"""Update platform for Supervisor.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion, AwesomeVersionStrategy from homeassistant.components.update import ( UpdateEntity, UpdateEntityDescription, UpdateEntityFeature, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ICON, ATTR_NAME from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from . import ( ADDONS_COORDINATOR, async_update_addon, async_update_core, async_update_os, async_update_supervisor, ) from .const import ( ATTR_CHANGELOG, ATTR_VERSION, ATTR_VERSION_LATEST, DATA_KEY_ADDONS, DATA_KEY_CORE, DATA_KEY_OS, DATA_KEY_SUPERVISOR, ) from .entity import ( HassioAddonEntity, HassioCoreEntity, HassioOSEntity, HassioSupervisorEntity, ) from .handler import HassioAPIError ENTITY_DESCRIPTION = UpdateEntityDescription( name="Update", key=ATTR_VERSION_LATEST, ) async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up Supervisor update based on a config entry.""" coordinator = hass.data[ADDONS_COORDINATOR] entities = [ SupervisorSupervisorUpdateEntity( coordinator=coordinator, entity_description=ENTITY_DESCRIPTION, ), SupervisorCoreUpdateEntity( coordinator=coordinator, entity_description=ENTITY_DESCRIPTION, ), ] for addon in coordinator.data[DATA_KEY_ADDONS].values(): entities.append( SupervisorAddonUpdateEntity( addon=addon, coordinator=coordinator, entity_description=ENTITY_DESCRIPTION, ) ) if coordinator.is_hass_os: entities.append( SupervisorOSUpdateEntity( coordinator=coordinator, entity_description=ENTITY_DESCRIPTION, ) ) async_add_entities(entities) class SupervisorAddonUpdateEntity(HassioAddonEntity, UpdateEntity): """Update entity to handle updates for the Supervisor add-ons.""" _attr_supported_features = ( UpdateEntityFeature.INSTALL | UpdateEntityFeature.BACKUP | UpdateEntityFeature.RELEASE_NOTES ) @property def _addon_data(self) -> dict: """Return the add-on data.""" return self.coordinator.data[DATA_KEY_ADDONS][self._addon_slug] @property def title(self) -> str | None: """Return the title of the update.""" return self._addon_data[ATTR_NAME] @property def latest_version(self) -> str | None: """Latest version available for install.""" return self._addon_data[ATTR_VERSION_LATEST] @property def current_version(self) -> str | None: """Version currently in use.""" return self._addon_data[ATTR_VERSION] @property def release_summary(self) -> str | None: """Release summary for the add-on.""" return self._strip_release_notes() @property def entity_picture(self) -> str | None: """Return the icon of the add-on if any.""" if not self.available: return None if self._addon_data[ATTR_ICON]: return f"/api/hassio/addons/{self._addon_slug}/icon" return None def _strip_release_notes(self) -> str | None: """Strip the release notes to contain the needed sections.""" if (notes := self._addon_data[ATTR_CHANGELOG]) is None: return None if f"# {self.latest_version}" in notes and f"# {self.current_version}" in notes: # Split the release notes to only what is between the versions if we can new_notes = notes.split(f"# {self.current_version}")[0] if f"# {self.latest_version}" in new_notes: # Make sure the latest version is still there. # This can be False if the order of the release notes are not correct # In that case we just return the whole release notes return new_notes return notes async def async_release_notes(self) -> str | None: """Return the release notes for the update.""" return self._strip_release_notes() async def async_install( self, version: str | None = None, backup: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Install an update.""" try: await async_update_addon(self.hass, slug=self._addon_slug, backup=backup) except HassioAPIError as err: raise HomeAssistantError(f"Error updating {self.title}: {err}") from err else: await self.coordinator.force_info_update_supervisor() class SupervisorOSUpdateEntity(HassioOSEntity, UpdateEntity): """Update entity to handle updates for the Home Assistant Operating System.""" _attr_supported_features = ( UpdateEntityFeature.INSTALL | UpdateEntityFeature.SPECIFIC_VERSION ) _attr_title = "Home Assistant Operating System" @property def latest_version(self) -> str: """Return native value of entity.""" return self.coordinator.data[DATA_KEY_OS][ATTR_VERSION_LATEST] @property def current_version(self) -> str: """Return native value of entity.""" return self.coordinator.data[DATA_KEY_OS][ATTR_VERSION] @property def entity_picture(self) -> str | None: """Return the iconof the entity.""" return "https://brands.home-assistant.io/homeassistant/icon.png" @property def release_url(self) -> str | None: """URL to the full release notes of the latest version available.""" version = AwesomeVersion(self.latest_version) if version.dev or version.strategy == AwesomeVersionStrategy.UNKNOWN: return "https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/commits/dev" return ( f"https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/releases/tag/{version}" ) async def async_install( self, version: str | None, backup: bool, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Install an update.""" try: await async_update_os(self.hass, version) except HassioAPIError as err: raise HomeAssistantError( f"Error updating Home Assistant Operating System: {err}" ) from err class SupervisorSupervisorUpdateEntity(HassioSupervisorEntity, UpdateEntity): """Update entity to handle updates for the Home Assistant Supervisor.""" _attr_supported_features = UpdateEntityFeature.INSTALL _attr_title = "Home Assistant Supervisor" @property def latest_version(self) -> str: """Return native value of entity.""" return self.coordinator.data[DATA_KEY_SUPERVISOR][ATTR_VERSION_LATEST] @property def current_version(self) -> str: """Return native value of entity.""" return self.coordinator.data[DATA_KEY_SUPERVISOR][ATTR_VERSION] @property def release_url(self) -> str | None: """URL to the full release notes of the latest version available.""" version = AwesomeVersion(self.latest_version) if version.dev or version.strategy == AwesomeVersionStrategy.UNKNOWN: return "https://github.com/home-assistant/supervisor/commits/main" return f"https://github.com/home-assistant/supervisor/releases/tag/{version}" @property def entity_picture(self) -> str | None: """Return the iconof the entity.""" return "https://brands.home-assistant.io/hassio/icon.png" async def async_install( self, version: str | None, backup: bool, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Install an update.""" try: await async_update_supervisor(self.hass) except HassioAPIError as err: raise HomeAssistantError( f"Error updating Home Assistant Supervisor: {err}" ) from err class SupervisorCoreUpdateEntity(HassioCoreEntity, UpdateEntity): """Update entity to handle updates for Home Assistant Core.""" _attr_supported_features = ( UpdateEntityFeature.INSTALL | UpdateEntityFeature.SPECIFIC_VERSION | UpdateEntityFeature.BACKUP ) _attr_title = "Home Assistant Core" @property def latest_version(self) -> str: """Return native value of entity.""" return self.coordinator.data[DATA_KEY_CORE][ATTR_VERSION_LATEST] @property def current_version(self) -> str: """Return native value of entity.""" return self.coordinator.data[DATA_KEY_CORE][ATTR_VERSION] @property def entity_picture(self) -> str | None: """Return the iconof the entity.""" return "https://brands.home-assistant.io/homeassistant/icon.png" @property def release_url(self) -> str | None: """URL to the full release notes of the latest version available.""" version = AwesomeVersion(self.latest_version) if version.dev: return "https://github.com/home-assistant/core/commits/dev" return f"https://{'rc' if version.beta else 'www'}.home-assistant.io/latest-release-notes/" async def async_install( self, version: str | None, backup: bool, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Install an update.""" try: await async_update_core(self.hass, version=version, backup=backup) except HassioAPIError as err: raise HomeAssistantError( f"Error updating Home Assistant Core {err}" ) from err