""" Support for functionality to download files. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/downloader/ """ import logging import os import re import threading import requests import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.helpers import validate_config import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.util import sanitize_filename DOMAIN = "downloader" SERVICE_DOWNLOAD_FILE = "download_file" ATTR_URL = "url" ATTR_SUBDIR = "subdir" SERVICE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter vol.Required(ATTR_URL): vol.Url(), vol.Optional(ATTR_SUBDIR): cv.string, }) CONF_DOWNLOAD_DIR = 'download_dir' # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def setup(hass, config): """Listen for download events to download files.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not validate_config(config, {DOMAIN: [CONF_DOWNLOAD_DIR]}, logger): return False download_path = config[DOMAIN][CONF_DOWNLOAD_DIR] # If path is relative, we assume relative to HASS config dir if not os.path.isabs(download_path): download_path = hass.config.path(download_path) if not os.path.isdir(download_path): logger.error( "Download path %s does not exist. File Downloader not active.", download_path) return False def download_file(service): """Start thread to download file specified in the URL.""" def do_download(): """Download the file.""" try: url = service.data[ATTR_URL] subdir = service.data.get(ATTR_SUBDIR) if subdir: subdir = sanitize_filename(subdir) final_path = None req = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=10) if req.status_code == 200: filename = None if 'content-disposition' in req.headers: match = re.findall(r"filename=(\S+)", req.headers['content-disposition']) if len(match) > 0: filename = match[0].strip("'\" ") if not filename: filename = os.path.basename( url).strip() if not filename: filename = "ha_download" # Remove stuff to ruin paths filename = sanitize_filename(filename) # Do we want to download to subdir, create if needed if subdir: subdir_path = os.path.join(download_path, subdir) # Ensure subdir exist if not os.path.isdir(subdir_path): os.makedirs(subdir_path) final_path = os.path.join(subdir_path, filename) else: final_path = os.path.join(download_path, filename) path, ext = os.path.splitext(final_path) # If file exist append a number. # We test filename, filename_2.. tries = 1 final_path = path + ext while os.path.isfile(final_path): tries += 1 final_path = "{}_{}.{}".format(path, tries, ext) logger.info("%s -> %s", url, final_path) with open(final_path, 'wb') as fil: for chunk in req.iter_content(1024): fil.write(chunk) logger.info("Downloading of %s done", url) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: logger.exception("ConnectionError occured for %s", url) # Remove file if we started downloading but failed if final_path and os.path.isfile(final_path): os.remove(final_path) threading.Thread(target=do_download).start() hass.services.register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_DOWNLOAD_FILE, download_file, schema=SERVICE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_SCHEMA) return True