""" Support for Canary sensors. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.canary/ """ from homeassistant.components.canary import DATA_CANARY from homeassistant.const import TEMP_CELSIUS from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity DEPENDENCIES = ['canary'] SENSOR_VALUE_PRECISION = 2 ATTR_AIR_QUALITY = "air_quality" # Sensor types are defined like so: # sensor type name, unit_of_measurement, icon SENSOR_TYPES = [ ["temperature", TEMP_CELSIUS, "mdi:thermometer"], ["humidity", "%", "mdi:water-percent"], ["air_quality", None, "mdi:weather-windy"], ] STATE_AIR_QUALITY_NORMAL = "normal" STATE_AIR_QUALITY_ABNORMAL = "abnormal" STATE_AIR_QUALITY_VERY_ABNORMAL = "very_abnormal" def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Canary sensors.""" data = hass.data[DATA_CANARY] devices = [] for location in data.locations: for device in location.devices: if device.is_online: for sensor_type in SENSOR_TYPES: devices.append(CanarySensor(data, sensor_type, location, device)) add_devices(devices, True) class CanarySensor(Entity): """Representation of a Canary sensor.""" def __init__(self, data, sensor_type, location, device): """Initialize the sensor.""" self._data = data self._sensor_type = sensor_type self._device_id = device.device_id self._sensor_value = None sensor_type_name = sensor_type[0].replace("_", " ").title() self._name = '{} {} {}'.format(location.name, device.name, sensor_type_name) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the Canary sensor.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._sensor_value @property def unique_id(self): """Return the unique ID of this sensor.""" return "{}_{}".format(self._device_id, self._sensor_type[0]) @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement.""" return self._sensor_type[1] @property def icon(self): """Icon for the sensor.""" return self._sensor_type[2] @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" if self._sensor_type[0] == "air_quality" \ and self._sensor_value is not None: air_quality = None if self._sensor_value <= .4: air_quality = STATE_AIR_QUALITY_VERY_ABNORMAL elif self._sensor_value <= .59: air_quality = STATE_AIR_QUALITY_ABNORMAL elif self._sensor_value <= 1.0: air_quality = STATE_AIR_QUALITY_NORMAL return { ATTR_AIR_QUALITY: air_quality } return None def update(self): """Get the latest state of the sensor.""" self._data.update() from canary.api import SensorType canary_sensor_type = None if self._sensor_type[0] == "air_quality": canary_sensor_type = SensorType.AIR_QUALITY elif self._sensor_type[0] == "temperature": canary_sensor_type = SensorType.TEMPERATURE elif self._sensor_type[0] == "humidity": canary_sensor_type = SensorType.HUMIDITY value = self._data.get_reading(self._device_id, canary_sensor_type) if value is not None: self._sensor_value = round(float(value), SENSOR_VALUE_PRECISION)