"""Support for KNX/IP weather station."""

from xknx.devices import Weather as XknxWeather

from homeassistant.components.weather import WeatherEntity
from homeassistant.const import TEMP_CELSIUS

from .const import DATA_KNX

async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None):
    """Set up the scenes for KNX platform."""
    entities = []
    for device in hass.data[DATA_KNX].xknx.devices:
        if isinstance(device, XknxWeather):

class KNXWeather(WeatherEntity):
    """Representation of a KNX weather device."""

    def __init__(self, device: XknxWeather):
        """Initialize of a KNX sensor."""
        self.device = device

    def name(self):
        """Return the name of the weather device."""
        return self.device.name

    def temperature(self):
        """Return current temperature."""
        return self.device.temperature

    def temperature_unit(self):
        """Return temperature unit."""
        return TEMP_CELSIUS

    def pressure(self):
        """Return current air pressure."""
        # KNX returns pA - HA requires hPa
        return (
            self.device.air_pressure / 100
            if self.device.air_pressure is not None
            else None

    def condition(self):
        """Return current weather condition."""
        return self.device.ha_current_state().value

    def humidity(self):
        """Return current humidity."""
        return self.device.humidity if self.device.humidity is not None else None

    def wind_speed(self):
        """Return current wind speed in km/h."""
        # KNX only supports wind speed in m/s
        return (
            self.device.wind_speed * 3.6 if self.device.wind_speed is not None else None