"""Handle legacy speech to text platforms.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from collections.abc import AsyncIterable, Coroutine from dataclasses import dataclass import logging from typing import Any from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers import config_per_platform, discovery from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.setup import async_prepare_setup_platform from homeassistant.util import language as language_util from .const import ( DATA_PROVIDERS, DOMAIN, AudioBitRates, AudioChannels, AudioCodecs, AudioFormats, AudioSampleRates, SpeechResultState, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) @callback def async_default_provider(hass: HomeAssistant) -> str | None: """Return the domain of the default provider.""" if "cloud" in hass.data[DATA_PROVIDERS]: return "cloud" return next(iter(hass.data[DATA_PROVIDERS]), None) @callback def async_get_provider( hass: HomeAssistant, domain: str | None = None ) -> Provider | None: """Return provider.""" if domain: return hass.data[DATA_PROVIDERS].get(domain) provider = async_default_provider(hass) return hass.data[DATA_PROVIDERS][provider] if provider is not None else None @callback def async_setup_legacy( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType ) -> list[Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]: """Set up legacy speech to text providers.""" providers = hass.data[DATA_PROVIDERS] = {} async def async_setup_platform(p_type, p_config=None, discovery_info=None): """Set up a TTS platform.""" if p_config is None: p_config = {} platform = await async_prepare_setup_platform(hass, config, DOMAIN, p_type) if platform is None: _LOGGER.error("Unknown speech to text platform specified") return try: provider = await platform.async_get_engine(hass, p_config, discovery_info) provider.name = p_type provider.hass = hass providers[provider.name] = provider except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error setting up platform: %s", p_type) return # Add discovery support async def async_platform_discovered(platform, info): """Handle for discovered platform.""" await async_setup_platform(platform, discovery_info=info) discovery.async_listen_platform(hass, DOMAIN, async_platform_discovered) return [ async_setup_platform(p_type, p_config) for p_type, p_config in config_per_platform(config, DOMAIN) ] @dataclass class SpeechMetadata: """Metadata of audio stream.""" language: str format: AudioFormats codec: AudioCodecs bit_rate: AudioBitRates sample_rate: AudioSampleRates channel: AudioChannels def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Finish initializing the metadata.""" self.bit_rate = AudioBitRates(int(self.bit_rate)) self.sample_rate = AudioSampleRates(int(self.sample_rate)) self.channel = AudioChannels(int(self.channel)) @dataclass class SpeechResult: """Result of audio Speech.""" text: str | None result: SpeechResultState class Provider(ABC): """Represent a single STT provider.""" hass: HomeAssistant | None = None name: str | None = None @property @abstractmethod def supported_languages(self) -> list[str]: """Return a list of supported languages.""" @property @abstractmethod def supported_formats(self) -> list[AudioFormats]: """Return a list of supported formats.""" @property @abstractmethod def supported_codecs(self) -> list[AudioCodecs]: """Return a list of supported codecs.""" @property @abstractmethod def supported_bit_rates(self) -> list[AudioBitRates]: """Return a list of supported bit rates.""" @property @abstractmethod def supported_sample_rates(self) -> list[AudioSampleRates]: """Return a list of supported sample rates.""" @property @abstractmethod def supported_channels(self) -> list[AudioChannels]: """Return a list of supported channels.""" @abstractmethod async def async_process_audio_stream( self, metadata: SpeechMetadata, stream: AsyncIterable[bytes] ) -> SpeechResult: """Process an audio stream to STT service. Only streaming of content are allow! """ @callback def check_metadata(self, metadata: SpeechMetadata) -> bool: """Check if given metadata supported by this provider.""" if metadata.language not in self.supported_languages: language_matches = language_util.matches( metadata.language, self.supported_languages, ) if language_matches: metadata.language = language_matches[0] else: return False if ( metadata.format not in self.supported_formats or metadata.codec not in self.supported_codecs or metadata.bit_rate not in self.supported_bit_rates or metadata.sample_rate not in self.supported_sample_rates or metadata.channel not in self.supported_channels ): return False return True