"""Unit tests for the Todoist todo platform.""" from typing import Any from unittest.mock import AsyncMock import pytest from todoist_api_python.models import Due, Task from homeassistant.components.todo import DOMAIN as TODO_DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import Platform from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import async_update_entity from .conftest import PROJECT_ID, make_api_task from tests.typing import WebSocketGenerator @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def platforms() -> list[Platform]: """Fixture to specify platforms to test.""" return [Platform.TODO] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def set_time_zone(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Set the time zone for the tests that keesp UTC-6 all year round.""" hass.config.set_time_zone("America/Regina") @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("tasks", "expected_state"), [ ([], "0"), ([make_api_task(id="12345", content="Soda", is_completed=False)], "1"), ([make_api_task(id="12345", content="Soda", is_completed=True)], "0"), ( [ make_api_task(id="12345", content="Milk", is_completed=False), make_api_task(id="54321", content="Soda", is_completed=False), ], "2", ), ( [ make_api_task( id="12345", content="Soda", is_completed=False, project_id="other-project-id", ) ], "0", ), ( [ make_api_task( id="12345", content="sub-task", is_completed=False, parent_id="1" ) ], "0", ), ], ) async def test_todo_item_state( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_integration: None, expected_state: str, ) -> None: """Test for a To-do List entity state.""" state = hass.states.get("todo.name") assert state assert state.state == expected_state @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("tasks", "item_data", "tasks_after_update", "add_kwargs", "expected_item"), [ ( [], {}, [make_api_task(id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=False)], {"content": "Soda"}, {"uid": "task-id-1", "summary": "Soda", "status": "needs_action"}, ), ( [], {"due_date": "2023-11-18"}, [ make_api_task( id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=False, due=Due(is_recurring=False, date="2023-11-18", string="today"), ) ], {"due": {"date": "2023-11-18"}}, { "uid": "task-id-1", "summary": "Soda", "status": "needs_action", "due": "2023-11-18", }, ), ( [], {"due_datetime": "2023-11-18T06:30:00"}, [ make_api_task( id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=False, due=Due( date="2023-11-18", is_recurring=False, datetime="2023-11-18T12:30:00.000000Z", string="today", ), ) ], { "due": {"date": "2023-11-18", "datetime": "2023-11-18T06:30:00-06:00"}, }, { "uid": "task-id-1", "summary": "Soda", "status": "needs_action", "due": "2023-11-18T06:30:00-06:00", }, ), ( [], {"description": "6-pack"}, [ make_api_task( id="task-id-1", content="Soda", description="6-pack", is_completed=False, ) ], {"description": "6-pack"}, { "uid": "task-id-1", "summary": "Soda", "status": "needs_action", "description": "6-pack", }, ), ], ids=["summary", "due_date", "due_datetime", "description"], ) async def test_add_todo_list_item( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_integration: None, api: AsyncMock, item_data: dict[str, Any], tasks_after_update: list[Task], add_kwargs: dict[str, Any], expected_item: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """Test for adding a To-do Item.""" state = hass.states.get("todo.name") assert state assert state.state == "0" api.add_task = AsyncMock() # Fake API response when state is refreshed after create api.get_tasks.return_value = tasks_after_update await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "add_item", {"item": "Soda", **item_data}, target={"entity_id": "todo.name"}, blocking=True, ) args = api.add_task.call_args assert args assert args.kwargs == {"project_id": PROJECT_ID, "content": "Soda", **add_kwargs} # Verify state is refreshed state = hass.states.get("todo.name") assert state assert state.state == "1" result = await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "get_items", {}, target={"entity_id": "todo.name"}, blocking=True, return_response=True, ) assert result == {"todo.name": {"items": [expected_item]}} @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("tasks"), [[make_api_task(id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=False)]] ) async def test_update_todo_item_status( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_integration: None, api: AsyncMock, ) -> None: """Test for updating a To-do Item that changes the status.""" state = hass.states.get("todo.name") assert state assert state.state == "1" api.close_task = AsyncMock() api.reopen_task = AsyncMock() # Fake API response when state is refreshed after close api.get_tasks.return_value = [ make_api_task(id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=True) ] await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "update_item", {"item": "task-id-1", "status": "completed"}, target={"entity_id": "todo.name"}, blocking=True, ) assert api.close_task.called args = api.close_task.call_args assert args assert args.kwargs.get("task_id") == "task-id-1" assert not api.reopen_task.called # Verify state is refreshed state = hass.states.get("todo.name") assert state assert state.state == "0" # Fake API response when state is refreshed after reopen api.get_tasks.return_value = [ make_api_task(id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=False) ] await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "update_item", {"item": "task-id-1", "status": "needs_action"}, target={"entity_id": "todo.name"}, blocking=True, ) assert api.reopen_task.called args = api.reopen_task.call_args assert args assert args.kwargs.get("task_id") == "task-id-1" # Verify state is refreshed state = hass.states.get("todo.name") assert state assert state.state == "1" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("tasks", "update_data", "tasks_after_update", "update_kwargs", "expected_item"), [ ( [make_api_task(id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=False)], {"rename": "Milk"}, [make_api_task(id="task-id-1", content="Milk", is_completed=False)], {"task_id": "task-id-1", "content": "Milk"}, {"uid": "task-id-1", "summary": "Milk", "status": "needs_action"}, ), ( [make_api_task(id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=False)], {"due_date": "2023-11-18"}, [ make_api_task( id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=False, due=Due(is_recurring=False, date="2023-11-18", string="today"), ) ], {"task_id": "task-id-1", "due": {"date": "2023-11-18"}}, { "uid": "task-id-1", "summary": "Soda", "status": "needs_action", "due": "2023-11-18", }, ), ( [make_api_task(id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=False)], {"due_datetime": "2023-11-18T06:30:00"}, [ make_api_task( id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=False, due=Due( date="2023-11-18", is_recurring=False, datetime="2023-11-18T12:30:00.000000Z", string="today", ), ) ], { "task_id": "task-id-1", "due": {"date": "2023-11-18", "datetime": "2023-11-18T06:30:00-06:00"}, }, { "uid": "task-id-1", "summary": "Soda", "status": "needs_action", "due": "2023-11-18T06:30:00-06:00", }, ), ( [make_api_task(id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=False)], {"description": "6-pack"}, [ make_api_task( id="task-id-1", content="Soda", description="6-pack", is_completed=False, ) ], {"task_id": "task-id-1", "description": "6-pack"}, { "uid": "task-id-1", "summary": "Soda", "status": "needs_action", "description": "6-pack", }, ), ], ids=["rename", "due_date", "due_datetime", "description"], ) async def test_update_todo_items( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_integration: None, api: AsyncMock, update_data: dict[str, Any], tasks_after_update: list[Task], update_kwargs: dict[str, Any], expected_item: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """Test for updating a To-do Item that changes the summary.""" state = hass.states.get("todo.name") assert state assert state.state == "1" api.update_task = AsyncMock() # Fake API response when state is refreshed after close api.get_tasks.return_value = tasks_after_update await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "update_item", {"item": "task-id-1", **update_data}, target={"entity_id": "todo.name"}, blocking=True, ) assert api.update_task.called args = api.update_task.call_args assert args assert args.kwargs == update_kwargs result = await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "get_items", {}, target={"entity_id": "todo.name"}, blocking=True, return_response=True, ) assert result == {"todo.name": {"items": [expected_item]}} @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("tasks"), [ [ make_api_task(id="task-id-1", content="Soda", is_completed=False), make_api_task(id="task-id-2", content="Milk", is_completed=False), ] ], ) async def test_remove_todo_item( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_integration: None, api: AsyncMock, ) -> None: """Test for removing a To-do Item.""" state = hass.states.get("todo.name") assert state assert state.state == "2" api.delete_task = AsyncMock() # Fake API response when state is refreshed after close api.get_tasks.return_value = [] await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "remove_item", {"item": ["task-id-1", "task-id-2"]}, target={"entity_id": "todo.name"}, blocking=True, ) assert api.delete_task.call_count == 2 args = api.delete_task.call_args_list assert args[0].kwargs.get("task_id") == "task-id-1" assert args[1].kwargs.get("task_id") == "task-id-2" await async_update_entity(hass, "todo.name") state = hass.states.get("todo.name") assert state assert state.state == "0" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("tasks"), [[make_api_task(id="task-id-1", content="Cheese", is_completed=False)]] ) async def test_subscribe( hass: HomeAssistant, setup_integration: None, api: AsyncMock, hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator, ) -> None: """Test for subscribing to state updates.""" # Subscribe and get the initial list client = await hass_ws_client(hass) await client.send_json_auto_id( { "type": "todo/item/subscribe", "entity_id": "todo.name", } ) msg = await client.receive_json() assert msg["success"] assert msg["result"] is None subscription_id = msg["id"] msg = await client.receive_json() assert msg["id"] == subscription_id assert msg["type"] == "event" items = msg["event"].get("items") assert items assert len(items) == 1 assert items[0]["summary"] == "Cheese" assert items[0]["status"] == "needs_action" assert items[0]["uid"] # Fake API response when state is refreshed api.get_tasks.return_value = [ make_api_task(id="test-id-1", content="Wine", is_completed=False) ] await hass.services.async_call( TODO_DOMAIN, "update_item", {"item": "Cheese", "rename": "Wine"}, target={"entity_id": "todo.name"}, blocking=True, ) # Verify update is published msg = await client.receive_json() assert msg["id"] == subscription_id assert msg["type"] == "event" items = msg["event"].get("items") assert items assert len(items) == 1 assert items[0]["summary"] == "Wine" assert items[0]["status"] == "needs_action" assert items[0]["uid"]