"""Test Home Assistant template helper methods.""" from datetime import datetime import math import random from unittest.mock import patch import pytest import pytz from homeassistant.components import group from homeassistant.const import ( LENGTH_METERS, MASS_GRAMS, MATCH_ALL, PRESSURE_PA, TEMP_CELSIUS, VOLUME_LITERS, ) from homeassistant.exceptions import TemplateError from homeassistant.helpers import template import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from homeassistant.util.unit_system import UnitSystem def _set_up_units(hass): """Set up the tests.""" hass.config.units = UnitSystem( "custom", TEMP_CELSIUS, LENGTH_METERS, VOLUME_LITERS, MASS_GRAMS, PRESSURE_PA ) def render_to_info(hass, template_str, variables=None): """Create render info from template.""" tmp = template.Template(template_str, hass) return tmp.async_render_to_info(variables) def extract_entities(hass, template_str, variables=None): """Extract entities from a template.""" info = render_to_info(hass, template_str, variables) # pylint: disable=protected-access assert not hasattr(info, "_domains") return info._entities def assert_result_info(info, result, entities=None, domains=None, all_states=False): """Check result info.""" assert info.result == result # pylint: disable=protected-access assert info._all_states == all_states assert info.filter_lifecycle("invalid_entity_name.somewhere") == all_states if entities is not None: assert info._entities == frozenset(entities) assert all([info.filter(entity) for entity in entities]) assert not info.filter("invalid_entity_name.somewhere") else: assert not info._entities if domains is not None: assert info._domains == frozenset(domains) assert all([info.filter_lifecycle(domain + ".entity") for domain in domains]) else: assert not hasattr(info, "_domains") def test_template_equality(): """Test template comparison and hashing.""" template_one = template.Template("{{ template_one }}") template_one_1 = template.Template("{{ template_one }}") template_two = template.Template("{{ template_two }}") assert template_one == template_one_1 assert template_one != template_two assert hash(template_one) == hash(template_one_1) assert hash(template_one) != hash(template_two) assert str(template_one_1) == 'Template("{{ template_one }}")' with pytest.raises(TypeError): template.Template(["{{ template_one }}"]) def test_invalid_template(hass): """Invalid template raises error.""" tmpl = template.Template("{{", hass) with pytest.raises(TemplateError): tmpl.ensure_valid() with pytest.raises(TemplateError): tmpl.async_render() info = tmpl.async_render_to_info() with pytest.raises(TemplateError): assert info.result == "impossible" tmpl = template.Template("{{states(keyword)}}", hass) tmpl.ensure_valid() with pytest.raises(TemplateError): tmpl.async_render() def test_referring_states_by_entity_id(hass): """Test referring states by entity id.""" hass.states.async_set("test.object", "happy") assert ( template.Template("{{ states.test.object.state }}", hass).async_render() == "happy" ) assert ( template.Template('{{ states["test.object"].state }}', hass).async_render() == "happy" ) assert ( template.Template('{{ states("test.object") }}', hass).async_render() == "happy" ) def test_invalid_entity_id(hass): """Test referring states by entity id.""" with pytest.raises(TemplateError): template.Template('{{ states["big.fat..."] }}', hass).async_render() with pytest.raises(TemplateError): template.Template('{{ states.test["big.fat..."] }}', hass).async_render() with pytest.raises(TemplateError): template.Template('{{ states["invalid/domain"] }}', hass).async_render() def test_raise_exception_on_error(hass): """Test raising an exception on error.""" with pytest.raises(TemplateError): template.Template("{{ invalid_syntax").ensure_valid() def test_iterating_all_states(hass): """Test iterating all states.""" tmpl_str = "{% for state in states %}{{ state.state }}{% endfor %}" info = render_to_info(hass, tmpl_str) assert_result_info(info, "", all_states=True) hass.states.async_set("test.object", "happy") hass.states.async_set("sensor.temperature", 10) info = render_to_info(hass, tmpl_str) assert_result_info( info, "10happy", entities=["test.object", "sensor.temperature"], all_states=True ) def test_iterating_domain_states(hass): """Test iterating domain states.""" tmpl_str = "{% for state in states.sensor %}{{ state.state }}{% endfor %}" info = render_to_info(hass, tmpl_str) assert_result_info(info, "", domains=["sensor"]) hass.states.async_set("test.object", "happy") hass.states.async_set("sensor.back_door", "open") hass.states.async_set("sensor.temperature", 10) info = render_to_info(hass, tmpl_str) assert_result_info( info, "open10", entities=["sensor.back_door", "sensor.temperature"], domains=["sensor"], ) def test_float(hass): """Test float.""" hass.states.async_set("sensor.temperature", "12") assert ( template.Template( "{{ float(states.sensor.temperature.state) }}", hass ).async_render() == "12.0" ) assert ( template.Template( "{{ float(states.sensor.temperature.state) > 11 }}", hass ).async_render() == "True" ) assert ( template.Template("{{ float('forgiving') }}", hass).async_render() == "forgiving" ) def test_rounding_value(hass): """Test rounding value.""" hass.states.async_set("sensor.temperature", 12.78) assert ( template.Template( "{{ states.sensor.temperature.state | round(1) }}", hass ).async_render() == "12.8" ) assert ( template.Template( "{{ states.sensor.temperature.state | multiply(10) | round }}", hass ).async_render() == "128" ) assert ( template.Template( '{{ states.sensor.temperature.state | round(1, "floor") }}', hass ).async_render() == "12.7" ) assert ( template.Template( '{{ states.sensor.temperature.state | round(1, "ceil") }}', hass ).async_render() == "12.8" ) assert ( template.Template( '{{ states.sensor.temperature.state | round(1, "half") }}', hass ).async_render() == "13.0" ) def test_rounding_value_get_original_value_on_error(hass): """Test rounding value get original value on error.""" assert template.Template("{{ None | round }}", hass).async_render() == "None" assert ( template.Template('{{ "no_number" | round }}', hass).async_render() == "no_number" ) def test_multiply(hass): """Test multiply.""" tests = {None: "None", 10: "100", '"abcd"': "abcd"} for inp, out in tests.items(): assert ( template.Template( "{{ %s | multiply(10) | round }}" % inp, hass ).async_render() == out ) def test_logarithm(hass): """Test logarithm.""" tests = [ (4, 2, "2.0"), (1000, 10, "3.0"), (math.e, "", "1.0"), ('"invalid"', "_", "invalid"), (10, '"invalid"', "10.0"), ] for value, base, expected in tests: assert ( template.Template( f"{{{{ {value} | log({base}) | round(1) }}}}", hass ).async_render() == expected ) assert ( template.Template( f"{{{{ log({value}, {base}) | round(1) }}}}", hass ).async_render() == expected ) def test_sine(hass): """Test sine.""" tests = [ (0, "0.0"), (math.pi / 2, "1.0"), (math.pi, "0.0"), (math.pi * 1.5, "-1.0"), (math.pi / 10, "0.309"), ('"duck"', "duck"), ] for value, expected in tests: assert ( template.Template("{{ %s | sin | round(3) }}" % value, hass).async_render() == expected ) def test_cos(hass): """Test cosine.""" tests = [ (0, "1.0"), (math.pi / 2, "0.0"), (math.pi, "-1.0"), (math.pi * 1.5, "-0.0"), (math.pi / 10, "0.951"), ("'error'", "error"), ] for value, expected in tests: assert ( template.Template("{{ %s | cos | round(3) }}" % value, hass).async_render() == expected ) def test_tan(hass): """Test tangent.""" tests = [ (0, "0.0"), (math.pi, "-0.0"), (math.pi / 180 * 45, "1.0"), (math.pi / 180 * 90, "1.633123935319537e+16"), (math.pi / 180 * 135, "-1.0"), ("'error'", "error"), ] for value, expected in tests: assert ( template.Template("{{ %s | tan | round(3) }}" % value, hass).async_render() == expected ) def test_sqrt(hass): """Test square root.""" tests = [ (0, "0.0"), (1, "1.0"), (2, "1.414"), (10, "3.162"), (100, "10.0"), ("'error'", "error"), ] for value, expected in tests: assert ( template.Template("{{ %s | sqrt | round(3) }}" % value, hass).async_render() == expected ) def test_arc_sine(hass): """Test arcus sine.""" tests = [ (-2.0, "-2.0"), # value error (-1.0, "-1.571"), (-0.5, "-0.524"), (0.0, "0.0"), (0.5, "0.524"), (1.0, "1.571"), (2.0, "2.0"), # value error ('"error"', "error"), ] for value, expected in tests: assert ( template.Template("{{ %s | asin | round(3) }}" % value, hass).async_render() == expected ) def test_arc_cos(hass): """Test arcus cosine.""" tests = [ (-2.0, "-2.0"), # value error (-1.0, "3.142"), (-0.5, "2.094"), (0.0, "1.571"), (0.5, "1.047"), (1.0, "0.0"), (2.0, "2.0"), # value error ('"error"', "error"), ] for value, expected in tests: assert ( template.Template("{{ %s | acos | round(3) }}" % value, hass).async_render() == expected ) def test_arc_tan(hass): """Test arcus tangent.""" tests = [ (-10.0, "-1.471"), (-2.0, "-1.107"), (-1.0, "-0.785"), (-0.5, "-0.464"), (0.0, "0.0"), (0.5, "0.464"), (1.0, "0.785"), (2.0, "1.107"), (10.0, "1.471"), ('"error"', "error"), ] for value, expected in tests: assert ( template.Template("{{ %s | atan | round(3) }}" % value, hass).async_render() == expected ) def test_arc_tan2(hass): """Test two parameter version of arcus tangent.""" tests = [ (-10.0, -10.0, "-2.356"), (-10.0, 0.0, "-1.571"), (-10.0, 10.0, "-0.785"), (0.0, -10.0, "3.142"), (0.0, 0.0, "0.0"), (0.0, 10.0, "0.0"), (10.0, -10.0, "2.356"), (10.0, 0.0, "1.571"), (10.0, 10.0, "0.785"), (-4.0, 3.0, "-0.927"), (-1.0, 2.0, "-0.464"), (2.0, 1.0, "1.107"), ('"duck"', '"goose"', "('duck', 'goose')"), ] for y, x, expected in tests: assert ( template.Template( f"{{{{ ({y}, {x}) | atan2 | round(3) }}}}", hass ).async_render() == expected ) assert ( template.Template( f"{{{{ atan2({y}, {x}) | round(3) }}}}", hass ).async_render() == expected ) def test_strptime(hass): """Test the parse timestamp method.""" tests = [ ("2016-10-19 15:22:05.588122 UTC", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z", None), ("2016-10-19 15:22:05.588122+0100", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%z", None), ("2016-10-19 15:22:05.588122", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", None), ("2016-10-19", "%Y-%m-%d", None), ("2016", "%Y", None), ("15:22:05", "%H:%M:%S", None), ("1469119144", "%Y", "1469119144"), ("invalid", "%Y", "invalid"), ] for inp, fmt, expected in tests: if expected is None: expected = datetime.strptime(inp, fmt) temp = f"{{{{ strptime('{inp}', '{fmt}') }}}}" assert template.Template(temp, hass).async_render() == str(expected) def test_timestamp_custom(hass): """Test the timestamps to custom filter.""" now = dt_util.utcnow() tests = [ (None, None, None, "None"), (1469119144, None, True, "2016-07-21 16:39:04"), (1469119144, "%Y", True, "2016"), (1469119144, "invalid", True, "invalid"), (dt_util.as_timestamp(now), None, False, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), ] for inp, fmt, local, out in tests: if fmt: fil = f"timestamp_custom('{fmt}')" elif fmt and local: fil = f"timestamp_custom('{fmt}', {local})" else: fil = "timestamp_custom" assert template.Template(f"{{{{ {inp} | {fil} }}}}", hass).async_render() == out def test_timestamp_local(hass): """Test the timestamps to local filter.""" tests = {None: "None", 1469119144: "2016-07-21 16:39:04"} for inp, out in tests.items(): assert ( template.Template("{{ %s | timestamp_local }}" % inp, hass).async_render() == out ) def test_to_json(hass): """Test the object to JSON string filter.""" # Note that we're not testing the actual json.loads and json.dumps methods, # only the filters, so we don't need to be exhaustive with our sample JSON. expected_result = '{"Foo": "Bar"}' actual_result = template.Template( "{{ {'Foo': 'Bar'} | to_json }}", hass ).async_render() assert actual_result == expected_result def test_from_json(hass): """Test the JSON string to object filter.""" # Note that we're not testing the actual json.loads and json.dumps methods, # only the filters, so we don't need to be exhaustive with our sample JSON. expected_result = "Bar" actual_result = template.Template( '{{ (\'{"Foo": "Bar"}\' | from_json).Foo }}', hass ).async_render() assert actual_result == expected_result def test_min(hass): """Test the min filter.""" assert template.Template("{{ [1, 2, 3] | min }}", hass).async_render() == "1" def test_max(hass): """Test the max filter.""" assert template.Template("{{ [1, 2, 3] | max }}", hass).async_render() == "3" def test_ord(hass): """Test the ord filter.""" assert template.Template('{{ "d" | ord }}', hass).async_render() == "100" def test_base64_encode(hass): """Test the base64_encode filter.""" assert ( template.Template('{{ "homeassistant" | base64_encode }}', hass).async_render() == "aG9tZWFzc2lzdGFudA==" ) def test_base64_decode(hass): """Test the base64_decode filter.""" assert ( template.Template( '{{ "aG9tZWFzc2lzdGFudA==" | base64_decode }}', hass ).async_render() == "homeassistant" ) def test_ordinal(hass): """Test the ordinal filter.""" tests = [ (1, "1st"), (2, "2nd"), (3, "3rd"), (4, "4th"), (5, "5th"), (12, "12th"), (100, "100th"), (101, "101st"), ] for value, expected in tests: assert ( template.Template("{{ %s | ordinal }}" % value, hass).async_render() == expected ) def test_timestamp_utc(hass): """Test the timestamps to local filter.""" now = dt_util.utcnow() tests = { None: "None", 1469119144: "2016-07-21 16:39:04", dt_util.as_timestamp(now): now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), } for inp, out in tests.items(): assert ( template.Template("{{ %s | timestamp_utc }}" % inp, hass).async_render() == out ) def test_as_timestamp(hass): """Test the as_timestamp function.""" assert ( template.Template('{{ as_timestamp("invalid") }}', hass).async_render() == "None" ) hass.mock = None assert ( template.Template("{{ as_timestamp(states.mock) }}", hass).async_render() == "None" ) tpl = ( '{{ as_timestamp(strptime("2024-02-03T09:10:24+0000", ' '"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")) }}' ) assert template.Template(tpl, hass).async_render() == "1706951424.0" @patch.object(random, "choice") def test_random_every_time(test_choice, hass): """Ensure the random filter runs every time, not just once.""" tpl = template.Template("{{ [1,2] | random }}", hass) test_choice.return_value = "foo" assert tpl.async_render() == "foo" test_choice.return_value = "bar" assert tpl.async_render() == "bar" def test_passing_vars_as_keywords(hass): """Test passing variables as keywords.""" assert template.Template("{{ hello }}", hass).async_render(hello=127) == "127" def test_passing_vars_as_vars(hass): """Test passing variables as variables.""" assert template.Template("{{ hello }}", hass).async_render({"hello": 127}) == "127" def test_passing_vars_as_list(hass): """Test passing variables as list.""" assert ( template.render_complex( template.Template("{{ hello }}", hass), {"hello": ["foo", "bar"]} ) == "['foo', 'bar']" ) def test_passing_vars_as_list_element(hass): """Test passing variables as list.""" assert ( template.render_complex( template.Template("{{ hello[1] }}", hass), {"hello": ["foo", "bar"]} ) == "bar" ) def test_passing_vars_as_dict_element(hass): """Test passing variables as list.""" assert ( template.render_complex( template.Template("{{ hello.foo }}", hass), {"hello": {"foo": "bar"}} ) == "bar" ) def test_passing_vars_as_dict(hass): """Test passing variables as list.""" assert ( template.render_complex( template.Template("{{ hello }}", hass), {"hello": {"foo": "bar"}} ) == "{'foo': 'bar'}" ) def test_render_with_possible_json_value_with_valid_json(hass): """Render with possible JSON value with valid JSON.""" tpl = template.Template("{{ value_json.hello }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value('{"hello": "world"}') == "world" def test_render_with_possible_json_value_with_invalid_json(hass): """Render with possible JSON value with invalid JSON.""" tpl = template.Template("{{ value_json }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value("{ I AM NOT JSON }") == "" def test_render_with_possible_json_value_with_template_error_value(hass): """Render with possible JSON value with template error value.""" tpl = template.Template("{{ non_existing.variable }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value("hello", "-") == "-" def test_render_with_possible_json_value_with_missing_json_value(hass): """Render with possible JSON value with unknown JSON object.""" tpl = template.Template("{{ value_json.goodbye }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value('{"hello": "world"}') == "" def test_render_with_possible_json_value_valid_with_is_defined(hass): """Render with possible JSON value with known JSON object.""" tpl = template.Template("{{ value_json.hello|is_defined }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value('{"hello": "world"}') == "world" def test_render_with_possible_json_value_undefined_json(hass): """Render with possible JSON value with unknown JSON object.""" tpl = template.Template("{{ value_json.bye|is_defined }}", hass) assert ( tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value('{"hello": "world"}') == '{"hello": "world"}' ) def test_render_with_possible_json_value_undefined_json_error_value(hass): """Render with possible JSON value with unknown JSON object.""" tpl = template.Template("{{ value_json.bye|is_defined }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value('{"hello": "world"}', "") == "" def test_render_with_possible_json_value_non_string_value(hass): """Render with possible JSON value with non-string value.""" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ strptime(value~'+0000', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z') }} """, hass, ) value = datetime(2019, 1, 18, 12, 13, 14) expected = str(pytz.utc.localize(value)) assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value(value) == expected def test_if_state_exists(hass): """Test if state exists works.""" hass.states.async_set("test.object", "available") tpl = template.Template( "{% if states.test.object %}exists{% else %}not exists{% endif %}", hass ) assert tpl.async_render() == "exists" def test_is_state(hass): """Test is_state method.""" hass.states.async_set("test.object", "available") tpl = template.Template( """ {% if is_state("test.object", "available") %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "yes" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ is_state("test.noobject", "available") }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "False" def test_is_state_attr(hass): """Test is_state_attr method.""" hass.states.async_set("test.object", "available", {"mode": "on"}) tpl = template.Template( """ {% if is_state_attr("test.object", "mode", "on") %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "yes" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ is_state_attr("test.noobject", "mode", "on") }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "False" def test_state_attr(hass): """Test state_attr method.""" hass.states.async_set("test.object", "available", {"mode": "on"}) tpl = template.Template( """ {% if state_attr("test.object", "mode") == "on" %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "yes" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ state_attr("test.noobject", "mode") == None }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "True" def test_states_function(hass): """Test using states as a function.""" hass.states.async_set("test.object", "available") tpl = template.Template('{{ states("test.object") }}', hass) assert tpl.async_render() == "available" tpl2 = template.Template('{{ states("test.object2") }}', hass) assert tpl2.async_render() == "unknown" @patch( "homeassistant.helpers.template.TemplateEnvironment.is_safe_callable", return_value=True, ) def test_now(mock_is_safe, hass): """Test now method.""" now = dt_util.now() with patch("homeassistant.util.dt.now", return_value=now): assert ( now.isoformat() == template.Template("{{ now().isoformat() }}", hass).async_render() ) @patch( "homeassistant.helpers.template.TemplateEnvironment.is_safe_callable", return_value=True, ) def test_relative_time(mock_is_safe, hass): """Test relative_time method.""" now = datetime.strptime("2000-01-01 10:00:00 +00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z") with patch("homeassistant.util.dt.now", return_value=now): assert ( "1 hour" == template.Template( '{{relative_time(strptime("2000-01-01 09:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))}}', hass, ).async_render() ) assert ( "2 hours" == template.Template( '{{relative_time(strptime("2000-01-01 09:00:00 +01:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"))}}', hass, ).async_render() ) assert ( "1 hour" == template.Template( '{{relative_time(strptime("2000-01-01 03:00:00 -06:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"))}}', hass, ).async_render() ) assert ( str(template.strptime("2000-01-01 11:00:00 +00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")) == template.Template( '{{relative_time(strptime("2000-01-01 11:00:00 +00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"))}}', hass, ).async_render() ) assert ( "string" == template.Template('{{relative_time("string")}}', hass,).async_render() ) @patch( "homeassistant.helpers.template.TemplateEnvironment.is_safe_callable", return_value=True, ) def test_utcnow(mock_is_safe, hass): """Test utcnow method.""" now = dt_util.utcnow() with patch("homeassistant.util.dt.utcnow", return_value=now): assert ( now.isoformat() == template.Template("{{ utcnow().isoformat() }}", hass).async_render() ) def test_regex_match(hass): """Test regex_match method.""" tpl = template.Template( r""" {{ '123-456-7890' | regex_match('(\\d{3})-(\\d{3})-(\\d{4})') }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "True" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ 'Home Assistant test' | regex_match('home', True) }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "True" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ 'Another Home Assistant test' | regex_match('Home') }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "False" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ ['Home Assistant test'] | regex_match('.*Assist') }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "True" def test_regex_search(hass): """Test regex_search method.""" tpl = template.Template( r""" {{ '123-456-7890' | regex_search('(\\d{3})-(\\d{3})-(\\d{4})') }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "True" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ 'Home Assistant test' | regex_search('home', True) }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "True" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ 'Another Home Assistant test' | regex_search('Home') }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "True" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ ['Home Assistant test'] | regex_search('Assist') }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "True" def test_regex_replace(hass): """Test regex_replace method.""" tpl = template.Template( r""" {{ 'Hello World' | regex_replace('(Hello\\s)',) }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "World" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ ['Home hinderant test'] | regex_replace('hinder', 'Assist') }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "['Home Assistant test']" def test_regex_findall_index(hass): """Test regex_findall_index method.""" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ 'Flight from JFK to LHR' | regex_findall_index('([A-Z]{3})', 0) }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "JFK" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ 'Flight from JFK to LHR' | regex_findall_index('([A-Z]{3})', 1) }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "LHR" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ ['JFK', 'LHR'] | regex_findall_index('([A-Z]{3})', 1) }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "LHR" def test_bitwise_and(hass): """Test bitwise_and method.""" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ 8 | bitwise_and(8) }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == str(8 & 8) tpl = template.Template( """ {{ 10 | bitwise_and(2) }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == str(10 & 2) tpl = template.Template( """ {{ 8 | bitwise_and(2) }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == str(8 & 2) def test_bitwise_or(hass): """Test bitwise_or method.""" tpl = template.Template( """ {{ 8 | bitwise_or(8) }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == str(8 | 8) tpl = template.Template( """ {{ 10 | bitwise_or(2) }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == str(10 | 2) tpl = template.Template( """ {{ 8 | bitwise_or(2) }} """, hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == str(8 | 2) def test_distance_function_with_1_state(hass): """Test distance function with 1 state.""" _set_up_units(hass) hass.states.async_set( "test.object", "happy", {"latitude": 32.87336, "longitude": -117.22943} ) tpl = template.Template("{{ distance(states.test.object) | round }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render() == "187" def test_distance_function_with_2_states(hass): """Test distance function with 2 states.""" _set_up_units(hass) hass.states.async_set( "test.object", "happy", {"latitude": 32.87336, "longitude": -117.22943} ) hass.states.async_set( "test.object_2", "happy", {"latitude": hass.config.latitude, "longitude": hass.config.longitude}, ) tpl = template.Template( "{{ distance(states.test.object, states.test.object_2) | round }}", hass ) assert tpl.async_render() == "187" def test_distance_function_with_1_coord(hass): """Test distance function with 1 coord.""" _set_up_units(hass) tpl = template.Template('{{ distance("32.87336", "-117.22943") | round }}', hass) assert tpl.async_render() == "187" def test_distance_function_with_2_coords(hass): """Test distance function with 2 coords.""" _set_up_units(hass) assert ( template.Template( '{{ distance("32.87336", "-117.22943", %s, %s) | round }}' % (hass.config.latitude, hass.config.longitude), hass, ).async_render() == "187" ) def test_distance_function_with_1_state_1_coord(hass): """Test distance function with 1 state 1 coord.""" _set_up_units(hass) hass.states.async_set( "test.object_2", "happy", {"latitude": hass.config.latitude, "longitude": hass.config.longitude}, ) tpl = template.Template( '{{ distance("32.87336", "-117.22943", states.test.object_2) ' "| round }}", hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "187" tpl2 = template.Template( '{{ distance(states.test.object_2, "32.87336", "-117.22943") ' "| round }}", hass, ) assert tpl2.async_render() == "187" def test_distance_function_return_none_if_invalid_state(hass): """Test distance function return None if invalid state.""" hass.states.async_set("test.object_2", "happy", {"latitude": 10}) tpl = template.Template("{{ distance(states.test.object_2) | round }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render() == "None" def test_distance_function_return_none_if_invalid_coord(hass): """Test distance function return None if invalid coord.""" assert ( template.Template('{{ distance("123", "abc") }}', hass).async_render() == "None" ) assert template.Template('{{ distance("123") }}', hass).async_render() == "None" hass.states.async_set( "test.object_2", "happy", {"latitude": hass.config.latitude, "longitude": hass.config.longitude}, ) tpl = template.Template('{{ distance("123", states.test_object_2) }}', hass) assert tpl.async_render() == "None" def test_distance_function_with_2_entity_ids(hass): """Test distance function with 2 entity ids.""" _set_up_units(hass) hass.states.async_set( "test.object", "happy", {"latitude": 32.87336, "longitude": -117.22943} ) hass.states.async_set( "test.object_2", "happy", {"latitude": hass.config.latitude, "longitude": hass.config.longitude}, ) tpl = template.Template( '{{ distance("test.object", "test.object_2") | round }}', hass ) assert tpl.async_render() == "187" def test_distance_function_with_1_entity_1_coord(hass): """Test distance function with 1 entity_id and 1 coord.""" _set_up_units(hass) hass.states.async_set( "test.object", "happy", {"latitude": hass.config.latitude, "longitude": hass.config.longitude}, ) tpl = template.Template( '{{ distance("test.object", "32.87336", "-117.22943") | round }}', hass ) assert tpl.async_render() == "187" def test_closest_function_home_vs_domain(hass): """Test closest function home vs domain.""" hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.object", "happy", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.1, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.1, }, ) hass.states.async_set( "not_test_domain.but_closer", "happy", {"latitude": hass.config.latitude, "longitude": hass.config.longitude}, ) assert ( template.Template( "{{ closest(states.test_domain).entity_id }}", hass ).async_render() == "test_domain.object" ) assert ( template.Template( "{{ (states.test_domain | closest).entity_id }}", hass ).async_render() == "test_domain.object" ) def test_closest_function_home_vs_all_states(hass): """Test closest function home vs all states.""" hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.object", "happy", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.1, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.1, }, ) hass.states.async_set( "test_domain_2.and_closer", "happy", {"latitude": hass.config.latitude, "longitude": hass.config.longitude}, ) assert ( template.Template("{{ closest(states).entity_id }}", hass).async_render() == "test_domain_2.and_closer" ) assert ( template.Template("{{ (states | closest).entity_id }}", hass).async_render() == "test_domain_2.and_closer" ) async def test_closest_function_home_vs_group_entity_id(hass): """Test closest function home vs group entity id.""" hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.object", "happy", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.1, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.1, }, ) hass.states.async_set( "not_in_group.but_closer", "happy", {"latitude": hass.config.latitude, "longitude": hass.config.longitude}, ) await group.Group.async_create_group(hass, "location group", ["test_domain.object"]) info = render_to_info(hass, '{{ closest("group.location_group").entity_id }}') assert_result_info( info, "test_domain.object", ["test_domain.object", "group.location_group"] ) async def test_closest_function_home_vs_group_state(hass): """Test closest function home vs group state.""" hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.object", "happy", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.1, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.1, }, ) hass.states.async_set( "not_in_group.but_closer", "happy", {"latitude": hass.config.latitude, "longitude": hass.config.longitude}, ) await group.Group.async_create_group(hass, "location group", ["test_domain.object"]) info = render_to_info(hass, '{{ closest("group.location_group").entity_id }}') assert_result_info( info, "test_domain.object", ["test_domain.object", "group.location_group"] ) info = render_to_info(hass, "{{ closest(states.group.location_group).entity_id }}") assert_result_info( info, "test_domain.object", ["test_domain.object", "group.location_group"] ) async def test_expand(hass): """Test expand function.""" info = render_to_info(hass, "{{ expand('test.object') }}") assert_result_info(info, "[]", ["test.object"]) info = render_to_info(hass, "{{ expand(56) }}") assert_result_info(info, "[]") hass.states.async_set("test.object", "happy") info = render_to_info( hass, "{{ expand('test.object') | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') }}" ) assert_result_info(info, "test.object", []) info = render_to_info( hass, "{{ expand('group.new_group') | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') }}", ) assert_result_info(info, "", ["group.new_group"]) info = render_to_info( hass, "{{ expand(states.group) | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') }}" ) assert_result_info(info, "", [], ["group"]) await group.Group.async_create_group(hass, "new group", ["test.object"]) info = render_to_info( hass, "{{ expand('group.new_group') | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') }}", ) assert_result_info(info, "test.object", ["group.new_group"]) info = render_to_info( hass, "{{ expand(states.group) | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') }}" ) assert_result_info(info, "test.object", ["group.new_group"], ["group"]) info = render_to_info( hass, "{{ expand('group.new_group', 'test.object')" " | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') }}", ) assert_result_info(info, "test.object", ["group.new_group"]) info = render_to_info( hass, "{{ ['group.new_group', 'test.object'] | expand" " | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') }}", ) assert_result_info(info, "test.object", ["group.new_group"]) def test_closest_function_to_coord(hass): """Test closest function to coord.""" hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.closest_home", "happy", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.1, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.1, }, ) hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.closest_zone", "happy", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.2, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.2, }, ) hass.states.async_set( "zone.far_away", "zoning", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.3, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.3, }, ) tpl = template.Template( '{{ closest("%s", %s, states.test_domain).entity_id }}' % (hass.config.latitude + 0.3, hass.config.longitude + 0.3), hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "test_domain.closest_zone" tpl = template.Template( '{{ (states.test_domain | closest("%s", %s)).entity_id }}' % (hass.config.latitude + 0.3, hass.config.longitude + 0.3), hass, ) assert tpl.async_render() == "test_domain.closest_zone" def test_closest_function_to_entity_id(hass): """Test closest function to entity id.""" hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.closest_home", "happy", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.1, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.1, }, ) hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.closest_zone", "happy", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.2, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.2, }, ) hass.states.async_set( "zone.far_away", "zoning", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.3, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.3, }, ) info = render_to_info( hass, "{{ closest(zone, states.test_domain).entity_id }}", {"zone": "zone.far_away"}, ) assert_result_info( info, "test_domain.closest_zone", ["test_domain.closest_home", "test_domain.closest_zone", "zone.far_away"], ["test_domain"], ) info = render_to_info( hass, "{{ ([states.test_domain, 'test_domain.closest_zone'] " "| closest(zone)).entity_id }}", {"zone": "zone.far_away"}, ) assert_result_info( info, "test_domain.closest_zone", ["test_domain.closest_home", "test_domain.closest_zone", "zone.far_away"], ["test_domain"], ) def test_closest_function_to_state(hass): """Test closest function to state.""" hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.closest_home", "happy", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.1, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.1, }, ) hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.closest_zone", "happy", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.2, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.2, }, ) hass.states.async_set( "zone.far_away", "zoning", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.3, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.3, }, ) assert ( template.Template( "{{ closest(states.zone.far_away, states.test_domain).entity_id }}", hass ).async_render() == "test_domain.closest_zone" ) def test_closest_function_invalid_state(hass): """Test closest function invalid state.""" hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.closest_home", "happy", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.1, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.1, }, ) for state in ("states.zone.non_existing", '"zone.non_existing"'): assert ( template.Template("{{ closest(%s, states) }}" % state, hass).async_render() == "None" ) def test_closest_function_state_with_invalid_location(hass): """Test closest function state with invalid location.""" hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.closest_home", "happy", {"latitude": "invalid latitude", "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.1}, ) assert ( template.Template( "{{ closest(states.test_domain.closest_home, states) }}", hass ).async_render() == "None" ) def test_closest_function_invalid_coordinates(hass): """Test closest function invalid coordinates.""" hass.states.async_set( "test_domain.closest_home", "happy", { "latitude": hass.config.latitude + 0.1, "longitude": hass.config.longitude + 0.1, }, ) assert ( template.Template( '{{ closest("invalid", "coord", states) }}', hass ).async_render() == "None" ) assert ( template.Template( '{{ states | closest("invalid", "coord") }}', hass ).async_render() == "None" ) def test_closest_function_no_location_states(hass): """Test closest function without location states.""" assert ( template.Template("{{ closest(states).entity_id }}", hass).async_render() == "" ) def test_extract_entities_none_exclude_stuff(hass): """Test extract entities function with none or exclude stuff.""" assert template.extract_entities(None) == [] assert template.extract_entities("mdi:water") == [] assert ( template.extract_entities( "{{ closest(states.zone.far_away, states.test_domain).entity_id }}" ) == MATCH_ALL ) assert ( template.extract_entities('{{ distance("123", states.test_object_2) }}') == MATCH_ALL ) def test_extract_entities_no_match_entities(hass): """Test extract entities function with none entities stuff.""" assert ( template.extract_entities("{{ value_json.tst | timestamp_custom('%Y' True) }}") == MATCH_ALL ) info = render_to_info( hass, """ {% for state in states.sensor %} {{ state.entity_id }}={{ state.state }},d {% endfor %} """, ) assert_result_info(info, "", domains=["sensor"]) def test_generate_filter_iterators(hass): """Test extract entities function with none entities stuff.""" info = render_to_info( hass, """ {% for state in states %} {{ state.entity_id }} {% endfor %} """, ) assert_result_info(info, "", all_states=True) info = render_to_info( hass, """ {% for state in states.sensor %} {{ state.entity_id }} {% endfor %} """, ) assert_result_info(info, "", domains=["sensor"]) hass.states.async_set("sensor.test_sensor", "off", {"attr": "value"}) # Don't need the entity because the state is not accessed info = render_to_info( hass, """ {% for state in states.sensor %} {{ state.entity_id }} {% endfor %} """, ) assert_result_info(info, "sensor.test_sensor", domains=["sensor"]) # But we do here because the state gets accessed info = render_to_info( hass, """ {% for state in states.sensor %} {{ state.entity_id }}={{ state.state }}, {% endfor %} """, ) assert_result_info( info, "sensor.test_sensor=off,", ["sensor.test_sensor"], ["sensor"] ) info = render_to_info( hass, """ {% for state in states.sensor %} {{ state.entity_id }}={{ state.attributes.attr }}, {% endfor %} """, ) assert_result_info( info, "sensor.test_sensor=value,", ["sensor.test_sensor"], ["sensor"] ) def test_generate_select(hass): """Test extract entities function with none entities stuff.""" template_str = """ {{ states.sensor|selectattr("state","equalto","off") |join(",", attribute="entity_id") }} """ tmp = template.Template(template_str, hass) info = tmp.async_render_to_info() assert_result_info(info, "", [], ["sensor"]) hass.states.async_set("sensor.test_sensor", "off", {"attr": "value"}) hass.states.async_set("sensor.test_sensor_on", "on") info = tmp.async_render_to_info() assert_result_info( info, "sensor.test_sensor", ["sensor.test_sensor", "sensor.test_sensor_on"], ["sensor"], ) def test_extract_entities_match_entities(hass): """Test extract entities function with entities stuff.""" assert ( template.extract_entities( """ {% if is_state('device_tracker.phone_1', 'home') %} Ha, Hercules is home! {% else %} Hercules is at {{ states('device_tracker.phone_1') }}. {% endif %} """ ) == ["device_tracker.phone_1"] ) assert ( template.extract_entities( """ {{ as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.garage_door.last_changed) }} """ ) == ["binary_sensor.garage_door"] ) assert ( template.extract_entities( """ {{ states("binary_sensor.garage_door") }} """ ) == ["binary_sensor.garage_door"] ) hass.states.async_set("device_tracker.phone_2", "not_home", {"battery": 20}) assert ( template.extract_entities( """ {{ is_state_attr('device_tracker.phone_2', 'battery', 40) }} """ ) == ["device_tracker.phone_2"] ) assert sorted(["device_tracker.phone_1", "device_tracker.phone_2"]) == sorted( template.extract_entities( """ {% if is_state('device_tracker.phone_1', 'home') %} Ha, Hercules is home! {% elif states.device_tracker.phone_2.attributes.battery < 40 %} Hercules you power goes done!. {% endif %} """ ) ) assert sorted(["sensor.pick_humidity", "sensor.pick_temperature"]) == sorted( template.extract_entities( """ {{ states.sensor.pick_temperature.state ~ „°C (“ ~ states.sensor.pick_humidity.state ~ „ %“ }} """ ) ) assert sorted( ["sensor.luftfeuchtigkeit_mean", "input_number.luftfeuchtigkeit"] ) == sorted( template.extract_entities( "{% if (states('sensor.luftfeuchtigkeit_mean') | int)" " > (states('input_number.luftfeuchtigkeit') | int +1.5)" " %}true{% endif %}" ) ) def test_extract_entities_with_variables(hass): """Test extract entities function with variables and entities stuff.""" hass.states.async_set("input_boolean.switch", "on") assert {"input_boolean.switch"} == extract_entities( hass, "{{ is_state('input_boolean.switch', 'off') }}", {} ) assert {"input_boolean.switch"} == extract_entities( hass, "{{ is_state(trigger.entity_id, 'off') }}", {"trigger": {"entity_id": "input_boolean.switch"}}, ) assert {"no_state"} == extract_entities( hass, "{{ is_state(data, 'off') }}", {"data": "no_state"} ) assert {"input_boolean.switch"} == extract_entities( hass, "{{ is_state(data, 'off') }}", {"data": "input_boolean.switch"} ) assert {"input_boolean.switch"} == extract_entities( hass, "{{ is_state(trigger.entity_id, 'off') }}", {"trigger": {"entity_id": "input_boolean.switch"}}, ) hass.states.async_set("media_player.livingroom", "off") assert {"media_player.livingroom"} == extract_entities( hass, "{{ is_state('media_player.' ~ where , 'playing') }}", {"where": "livingroom"}, ) def test_jinja_namespace(hass): """Test Jinja's namespace command can be used.""" test_template = template.Template( ( "{% set ns = namespace(a_key='') %}" "{% set ns.a_key = states.sensor.dummy.state %}" "{{ ns.a_key }}" ), hass, ) hass.states.async_set("sensor.dummy", "a value") assert test_template.async_render() == "a value" hass.states.async_set("sensor.dummy", "another value") assert test_template.async_render() == "another value" def test_state_with_unit(hass): """Test the state_with_unit property helper.""" hass.states.async_set("sensor.test", "23", {"unit_of_measurement": "beers"}) hass.states.async_set("sensor.test2", "wow") tpl = template.Template("{{ states.sensor.test.state_with_unit }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render() == "23 beers" tpl = template.Template("{{ states.sensor.test2.state_with_unit }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render() == "wow" tpl = template.Template( "{% for state in states %}{{ state.state_with_unit }} {% endfor %}", hass ) assert tpl.async_render() == "23 beers wow" tpl = template.Template("{{ states.sensor.non_existing.state_with_unit }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render() == "" def test_length_of_states(hass): """Test fetching the length of states.""" hass.states.async_set("sensor.test", "23") hass.states.async_set("sensor.test2", "wow") hass.states.async_set("climate.test2", "cooling") tpl = template.Template("{{ states | length }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render() == "3" tpl = template.Template("{{ states.sensor | length }}", hass) assert tpl.async_render() == "2" def test_render_complex_handling_non_template_values(hass): """Test that we can render non-template fields.""" assert template.render_complex( {True: 1, False: template.Template("{{ hello }}", hass)}, {"hello": 2} ) == {True: 1, False: "2"}