore.session.AioSession", new=MockAioSession): await async_setup_component( hass, "aws", { "aws": { "credentials": {"name": "test", "profile_name": "test-profile"}, "notify": [ { "service": "sns", "credential_name": "test", "name": "SNS Test", "region_name": "us-east-1", } ], } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() sessions = hass.data[aws.DATA_SESSIONS] assert sessions is not None assert len(sessions) == 1 session = sessions.get("test") assert isinstance(session, MockAioSession) assert hass.services.has_service("notify", "sns_test") is True await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "sns_test", {"title": "test", "message": "test", "target": "ARN"}, blocking=True, ) session.publish.assert_awaited_once() async def test_access_key_credential(hass): """Test credentials with access key.""" with async_patch("aiobotocore.session.AioSession", new=MockAioSession): await async_setup_component( hass, "aws", { "aws": { "credentials": [ {"name": "test", "profile_name": "test-profile"}, { "name": "key", "aws_access_key_id": "test-key", "aws_secret_access_key": "test-secret", }, ], "notify": [ { "service": "sns", "credential_name": "key", "name": "SNS Test", "region_name": "us-east-1", } ], } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() sessions = hass.data[aws.DATA_SESSIONS] assert sessions is not None assert len(sessions) == 2 session = sessions.get("key") assert isinstance(session, MockAioSession) assert hass.services.has_service("notify", "sns_test") is True await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "sns_test", {"title": "test", "message": "test", "target": "ARN"}, blocking=True, ) session.publish.assert_awaited_once() async def test_notify_credential(hass): """Test notify service can use access key directly.""" with async_patch("aiobotocore.session.AioSession", new=MockAioSession): await async_setup_component( hass, "aws", { "aws": { "notify": [ { "service": "sqs", "credential_name": "test", "name": "SQS Test", "region_name": "us-east-1", "aws_access_key_id": "some-key", "aws_secret_access_key": "some-secret", } ] } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() sessions = hass.data[aws.DATA_SESSIONS] assert sessions is not None assert len(sessions) == 1 assert isinstance(sessions.get("default"), MockAioSession) assert hass.services.has_service("notify", "sqs_test") is True await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "sqs_test", {"message": "test", "target": "ARN"}, blocking=True ) async def test_notify_credential_profile(hass): """Test notify service can use profile directly.""" with async_patch("aiobotocore.session.AioSession", new=MockAioSession): await async_setup_component( hass, "aws", { "aws": { "notify": [ { "service": "sqs", "name": "SQS Test", "region_name": "us-east-1", "profile_name": "test", } ] } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() sessions = hass.data[aws.DATA_SESSIONS] assert sessions is not None assert len(sessions) == 1 assert isinstance(sessions.get("default"), MockAioSession) assert hass.services.has_service("notify", "sqs_test") is True await hass.services.async_call( "notify", "sqs_test", {"message": "test", "target": "ARN"}, blocking=True ) async def test_credential_skip_validate(hass): """Test credential can skip validate.""" with async_patch("aiobotocore.session.AioSession", new=MockAioSession): await async_setup_component( hass, "aws", { "aws": { "credentials": [ { "name": "key", "aws_access_key_id": "not-valid", "aws_secret_access_key": "dont-care", "validate": False, } ] } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() sessions = hass.data[aws.DATA_SESSIONS] assert sessions is not None assert len(sessions) == 1 session = sessions.get("key") assert isinstance(session, MockAioSession) session.get_user.assert_not_awaited()