"""The Diagnostics integration.""" from __future__ import annotations from http import HTTPStatus import json import logging from typing import Protocol from aiohttp import web import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import http, websocket_api from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers import integration_platform from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import DeviceEntry, async_get from homeassistant.helpers.json import ExtendedJSONEncoder from homeassistant.helpers.system_info import async_get_system_info from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.loader import async_get_custom_components, async_get_integration from homeassistant.util.json import ( find_paths_unserializable_data, format_unserializable_data, ) from .const import DOMAIN, REDACTED, DiagnosticsSubType, DiagnosticsType from .util import async_redact_data __all__ = ["REDACTED", "async_redact_data"] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up Diagnostics from a config entry.""" hass.data[DOMAIN] = {} await integration_platform.async_process_integration_platforms( hass, DOMAIN, _register_diagnostics_platform ) websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, handle_info) websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, handle_get) hass.http.register_view(DownloadDiagnosticsView) return True class DiagnosticsProtocol(Protocol): """Define the format that diagnostics platforms can have.""" async def async_get_config_entry_diagnostics( self, hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry ) -> dict: """Return diagnostics for a config entry.""" async def async_get_device_diagnostics( self, hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, device: DeviceEntry ) -> dict: """Return diagnostics for a device.""" async def _register_diagnostics_platform( hass: HomeAssistant, integration_domain: str, platform: DiagnosticsProtocol ): """Register a diagnostics platform.""" hass.data[DOMAIN][integration_domain] = { DiagnosticsType.CONFIG_ENTRY.value: getattr( platform, "async_get_config_entry_diagnostics", None ), DiagnosticsSubType.DEVICE.value: getattr( platform, "async_get_device_diagnostics", None ), } @websocket_api.require_admin @websocket_api.websocket_command({vol.Required("type"): "diagnostics/list"}) @callback def handle_info( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict ): """List all possible diagnostic handlers.""" connection.send_result( msg["id"], [ { "domain": domain, "handlers": {key: val is not None for key, val in info.items()}, } for domain, info in hass.data[DOMAIN].items() ], ) @websocket_api.require_admin @websocket_api.websocket_command( { vol.Required("type"): "diagnostics/get", vol.Required("domain"): str, } ) @callback def handle_get( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict ): """List all possible diagnostic handlers.""" domain = msg["domain"] info = hass.data[DOMAIN].get(domain) if info is None: connection.send_error( msg["id"], websocket_api.ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Domain not supported" ) return connection.send_result( msg["id"], { "domain": domain, "handlers": {key: val is not None for key, val in info.items()}, }, ) async def _async_get_json_file_response( hass: HomeAssistant, data: dict | list, filename: str, domain: str, d_type: DiagnosticsType, d_id: str, sub_type: DiagnosticsSubType | None = None, sub_id: str | None = None, ) -> web.Response: """Return JSON file from dictionary.""" hass_sys_info = await async_get_system_info(hass) hass_sys_info["run_as_root"] = hass_sys_info["user"] == "root" del hass_sys_info["user"] integration = await async_get_integration(hass, domain) custom_components = {} all_custom_components = await async_get_custom_components(hass) for cc_domain, cc_obj in all_custom_components.items(): custom_components[cc_domain] = { "version": cc_obj.version, "requirements": cc_obj.requirements, } try: json_data = json.dumps( { "home_assistant": hass_sys_info, "custom_components": custom_components, "integration_manifest": integration.manifest, "data": data, }, indent=2, cls=ExtendedJSONEncoder, ) except TypeError: _LOGGER.error( "Failed to serialize to JSON: %s/%s%s. Bad data at %s", d_type.value, d_id, f"/{sub_type.value}/{sub_id}" if sub_type is not None else "", format_unserializable_data(find_paths_unserializable_data(data)), ) return web.Response(status=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) return web.Response( body=json_data, content_type="application/json", headers={"Content-Disposition": f'attachment; filename="{filename}.json.txt"'}, ) class DownloadDiagnosticsView(http.HomeAssistantView): """Download diagnostics view.""" url = "/api/diagnostics/{d_type}/{d_id}" extra_urls = ["/api/diagnostics/{d_type}/{d_id}/{sub_type}/{sub_id}"] name = "api:diagnostics" async def get( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, request: web.Request, d_type: str, d_id: str, sub_type: str | None = None, sub_id: str | None = None, ) -> web.Response: """Download diagnostics.""" # t_type handling try: d_type = DiagnosticsType(d_type) except ValueError: return web.Response(status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) hass = request.app["hass"] config_entry = hass.config_entries.async_get_entry(d_id) if config_entry is None: return web.Response(status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) info = hass.data[DOMAIN].get(config_entry.domain) if info is None: return web.Response(status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) filename = f"{config_entry.domain}-{config_entry.entry_id}" if sub_type is None: if info[d_type.value] is None: return web.Response(status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) data = await info[d_type.value](hass, config_entry) filename = f"{d_type}-{filename}" return await _async_get_json_file_response( hass, data, filename, config_entry.domain, d_type.value, d_id ) # sub_type handling try: sub_type = DiagnosticsSubType(sub_type) except ValueError: return web.Response(status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) dev_reg = async_get(hass) assert sub_id device = dev_reg.async_get(sub_id) if device is None: return web.Response(status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) filename += f"-{device.name}-{device.id}" if info[sub_type.value] is None: return web.Response(status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) data = await info[sub_type.value](hass, config_entry, device) return await _async_get_json_file_response( hass, data, filename, config_entry.domain, d_type, d_id, sub_type, sub_id )