"""Tests for Google Tasks todo platform.""" from collections.abc import Awaitable, Callable from http import HTTPStatus import json from typing import Any from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from httplib2 import Response import pytest from syrupy.assertion import SnapshotAssertion from homeassistant.components.todo import DOMAIN as TODO_DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import Platform from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from tests.typing import WebSocketGenerator ENTITY_ID = "todo.my_tasks" ITEM = { "id": "task-list-id-1", "title": "My tasks", } LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE = { "items": [ITEM], } EMPTY_RESPONSE = {} LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE = { "items": [], } ERROR_RESPONSE = { "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Invalid task ID", "errors": [ {"message": "Invalid task ID", "domain": "global", "reason": "invalid"} ], } } CONTENT_ID = "Content-ID" BOUNDARY = "batch_00972cc8-75bd-11ee-9692-0242ac110002" # Arbitrary uuid LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_WATER = { "items": [ { "id": "some-task-id", "title": "Water", "status": "needsAction", "position": "00000000000000000001", }, ], } LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_MULTIPLE = { "items": [ { "id": "some-task-id-2", "title": "Milk", "status": "needsAction", "position": "00000000000000000002", }, { "id": "some-task-id-1", "title": "Water", "status": "needsAction", "position": "00000000000000000001", }, { "id": "some-task-id-3", "title": "Cheese", "status": "needsAction", "position": "00000000000000000003", }, ], } LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_REORDER = { "items": [ { "id": "some-task-id-2", "title": "Milk", "status": "needsAction", "position": "00000000000000000002", }, { "id": "some-task-id-1", "title": "Water", "status": "needsAction", "position": "00000000000000000001", }, # Task 3 moved after task 1 { "id": "some-task-id-3", "title": "Cheese", "status": "needsAction", "position": "000000000000000000011", }, ], } # API responses when testing update methods UPDATE_API_RESPONSES = [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_WATER, EMPTY_RESPONSE, # update LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE, # refresh after update ] CREATE_API_RESPONSES = [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE, EMPTY_RESPONSE, # create LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE, # refresh ] @pytest.fixture def platforms() -> list[str]: """Fixture to specify platforms to test.""" return [Platform.TODO] @pytest.fixture async def ws_get_items( hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator, ) -> Callable[[], Awaitable[dict[str, str]]]: """Fixture to fetch items from the todo websocket.""" async def get() -> list[dict[str, str]]: # Fetch items using To-do platform client = await hass_ws_client() await client.send_json_auto_id( { "type": "todo/item/list", "entity_id": ENTITY_ID, } ) resp = await client.receive_json() assert resp.get("success") return resp.get("result", {}).get("items", []) return get @pytest.fixture(name="api_responses") def mock_api_responses() -> list[dict | list]: """Fixture for API responses to return during test.""" return [] def create_response_object(api_response: dict | list) -> tuple[Response, bytes]: """Create an http response.""" return ( Response({"Content-Type": "application/json"}), json.dumps(api_response).encode(), ) def create_batch_response_object( content_ids: list[str], api_responses: list[dict | list | Response] ) -> tuple[Response, bytes]: """Create a batch response in the multipart/mixed format.""" assert len(api_responses) == len(content_ids) content = [] for api_response in api_responses: status = 200 body = "" if isinstance(api_response, Response): status = api_response.status else: body = json.dumps(api_response) content.extend( [ f"--{BOUNDARY}", "Content-Type: application/http", f"{CONTENT_ID}: {content_ids.pop()}", "", f"HTTP/1.1 {status} OK", "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8", "", body, ] ) content.append(f"--{BOUNDARY}--") body = ("\r\n".join(content)).encode() return ( Response( { "Content-Type": f"multipart/mixed; boundary={BOUNDARY}", "Content-ID": "1", } ), body, ) def create_batch_response_handler( api_responses: list[dict | list | Response], ) -> Callable[[Any], tuple[Response, bytes]]: """Create a fake http2lib response handler that supports generating batch responses. Multi-part response objects are dynamically generated since they need to match the Content-ID of the incoming request. """ def _handler(url, method, **kwargs) -> tuple[Response, bytes]: next_api_response = api_responses.pop(0) if method == "POST" and (body := kwargs.get("body")): content_ids = [ line[len(CONTENT_ID) + 2 :] for line in body.splitlines() if line.startswith(f"{CONTENT_ID}:") ] if content_ids: return create_batch_response_object(content_ids, next_api_response) return create_response_object(next_api_response) return _handler @pytest.fixture(name="response_handler") def mock_response_handler(api_responses: list[dict | list]) -> list: """Create a mock http2lib response handler.""" return [create_response_object(api_response) for api_response in api_responses] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mock_http_response(response_handler: list | Callable) -> Mock: """Fixture to fake out http2lib responses.""" with patch("httplib2.Http.request", side_effect=response_handler) as mock_response: yield mock_response @pytest.mark.parametrize( "api_responses", [ [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, { "items": [ { "id": "task-1", "title": "Task 1", "status": "needsAction", "position": "0000000000000001", "due": "2023-11-18T00:00:00+00:00", }, { "id": "task-2", "title": "Task 2", "status": "completed", "position": "0000000000000002", "notes": "long description", }, ], }, ] ], ) async def test_get_items( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator, ws_get_items: Callable[[], Awaitable[dict[str, str]]], ) -> None: """Test getting todo list items.""" assert await integration_setup() await hass_ws_client(hass) items = await ws_get_items() assert items == [ { "uid": "task-1", "summary": "Task 1", "status": "needs_action", "due": "2023-11-18", }, { "uid": "task-2", "summary": "Task 2", "status": "completed", "description": "long description", }, ] # State reflect that one task needs action state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "1" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "response_handler", [ ([(Response({"status": HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR}), b"")]), ], ) async def test_list_items_server_error( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator, ws_get_items: Callable[[], Awaitable[dict[str, str]]], ) -> None: """Test an error returned by the server when setting up the platform.""" assert await integration_setup() await hass_ws_client(hass) state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state is None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "api_responses", [ [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE, ] ], ) async def test_empty_todo_list( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator, ws_get_items: Callable[[], Awaitable[dict[str, str]]], ) -> None: """Test getting todo list items.""" assert await integration_setup() await hass_ws_client(hass) items = await ws_get_items() assert items == [] state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "0" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "api_responses", [ [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, ERROR_RESPONSE, ] ], ) async def test_task_items_error_response( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator, ws_get_items: Callable[[], Awaitable[dict[str, str]]], ) -> None: """Test an error while getting todo list items.""" assert await integration_setup() await hass_ws_client(hass) state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "unavailable" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("api_responses", "item_data"), [ (CREATE_API_RESPONSES, {}), (CREATE_API_RESPONSES, {"due_date": "2023-11-18"}), (CREATE_API_RESPONSES, {"description": "6-pack"}), ], ids=["summary", "due", "description"], ) async def test_create_todo_list_item( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], mock_http_response: Mock, item_data: dict[str, Any], snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test for creating a To-do Item.""" assert await integration_setup() state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "0" await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "add_item", {"item": "Soda", **item_data}, target={"entity_id": "todo.my_tasks"}, blocking=True, ) assert len(mock_http_response.call_args_list) == 4 call = mock_http_response.call_args_list[2] assert call assert call.args == snapshot assert call.kwargs.get("body") == snapshot @pytest.mark.parametrize( "api_responses", [ [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_WATER, ERROR_RESPONSE, ] ], ) async def test_create_todo_list_item_error( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], mock_http_response: Mock, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test for an error response when creating a To-do Item.""" assert await integration_setup() state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "1" with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError, match="Invalid task ID"): await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "add_item", {"item": "Soda"}, target={"entity_id": "todo.my_tasks"}, blocking=True, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("api_responses", [UPDATE_API_RESPONSES]) async def test_update_todo_list_item( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], mock_http_response: Any, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test for updating a To-do Item.""" assert await integration_setup() state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "1" await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "update_item", {"item": "some-task-id", "rename": "Soda", "status": "completed"}, target={"entity_id": "todo.my_tasks"}, blocking=True, ) assert len(mock_http_response.call_args_list) == 4 call = mock_http_response.call_args_list[2] assert call assert call.args == snapshot assert call.kwargs.get("body") == snapshot @pytest.mark.parametrize( "api_responses", [ [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_WATER, ERROR_RESPONSE, # update fails ] ], ) async def test_update_todo_list_item_error( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], mock_http_response: Any, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test for an error response when updating a To-do Item.""" assert await integration_setup() state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "1" with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError, match="Invalid task ID"): await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "update_item", {"item": "some-task-id", "rename": "Soda", "status": "completed"}, target={"entity_id": "todo.my_tasks"}, blocking=True, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("api_responses", "item_data"), [ (UPDATE_API_RESPONSES, {"rename": "Soda"}), (UPDATE_API_RESPONSES, {"due_date": "2023-11-18"}), (UPDATE_API_RESPONSES, {"description": "6-pack"}), ], ids=("rename", "due_date", "description"), ) async def test_partial_update( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], mock_http_response: Any, item_data: dict[str, Any], snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test for partial update with title only.""" assert await integration_setup() state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "1" await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "update_item", {"item": "some-task-id", **item_data}, target={"entity_id": "todo.my_tasks"}, blocking=True, ) assert len(mock_http_response.call_args_list) == 4 call = mock_http_response.call_args_list[2] assert call assert call.args == snapshot assert call.kwargs.get("body") == snapshot @pytest.mark.parametrize("api_responses", [UPDATE_API_RESPONSES]) async def test_partial_update_status( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], mock_http_response: Any, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test for partial update with status only.""" assert await integration_setup() state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "1" await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "update_item", {"item": "some-task-id", "status": "needs_action"}, target={"entity_id": "todo.my_tasks"}, blocking=True, ) assert len(mock_http_response.call_args_list) == 4 call = mock_http_response.call_args_list[2] assert call assert call.args == snapshot assert call.kwargs.get("body") == snapshot @pytest.mark.parametrize( "response_handler", [ ( create_batch_response_handler( [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_MULTIPLE, [EMPTY_RESPONSE, EMPTY_RESPONSE, EMPTY_RESPONSE], # Delete batch LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE, # refresh after delete ] ) ) ], ) async def test_delete_todo_list_item( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], mock_http_response: Any, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test for deleting multiple To-do Items.""" assert await integration_setup() state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "3" await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "remove_item", {"item": ["some-task-id-1", "some-task-id-2", "some-task-id-3"]}, target={"entity_id": "todo.my_tasks"}, blocking=True, ) assert len(mock_http_response.call_args_list) == 4 call = mock_http_response.call_args_list[2] assert call assert call.args == snapshot @pytest.mark.parametrize( "response_handler", [ ( create_batch_response_handler( [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_MULTIPLE, [ EMPTY_RESPONSE, ERROR_RESPONSE, # one item is a failure EMPTY_RESPONSE, ], LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE, # refresh after create ] ) ) ], ) async def test_delete_partial_failure( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], mock_http_response: Any, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test for partial failure when deleting multiple To-do Items.""" assert await integration_setup() state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "3" with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError, match="Invalid task ID"): await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "remove_item", {"item": ["some-task-id-1", "some-task-id-2", "some-task-id-3"]}, target={"entity_id": "todo.my_tasks"}, blocking=True, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "response_handler", [ ( create_batch_response_handler( [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_MULTIPLE, [ "1234-invalid-json", ], ] ) ) ], ) async def test_delete_invalid_json_response( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], mock_http_response: Any, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test delete with an invalid json response.""" assert await integration_setup() state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "3" with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError, match="unexpected response"): await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "remove_item", {"item": ["some-task-id-1"]}, target={"entity_id": "todo.my_tasks"}, blocking=True, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "response_handler", [ ( create_batch_response_handler( [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_MULTIPLE, [Response({"status": HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR})], ] ) ) ], ) async def test_delete_server_error( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], mock_http_response: Any, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test delete with an invalid json response.""" assert await integration_setup() state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "3" with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError, match="responded with error"): await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "remove_item", {"item": ["some-task-id-1"]}, target={"entity_id": "todo.my_tasks"}, blocking=True, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "api_responses", [ [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, { "items": [ { "id": "task-3-2", "title": "Child 2", "status": "needsAction", "parent": "task-3", "position": "0000000000000002", }, { "id": "task-3", "title": "Task 3 (Parent)", "status": "needsAction", "position": "0000000000000003", }, { "id": "task-2", "title": "Task 2", "status": "needsAction", "position": "0000000000000002", }, { "id": "task-1", "title": "Task 1", "status": "needsAction", "position": "0000000000000001", }, { "id": "task-3-1", "title": "Child 1", "status": "needsAction", "parent": "task-3", "position": "0000000000000001", }, { "id": "task-4", "title": "Task 4", "status": "needsAction", "position": "0000000000000004", }, ], }, ] ], ) async def test_parent_child_ordering( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], ws_get_items: Callable[[], Awaitable[dict[str, str]]], snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test getting todo list items.""" assert await integration_setup() state = hass.states.get("todo.my_tasks") assert state assert state.state == "4" items = await ws_get_items() assert items == snapshot @pytest.mark.parametrize( "api_responses", [ [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_MULTIPLE, EMPTY_RESPONSE, # move LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_REORDER, # refresh after move ] ], ) async def test_move_todo_item( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], ws_get_items: Callable[[], Awaitable[dict[str, str]]], hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator, mock_http_response: Any, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test for re-ordering a To-do Item.""" assert await integration_setup() state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_ID) assert state assert state.state == "3" items = await ws_get_items() assert items == snapshot # Move to second in the list client = await hass_ws_client() data = { "id": id, "type": "todo/item/move", "entity_id": ENTITY_ID, "uid": "some-task-id-3", "previous_uid": "some-task-id-1", } await client.send_json_auto_id(data) resp = await client.receive_json() assert resp.get("success") assert len(mock_http_response.call_args_list) == 4 call = mock_http_response.call_args_list[2] assert call assert call.args == snapshot assert call.kwargs.get("body") == snapshot state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_ID) assert state assert state.state == "3" items = await ws_get_items() assert items == snapshot @pytest.mark.parametrize( "api_responses", [ [ LIST_TASK_LIST_RESPONSE, LIST_TASKS_RESPONSE_WATER, EMPTY_RESPONSE, # update # refresh after update { "items": [ { "id": "some-task-id", "title": "Milk", "status": "needsAction", "position": "0000000000000001", }, ], }, ] ], ) async def test_susbcribe( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_credentials: None, integration_setup: Callable[[], Awaitable[bool]], hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator, ) -> None: """Test subscribing to item updates.""" assert await integration_setup() # Subscribe and get the initial list client = await hass_ws_client(hass) await client.send_json_auto_id( { "type": "todo/item/subscribe", "entity_id": "todo.my_tasks", } ) msg = await client.receive_json() assert msg["success"] assert msg["result"] is None subscription_id = msg["id"] msg = await client.receive_json() assert msg["id"] == subscription_id assert msg["type"] == "event" items = msg["event"].get("items") assert items assert len(items) == 1 assert items[0]["summary"] == "Water" assert items[0]["status"] == "needs_action" uid = items[0]["uid"] assert uid # Rename item await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "update_item", {"item": uid, "rename": "Milk"}, target={"entity_id": "todo.my_tasks"}, blocking=True, ) # Verify update is published msg = await client.receive_json() assert msg["id"] == subscription_id assert msg["type"] == "event" items = msg["event"].get("items") assert items assert len(items) == 1 assert items[0]["summary"] == "Milk" assert items[0]["status"] == "needs_action" assert "uid" in items[0]