"""The Config Manager is responsible for managing configuration for components. The Config Manager allows for creating config entries to be consumed by components. Each entry is created via a Config Flow Handler, as defined by each component. During startup, Home Assistant will setup the entries during the normal setup of a component. It will first call the normal setup and then call the method `async_setup_entry(hass, entry)` for each entry. The same method is called when Home Assistant is running while a config entry is created. ## Config Flows A component needs to define a Config Handler to allow the user to create config entries for that component. A config flow will manage the creation of entries from user input, discovery or other sources (like hassio). When a config flow is started for a domain, the handler will be instantiated and receives a unique id. The instance of this handler will be reused for every interaction of the user with this flow. This makes it possible to store instance variables on the handler. Before instantiating the handler, Home Assistant will make sure to load all dependencies and install the requirements of the component. At a minimum, each config flow will have to define a version number and the 'user' step. @config_entries.HANDLERS.register(DOMAIN) class ExampleConfigFlow(config_entries.ConfigFlow): VERSION = 1 CONNECTION_CLASS = config_entries.CONN_CLASS_LOCAL_PUSH async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None): … The 'user' step is the first step of a flow and is called when a user starts a new flow. Each step has three different possible results: "Show Form", "Abort" and "Create Entry". > Note: prior 0.76, the default step is 'init' step, some config flows still keep 'init' step to avoid break localization. All new config flow should use 'user' step. ### Show Form This will show a form to the user to fill in. You define the current step, a title, a description and the schema of the data that needs to be returned. async def async_step_init(self, user_input=None): # Use OrderedDict to guarantee order of the form shown to the user data_schema = OrderedDict() data_schema[vol.Required('username')] = str data_schema[vol.Required('password')] = str return self.async_show_form( step_id='user', title='Account Info', data_schema=vol.Schema(data_schema) ) After the user has filled in the form, the step method will be called again and the user input is passed in. If the validation of the user input fails , you can return a dictionary with errors. Each key in the dictionary refers to a field name that contains the error. Use the key 'base' if you want to show a generic error. async def async_step_init(self, user_input=None): errors = None if user_input is not None: # Validate user input if valid: return self.create_entry(…) errors['base'] = 'Unable to reach authentication server.' return self.async_show_form(…) If the user input passes validation, you can again return one of the three return values. If you want to navigate the user to the next step, return the return value of that step: return await self.async_step_account() ### Abort When the result is "Abort", a message will be shown to the user and the configuration flow is finished. return self.async_abort( reason='This device is not supported by Home Assistant.' ) ### Create Entry When the result is "Create Entry", an entry will be created and stored in Home Assistant, a success message is shown to the user and the flow is finished. ## Initializing a config flow from an external source You might want to initialize a config flow programmatically. For example, if we discover a device on the network that requires user interaction to finish setup. To do so, pass a source parameter and optional user input to the init method: await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( 'hue', context={'source': 'discovery'}, data=discovery_info) The config flow handler will need to add a step to support the source. The step should follow the same return values as a normal step. async def async_step_discovery(info): If the result of the step is to show a form, the user will be able to continue the flow from the config panel. """ import logging import uuid from typing import Set, Optional, List, Dict # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import from homeassistant import data_entry_flow from homeassistant.core import callback, HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError, ConfigEntryNotReady from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component, async_process_deps_reqs from homeassistant.util.decorator import Registry _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SOURCE_USER = 'user' SOURCE_DISCOVERY = 'discovery' SOURCE_IMPORT = 'import' HANDLERS = Registry() # Components that have config flows. In future we will auto-generate this list. FLOWS = [ 'ambient_station', 'cast', 'daikin', 'deconz', 'dialogflow', 'esphome', 'emulated_roku', 'geofency', 'gpslogger', 'hangouts', 'homematicip_cloud', 'hue', 'ifttt', 'ios', 'lifx', 'locative', 'luftdaten', 'mailgun', 'mqtt', 'nest', 'openuv', 'owntracks', 'point', 'rainmachine', 'simplisafe', 'smartthings', 'smhi', 'sonos', 'tellduslive', 'tradfri', 'twilio', 'unifi', 'upnp', 'zha', 'zone', 'zwave' ] STORAGE_KEY = 'core.config_entries' STORAGE_VERSION = 1 # Deprecated since 0.73 PATH_CONFIG = '.config_entries.json' SAVE_DELAY = 1 # The config entry has been set up successfully ENTRY_STATE_LOADED = 'loaded' # There was an error while trying to set up this config entry ENTRY_STATE_SETUP_ERROR = 'setup_error' # The config entry was not ready to be set up yet, but might be later ENTRY_STATE_SETUP_RETRY = 'setup_retry' # The config entry has not been loaded ENTRY_STATE_NOT_LOADED = 'not_loaded' # An error occurred when trying to unload the entry ENTRY_STATE_FAILED_UNLOAD = 'failed_unload' DISCOVERY_NOTIFICATION_ID = 'config_entry_discovery' DISCOVERY_SOURCES = ( SOURCE_DISCOVERY, SOURCE_IMPORT, ) EVENT_FLOW_DISCOVERED = 'config_entry_discovered' CONN_CLASS_CLOUD_PUSH = 'cloud_push' CONN_CLASS_CLOUD_POLL = 'cloud_poll' CONN_CLASS_LOCAL_PUSH = 'local_push' CONN_CLASS_LOCAL_POLL = 'local_poll' CONN_CLASS_ASSUMED = 'assumed' CONN_CLASS_UNKNOWN = 'unknown' class ConfigEntry: """Hold a configuration entry.""" __slots__ = ('entry_id', 'version', 'domain', 'title', 'data', 'source', 'connection_class', 'state', '_setup_lock', '_async_cancel_retry_setup') def __init__(self, version: str, domain: str, title: str, data: dict, source: str, connection_class: str, entry_id: Optional[str] = None, state: str = ENTRY_STATE_NOT_LOADED) -> None: """Initialize a config entry.""" # Unique id of the config entry self.entry_id = entry_id or uuid.uuid4().hex # Version of the configuration. self.version = version # Domain the configuration belongs to self.domain = domain # Title of the configuration self.title = title # Config data self.data = data # Source of the configuration (user, discovery, cloud) self.source = source # Connection class self.connection_class = connection_class # State of the entry (LOADED, NOT_LOADED) self.state = state # Function to cancel a scheduled retry self._async_cancel_retry_setup = None async def async_setup( self, hass: HomeAssistant, *, component=None, tries=0) -> None: """Set up an entry.""" if component is None: component = getattr(hass.components, self.domain) try: result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self) if not isinstance(result, bool): _LOGGER.error('%s.async_config_entry did not return boolean', component.DOMAIN) result = False except ConfigEntryNotReady: self.state = ENTRY_STATE_SETUP_RETRY wait_time = 2**min(tries, 4) * 5 tries += 1 _LOGGER.warning( 'Config entry for %s not ready yet. Retrying in %d seconds.', self.domain, wait_time) async def setup_again(now): """Run setup again.""" self._async_cancel_retry_setup = None await self.async_setup(hass, component=component, tries=tries) self._async_cancel_retry_setup = \ hass.helpers.event.async_call_later(wait_time, setup_again) return except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception('Error setting up entry %s for %s', self.title, component.DOMAIN) result = False # Only store setup result as state if it was not forwarded. if self.domain != component.DOMAIN: return if result: self.state = ENTRY_STATE_LOADED else: self.state = ENTRY_STATE_SETUP_ERROR async def async_unload(self, hass, *, component=None): """Unload an entry. Returns if unload is possible and was successful. """ if component is None: component = getattr(hass.components, self.domain) if component.DOMAIN == self.domain: if self._async_cancel_retry_setup is not None: self._async_cancel_retry_setup() self.state = ENTRY_STATE_NOT_LOADED return True if self.state != ENTRY_STATE_LOADED: return True supports_unload = hasattr(component, 'async_unload_entry') if not supports_unload: return False try: result = await component.async_unload_entry(hass, self) assert isinstance(result, bool) # Only adjust state if we unloaded the component if result and component.DOMAIN == self.domain: self.state = ENTRY_STATE_NOT_LOADED return result except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception('Error unloading entry %s for %s', self.title, component.DOMAIN) if component.DOMAIN == self.domain: self.state = ENTRY_STATE_FAILED_UNLOAD return False def as_dict(self): """Return dictionary version of this entry.""" return { 'entry_id': self.entry_id, 'version': self.version, 'domain': self.domain, 'title': self.title, 'data': self.data, 'source': self.source, 'connection_class': self.connection_class, } class ConfigError(HomeAssistantError): """Error while configuring an account.""" class UnknownEntry(ConfigError): """Unknown entry specified.""" class ConfigEntries: """Manage the configuration entries. An instance of this object is available via `hass.config_entries`. """ def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant, hass_config: dict) -> None: """Initialize the entry manager.""" self.hass = hass self.flow = data_entry_flow.FlowManager( hass, self._async_create_flow, self._async_finish_flow) self._hass_config = hass_config self._entries = [] # type: List[ConfigEntry] self._store = hass.helpers.storage.Store(STORAGE_VERSION, STORAGE_KEY) @callback def async_domains(self) -> List[str]: """Return domains for which we have entries.""" seen = set() # type: Set[str] result = [] for entry in self._entries: if entry.domain not in seen: seen.add(entry.domain) result.append(entry.domain) return result @callback def async_entries(self, domain: Optional[str] = None) -> List[ConfigEntry]: """Return all entries or entries for a specific domain.""" if domain is None: return list(self._entries) return [entry for entry in self._entries if entry.domain == domain] async def async_remove(self, entry_id): """Remove an entry.""" found = None for index, entry in enumerate(self._entries): if entry.entry_id == entry_id: found = index break if found is None: raise UnknownEntry entry = self._entries.pop(found) self._async_schedule_save() unloaded = await entry.async_unload(self.hass) device_registry = await \ self.hass.helpers.device_registry.async_get_registry() device_registry.async_clear_config_entry(entry_id) entity_registry = await \ self.hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_get_registry() entity_registry.async_clear_config_entry(entry_id) return { 'require_restart': not unloaded } async def async_load(self) -> None: """Handle loading the config.""" # Migrating for config entries stored before 0.73 config = await self.hass.helpers.storage.async_migrator( self.hass.config.path(PATH_CONFIG), self._store, old_conf_migrate_func=_old_conf_migrator ) if config is None: self._entries = [] return self._entries = [ ConfigEntry( version=entry['version'], domain=entry['domain'], entry_id=entry['entry_id'], data=entry['data'], source=entry['source'], title=entry['title'], # New in 0.79 connection_class=entry.get('connection_class', CONN_CLASS_UNKNOWN)) for entry in config['entries']] @callback def async_update_entry(self, entry, *, data): """Update a config entry.""" entry.data = data self._async_schedule_save() async def async_forward_entry_setup(self, entry, component): """Forward the setup of an entry to a different component. By default an entry is setup with the component it belongs to. If that component also has related platforms, the component will have to forward the entry to be setup by that component. You don't want to await this coroutine if it is called as part of the setup of a component, because it can cause a deadlock. """ # Setup Component if not set up yet if component not in self.hass.config.components: result = await async_setup_component( self.hass, component, self._hass_config) if not result: return False await entry.async_setup( self.hass, component=getattr(self.hass.components, component)) async def async_forward_entry_unload(self, entry, component): """Forward the unloading of an entry to a different component.""" # It was never loaded. if component not in self.hass.config.components: return True return await entry.async_unload( self.hass, component=getattr(self.hass.components, component)) async def _async_finish_flow(self, flow, result): """Finish a config flow and add an entry.""" # Remove notification if no other discovery config entries in progress if not any(ent['context']['source'] in DISCOVERY_SOURCES for ent in self.hass.config_entries.flow.async_progress() if ent['flow_id'] != flow.flow_id): self.hass.components.persistent_notification.async_dismiss( DISCOVERY_NOTIFICATION_ID) if result['type'] != data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY: return result entry = ConfigEntry( version=result['version'], domain=result['handler'], title=result['title'], data=result['data'], source=flow.context['source'], connection_class=flow.CONNECTION_CLASS, ) self._entries.append(entry) self._async_schedule_save() # Setup entry if entry.domain in self.hass.config.components: # Component already set up, just need to call setup_entry await entry.async_setup(self.hass) else: # Setting up component will also load the entries await async_setup_component( self.hass, entry.domain, self._hass_config) result['result'] = entry return result async def _async_create_flow(self, handler_key, *, context, data): """Create a flow for specified handler. Handler key is the domain of the component that we want to set up. """ component = getattr(self.hass.components, handler_key) handler = HANDLERS.get(handler_key) if handler is None: raise data_entry_flow.UnknownHandler source = context['source'] # Make sure requirements and dependencies of component are resolved await async_process_deps_reqs( self.hass, self._hass_config, handler, component) # Create notification. if source in DISCOVERY_SOURCES: self.hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_FLOW_DISCOVERED) self.hass.components.persistent_notification.async_create( title='New devices discovered', message=("We have discovered new devices on your network. " "[Check it out](/config/integrations)"), notification_id=DISCOVERY_NOTIFICATION_ID ) flow = handler() flow.init_step = source return flow def _async_schedule_save(self): """Save the entity registry to a file.""" self._store.async_delay_save(self._data_to_save, SAVE_DELAY) @callback def _data_to_save(self): """Return data to save.""" return { 'entries': [entry.as_dict() for entry in self._entries] } async def _old_conf_migrator(old_config): """Migrate the pre-0.73 config format to the latest version.""" return {'entries': old_config} class ConfigFlow(data_entry_flow.FlowHandler): """Base class for config flows with some helpers.""" CONNECTION_CLASS = CONN_CLASS_UNKNOWN @callback def _async_current_entries(self): """Return current entries.""" return self.hass.config_entries.async_entries(self.handler) @callback def _async_in_progress(self): """Return other in progress flows for current domain.""" return [flw for flw in self.hass.config_entries.flow.async_progress() if flw['handler'] == self.handler and flw['flow_id'] != self.flow_id]