"""The tests for the Recorder component.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods,protected-access import unittest import time import json from unittest.mock import patch from homeassistant.const import MATCH_ALL from homeassistant.components import recorder from tests.common import get_test_home_assistant class TestRecorder(unittest.TestCase): """Test the recorder module.""" def setUp(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Setup things to be run when tests are started.""" self.hass = get_test_home_assistant() with patch('homeassistant.core.Config.path', return_value=':memory:'): recorder.setup(self.hass, {}) self.hass.start() recorder._INSTANCE.block_till_done() def tearDown(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Stop everything that was started.""" self.hass.stop() recorder._INSTANCE.block_till_done() def _add_test_states(self): """Adds multiple states to the db for testing.""" now = int(time.time()) five_days_ago = now - (60*60*24*5) attributes = {'test_attr': 5, 'test_attr_10': 'nice'} self.hass.pool.block_till_done() recorder._INSTANCE.block_till_done() for event_id in range(5): if event_id < 3: timestamp = five_days_ago state = 'purgeme' else: timestamp = now state = 'dontpurgeme' recorder.query("INSERT INTO states (" "entity_id, domain, state, attributes, last_changed," "last_updated, created, utc_offset, event_id)" "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ('test.recorder2', 'sensor', state, json.dumps(attributes), timestamp, timestamp, timestamp, -18000, event_id + 1000)) def _add_test_events(self): """Adds a few events for testing.""" now = int(time.time()) five_days_ago = now - (60*60*24*5) event_data = {'test_attr': 5, 'test_attr_10': 'nice'} self.hass.pool.block_till_done() recorder._INSTANCE.block_till_done() for event_id in range(5): if event_id < 2: timestamp = five_days_ago event_type = 'EVENT_TEST_PURGE' else: timestamp = now event_type = 'EVENT_TEST' recorder.query("INSERT INTO events" "(event_type, event_data, origin, created," "time_fired, utc_offset)" "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (event_type, json.dumps(event_data), 'LOCAL', timestamp, timestamp, -18000)) def test_saving_state(self): """Test saving and restoring a state.""" entity_id = 'test.recorder' state = 'restoring_from_db' attributes = {'test_attr': 5, 'test_attr_10': 'nice'} self.hass.states.set(entity_id, state, attributes) self.hass.pool.block_till_done() recorder._INSTANCE.block_till_done() states = recorder.query_states('SELECT * FROM states') self.assertEqual(1, len(states)) self.assertEqual(self.hass.states.get(entity_id), states[0]) def test_saving_event(self): """Test saving and restoring an event.""" event_type = 'EVENT_TEST' event_data = {'test_attr': 5, 'test_attr_10': 'nice'} events = [] def event_listener(event): """Record events from eventbus.""" if event.event_type == event_type: events.append(event) self.hass.bus.listen(MATCH_ALL, event_listener) self.hass.bus.fire(event_type, event_data) self.hass.pool.block_till_done() recorder._INSTANCE.block_till_done() db_events = recorder.query_events( 'SELECT * FROM events WHERE event_type = ?', (event_type, )) self.assertEqual(events, db_events) def test_purge_old_states(self): """Tests deleting old states.""" self._add_test_states() # make sure we start with 5 states states = recorder.query_states('SELECT * FROM states') self.assertEqual(len(states), 5) # run purge_old_data() recorder._INSTANCE.purge_days = 4 recorder._INSTANCE._purge_old_data() # we should only have 2 states left after purging states = recorder.query_states('SELECT * FROM states') self.assertEqual(len(states), 2) def test_purge_old_events(self): """Tests deleting old events.""" self._add_test_events() events = recorder.query_events('SELECT * FROM events WHERE ' 'event_type LIKE "EVENT_TEST%"') self.assertEqual(len(events), 5) # run purge_old_data() recorder._INSTANCE.purge_days = 4 recorder._INSTANCE._purge_old_data() # now we should only have 3 events left events = recorder.query_events('SELECT * FROM events WHERE ' 'event_type LIKE "EVENT_TEST%"') self.assertEqual(len(events), 3) def test_purge_disabled(self): """Tests leaving purge_days disabled.""" self._add_test_states() self._add_test_events() # make sure we start with 5 states and events states = recorder.query_states('SELECT * FROM states') events = recorder.query_events('SELECT * FROM events WHERE ' 'event_type LIKE "EVENT_TEST%"') self.assertEqual(len(states), 5) self.assertEqual(len(events), 5) # run purge_old_data() recorder._INSTANCE.purge_days = None recorder._INSTANCE._purge_old_data() # we should have all of our states still states = recorder.query_states('SELECT * FROM states') events = recorder.query_events('SELECT * FROM events WHERE ' 'event_type LIKE "EVENT_TEST%"') self.assertEqual(len(states), 5) self.assertEqual(len(events), 5)