[MESSAGES CONTROL] # Reasons disabled: # locally-disabled - it spams too much # duplicate-code - unavoidable # cyclic-import - doesn't test if both import on load # abstract-class-little-used - prevents from setting right foundation # unused-argument - generic callbacks and setup methods create a lot of warnings # global-statement - used for the on-demand requirement installation # redefined-variable-type - this is Python, we're duck typing! # too-many-* - are not enforced for the sake of readability # too-few-* - same as too-many-* # abstract-method - with intro of async there are always methods missing # inconsistent-return-statements - doesn't handle raise disable= abstract-class-little-used, abstract-method, cyclic-import, duplicate-code, global-statement, inconsistent-return-statements, locally-disabled, not-context-manager, redefined-variable-type, too-few-public-methods, too-many-arguments, too-many-branches, too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-lines, too-many-locals, too-many-public-methods, too-many-return-statements, too-many-statements, unused-argument [REPORTS] reports=no [TYPECHECK] # For attrs ignored-classes=_CountingAttr generated-members=botocore.errorfactory [EXCEPTIONS] overgeneral-exceptions=Exception,HomeAssistantError