"""Constants for the Alexa integration.""" from collections import OrderedDict from homeassistant.components import fan from homeassistant.components.climate import const as climate from homeassistant.const import TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT DOMAIN = "alexa" # Flash briefing constants CONF_UID = "uid" CONF_TITLE = "title" CONF_AUDIO = "audio" CONF_TEXT = "text" CONF_DISPLAY_URL = "display_url" CONF_FILTER = "filter" CONF_ENTITY_CONFIG = "entity_config" CONF_ENDPOINT = "endpoint" CONF_CLIENT_ID = "client_id" CONF_CLIENT_SECRET = "client_secret" ATTR_UID = "uid" ATTR_UPDATE_DATE = "updateDate" ATTR_TITLE_TEXT = "titleText" ATTR_STREAM_URL = "streamUrl" ATTR_MAIN_TEXT = "mainText" ATTR_REDIRECTION_URL = "redirectionURL" SYN_RESOLUTION_MATCH = "ER_SUCCESS_MATCH" DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.0Z" API_DIRECTIVE = "directive" API_ENDPOINT = "endpoint" API_EVENT = "event" API_CONTEXT = "context" API_HEADER = "header" API_PAYLOAD = "payload" API_SCOPE = "scope" API_CHANGE = "change" CONF_DESCRIPTION = "description" CONF_DISPLAY_CATEGORIES = "display_categories" API_TEMP_UNITS = {TEMP_FAHRENHEIT: "FAHRENHEIT", TEMP_CELSIUS: "CELSIUS"} # Needs to be ordered dict for `async_api_set_thermostat_mode` which does a # reverse mapping of this dict and we want to map the first occurrence of OFF # back to HA state. API_THERMOSTAT_MODES = OrderedDict( [ (climate.HVAC_MODE_HEAT, "HEAT"), (climate.HVAC_MODE_COOL, "COOL"), (climate.HVAC_MODE_HEAT_COOL, "AUTO"), (climate.HVAC_MODE_AUTO, "AUTO"), (climate.HVAC_MODE_OFF, "OFF"), (climate.HVAC_MODE_FAN_ONLY, "OFF"), (climate.HVAC_MODE_DRY, "CUSTOM"), ] ) API_THERMOSTAT_MODES_CUSTOM = {climate.HVAC_MODE_DRY: "DEHUMIDIFY"} API_THERMOSTAT_PRESETS = {climate.PRESET_ECO: "ECO"} PERCENTAGE_FAN_MAP = { fan.SPEED_OFF: 0, fan.SPEED_LOW: 33, fan.SPEED_MEDIUM: 66, fan.SPEED_HIGH: 100, } RANGE_FAN_MAP = { fan.SPEED_OFF: 0, fan.SPEED_LOW: 1, fan.SPEED_MEDIUM: 2, fan.SPEED_HIGH: 3, } SPEED_FAN_MAP = { 0: fan.SPEED_OFF, 1: fan.SPEED_LOW, 2: fan.SPEED_MEDIUM, 3: fan.SPEED_HIGH, } class Cause: """Possible causes for property changes. https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smarthome/state-reporting-for-a-smart-home-skill.html#cause-object """ # Indicates that the event was caused by a customer interaction with an # application. For example, a customer switches on a light, or locks a door # using the Alexa app or an app provided by a device vendor. APP_INTERACTION = "APP_INTERACTION" # Indicates that the event was caused by a physical interaction with an # endpoint. For example manually switching on a light or manually locking a # door lock PHYSICAL_INTERACTION = "PHYSICAL_INTERACTION" # Indicates that the event was caused by the periodic poll of an appliance, # which found a change in value. For example, you might poll a temperature # sensor every hour, and send the updated temperature to Alexa. PERIODIC_POLL = "PERIODIC_POLL" # Indicates that the event was caused by the application of a device rule. # For example, a customer configures a rule to switch on a light if a # motion sensor detects motion. In this case, Alexa receives an event from # the motion sensor, and another event from the light to indicate that its # state change was caused by the rule. RULE_TRIGGER = "RULE_TRIGGER" # Indicates that the event was caused by a voice interaction with Alexa. # For example a user speaking to their Echo device. VOICE_INTERACTION = "VOICE_INTERACTION" class Catalog: """The Global Alexa catalog. https://developer.amazon.com/docs/device-apis/resources-and-assets.html#global-alexa-catalog You can use the global Alexa catalog for pre-defined names of devices, settings, values, and units. This catalog is localized into all the languages that Alexa supports. You can reference the following catalog of pre-defined friendly names. Each item in the following list is an asset identifier followed by its supported friendly names. The first friendly name for each identifier is the one displayed in the Alexa mobile app. """ LABEL_ASSET = "asset" LABEL_TEXT = "text" # Shower DEVICENAME_SHOWER = "Alexa.DeviceName.Shower" # Washer, Washing Machine DEVICENAME_WASHER = "Alexa.DeviceName.Washer" # Router, Internet Router, Network Router, Wifi Router, Net Router DEVICENAME_ROUTER = "Alexa.DeviceName.Router" # Fan, Blower DEVICENAME_FAN = "Alexa.DeviceName.Fan" # Air Purifier, Air Cleaner,Clean Air Machine DEVICENAME_AIRPURIFIER = "Alexa.DeviceName.AirPurifier" # Space Heater, Portable Heater DEVICENAME_SPACEHEATER = "Alexa.DeviceName.SpaceHeater" # Rain Head, Overhead shower, Rain Shower, Rain Spout, Rain Faucet SHOWER_RAINHEAD = "Alexa.Shower.RainHead" # Handheld Shower, Shower Wand, Hand Shower SHOWER_HANDHELD = "Alexa.Shower.HandHeld" # Water Temperature, Water Temp, Water Heat SETTING_WATERTEMPERATURE = "Alexa.Setting.WaterTemperature" # Temperature, Temp SETTING_TEMPERATURE = "Alexa.Setting.Temperature" # Wash Cycle, Wash Preset, Wash setting SETTING_WASHCYCLE = "Alexa.Setting.WashCycle" # 2.4G Guest Wi-Fi, 2.4G Guest Network, Guest Network 2.4G, 2G Guest Wifi SETTING_2GGUESTWIFI = "Alexa.Setting.2GGuestWiFi" # 5G Guest Wi-Fi, 5G Guest Network, Guest Network 5G, 5G Guest Wifi SETTING_5GGUESTWIFI = "Alexa.Setting.5GGuestWiFi" # Guest Wi-fi, Guest Network, Guest Net SETTING_GUESTWIFI = "Alexa.Setting.GuestWiFi" # Auto, Automatic, Automatic Mode, Auto Mode SETTING_AUTO = "Alexa.Setting.Auto" # #Night, Night Mode SETTING_NIGHT = "Alexa.Setting.Night" # Quiet, Quiet Mode, Noiseless, Silent SETTING_QUIET = "Alexa.Setting.Quiet" # Oscillate, Swivel, Oscillation, Spin, Back and forth SETTING_OSCILLATE = "Alexa.Setting.Oscillate" # Fan Speed, Airflow speed, Wind Speed, Air speed, Air velocity SETTING_FANSPEED = "Alexa.Setting.FanSpeed" # Preset, Setting SETTING_PRESET = "Alexa.Setting.Preset" # Mode SETTING_MODE = "Alexa.Setting.Mode" # Direction SETTING_DIRECTION = "Alexa.Setting.Direction" # Delicates, Delicate VALUE_DELICATE = "Alexa.Value.Delicate" # Quick Wash, Fast Wash, Wash Quickly, Speed Wash VALUE_QUICKWASH = "Alexa.Value.QuickWash" # Maximum, Max VALUE_MAXIMUM = "Alexa.Value.Maximum" # Minimum, Min VALUE_MINIMUM = "Alexa.Value.Minimum" # High VALUE_HIGH = "Alexa.Value.High" # Low VALUE_LOW = "Alexa.Value.Low" # Medium, Mid VALUE_MEDIUM = "Alexa.Value.Medium" class Unit: """Alexa Units of Measure. https://developer.amazon.com/docs/device-apis/alexa-property-schemas.html#units-of-measure """ ANGLE_DEGREES = "Alexa.Unit.Angle.Degrees" ANGLE_RADIANS = "Alexa.Unit.Angle.Radians" DISTANCE_FEET = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Feet" DISTANCE_INCHES = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Inches" DISTANCE_KILOMETERS = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Kilometers" DISTANCE_METERS = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Meters" DISTANCE_MILES = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Miles" DISTANCE_YARDS = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Yards" MASS_GRAMS = "Alexa.Unit.Mass.Grams" MASS_KILOGRAMS = "Alexa.Unit.Mass.Kilograms" PERCENT = "Alexa.Unit.Percent" TEMPERATURE_CELSIUS = "Alexa.Unit.Temperature.Celsius" TEMPERATURE_DEGREES = "Alexa.Unit.Temperature.Degrees" TEMPERATURE_FAHRENHEIT = "Alexa.Unit.Temperature.Fahrenheit" TEMPERATURE_KELVIN = "Alexa.Unit.Temperature.Kelvin" VOLUME_CUBICFEET = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.CubicFeet" VOLUME_CUBICMETERS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.CubicMeters" VOLUME_GALLONS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.Gallons" VOLUME_LITERS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.Liters" VOLUME_PINTS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.Pints" VOLUME_QUARTS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.Quarts" WEIGHT_OUNCES = "Alexa.Unit.Weight.Ounces" WEIGHT_POUNDS = "Alexa.Unit.Weight.Pounds" class Inputs: """Valid names for the InputController. https://developer.amazon.com/docs/device-apis/alexa-property-schemas.html#input """ VALID_SOURCE_NAME_MAP = { "aux": "AUX 1", "aux1": "AUX 1", "aux2": "AUX 2", "aux3": "AUX 3", "aux4": "AUX 4", "aux5": "AUX 5", "aux6": "AUX 6", "aux7": "AUX 7", "bluray": "BLURAY", "cable": "CABLE", "cd": "CD", "coax": "COAX 1", "coax1": "COAX 1", "coax2": "COAX 2", "composite": "COMPOSITE 1", "composite1": "COMPOSITE 1", "dvd": "DVD", "game": "GAME", "gameconsole": "GAME", "hdradio": "HD RADIO", "hdmi": "HDMI 1", "hdmi1": "HDMI 1", "hdmi2": "HDMI 2", "hdmi3": "HDMI 3", "hdmi4": "HDMI 4", "hdmi5": "HDMI 5", "hdmi6": "HDMI 6", "hdmi7": "HDMI 7", "hdmi8": "HDMI 8", "hdmi9": "HDMI 9", "hdmi10": "HDMI 10", "hdmiarc": "HDMI ARC", "input": "INPUT 1", "input1": "INPUT 1", "input2": "INPUT 2", "input3": "INPUT 3", "input4": "INPUT 4", "input5": "INPUT 5", "input6": "INPUT 6", "input7": "INPUT 7", "input8": "INPUT 8", "input9": "INPUT 9", "input10": "INPUT 10", "ipod": "IPOD", "line": "LINE 1", "line1": "LINE 1", "line2": "LINE 2", "line3": "LINE 3", "line4": "LINE 4", "line5": "LINE 5", "line6": "LINE 6", "line7": "LINE 7", "mediaplayer": "MEDIA PLAYER", "optical": "OPTICAL 1", "optical1": "OPTICAL 1", "optical2": "OPTICAL 2", "phono": "PHONO", "playstation": "PLAYSTATION", "playstation3": "PLAYSTATION 3", "playstation4": "PLAYSTATION 4", "satellite": "SATELLITE", "satellitetv": "SATELLITE", "smartcast": "SMARTCAST", "tuner": "TUNER", "tv": "TV", "usbdac": "USB DAC", "video": "VIDEO 1", "video1": "VIDEO 1", "video2": "VIDEO 2", "video3": "VIDEO 3", "xbox": "XBOX", }