"""The tests for the Alexa component.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access,too-many-public-methods import unittest import json import requests from homeassistant import bootstrap, const from homeassistant.components import alexa, http from tests.common import get_test_instance_port, get_test_home_assistant API_PASSWORD = "test1234" SERVER_PORT = get_test_instance_port() API_URL = "{}{}".format(SERVER_PORT, alexa.API_ENDPOINT) HA_HEADERS = {const.HTTP_HEADER_HA_AUTH: API_PASSWORD} SESSION_ID = 'amzn1.echo-api.session.0000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000' APPLICATION_ID = 'amzn1.echo-sdk-ams.app.000000-d0ed-0000-ad00-000000d00ebe' REQUEST_ID = 'amzn1.echo-api.request.0000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000' hass = None calls = [] def setUpModule(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Initialize a Home Assistant server for testing this module.""" global hass hass = get_test_home_assistant() bootstrap.setup_component( hass, http.DOMAIN, {http.DOMAIN: {http.CONF_API_PASSWORD: API_PASSWORD, http.CONF_SERVER_PORT: SERVER_PORT}}) hass.services.register('test', 'alexa', lambda call: calls.append(call)) bootstrap.setup_component(hass, alexa.DOMAIN, { 'alexa': { 'intents': { 'WhereAreWeIntent': { 'speech': { 'type': 'plaintext', 'text': """ {%- if is_state('device_tracker.paulus', 'home') and is_state('device_tracker.anne_therese', 'home') -%} You are both home, you silly {%- else -%} Anne Therese is at {{ states("device_tracker.anne_therese") }} and Paulus is at {{ states("device_tracker.paulus") }} {% endif %} """, } }, 'GetZodiacHoroscopeIntent': { 'speech': { 'type': 'plaintext', 'text': 'You told us your sign is {{ ZodiacSign }}.', } }, 'CallServiceIntent': { 'speech': { 'type': 'plaintext', 'text': 'Service called', }, 'action': { 'service': 'test.alexa', 'data': { 'hello': 1 }, 'entity_id': 'switch.test', } } } } }) hass.start() def tearDownModule(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Stop the Home Assistant server.""" hass.stop() def _req(data={}): return requests.post(API_URL, data=json.dumps(data), timeout=5, headers=HA_HEADERS) class TestAlexa(unittest.TestCase): """Test Alexa.""" def tearDown(self): """Stop everything that was started.""" hass.pool.block_till_done() def test_launch_request(self): """Test the launch of a request.""" data = { 'version': '1.0', 'session': { 'new': True, 'sessionId': SESSION_ID, 'application': { 'applicationId': APPLICATION_ID }, 'attributes': {}, 'user': { 'userId': 'amzn1.account.AM3B00000000000000000000000' } }, 'request': { 'type': 'LaunchRequest', 'requestId': REQUEST_ID, 'timestamp': '2015-05-13T12:34:56Z' } } req = _req(data) self.assertEqual(200, req.status_code) resp = req.json() self.assertIn('outputSpeech', resp['response']) def test_intent_request_with_slots(self): """Test a request with slots.""" data = { 'version': '1.0', 'session': { 'new': False, 'sessionId': SESSION_ID, 'application': { 'applicationId': APPLICATION_ID }, 'attributes': { 'supportedHoroscopePeriods': { 'daily': True, 'weekly': False, 'monthly': False } }, 'user': { 'userId': 'amzn1.account.AM3B00000000000000000000000' } }, 'request': { 'type': 'IntentRequest', 'requestId': REQUEST_ID, 'timestamp': '2015-05-13T12:34:56Z', 'intent': { 'name': 'GetZodiacHoroscopeIntent', 'slots': { 'ZodiacSign': { 'name': 'ZodiacSign', 'value': 'virgo' } } } } } req = _req(data) self.assertEqual(200, req.status_code) text = req.json().get('response', {}).get('outputSpeech', {}).get('text') self.assertEqual('You told us your sign is virgo.', text) def test_intent_request_with_slots_but_no_value(self): """Test a request with slots but no value.""" data = { 'version': '1.0', 'session': { 'new': False, 'sessionId': SESSION_ID, 'application': { 'applicationId': APPLICATION_ID }, 'attributes': { 'supportedHoroscopePeriods': { 'daily': True, 'weekly': False, 'monthly': False } }, 'user': { 'userId': 'amzn1.account.AM3B00000000000000000000000' } }, 'request': { 'type': 'IntentRequest', 'requestId': REQUEST_ID, 'timestamp': '2015-05-13T12:34:56Z', 'intent': { 'name': 'GetZodiacHoroscopeIntent', 'slots': { 'ZodiacSign': { 'name': 'ZodiacSign', } } } } } req = _req(data) self.assertEqual(200, req.status_code) text = req.json().get('response', {}).get('outputSpeech', {}).get('text') self.assertEqual('You told us your sign is .', text) def test_intent_request_without_slots(self): """Test a request without slots.""" data = { 'version': '1.0', 'session': { 'new': False, 'sessionId': SESSION_ID, 'application': { 'applicationId': APPLICATION_ID }, 'attributes': { 'supportedHoroscopePeriods': { 'daily': True, 'weekly': False, 'monthly': False } }, 'user': { 'userId': 'amzn1.account.AM3B00000000000000000000000' } }, 'request': { 'type': 'IntentRequest', 'requestId': REQUEST_ID, 'timestamp': '2015-05-13T12:34:56Z', 'intent': { 'name': 'WhereAreWeIntent', } } } req = _req(data) self.assertEqual(200, req.status_code) text = req.json().get('response', {}).get('outputSpeech', {}).get('text') self.assertEqual('Anne Therese is at unknown and Paulus is at unknown', text) hass.states.set('device_tracker.paulus', 'home') hass.states.set('device_tracker.anne_therese', 'home') req = _req(data) self.assertEqual(200, req.status_code) text = req.json().get('response', {}).get('outputSpeech', {}).get('text') self.assertEqual('You are both home, you silly', text) def test_intent_request_calling_service(self): """Test a request for calling a service.""" data = { 'version': '1.0', 'session': { 'new': False, 'sessionId': SESSION_ID, 'application': { 'applicationId': APPLICATION_ID }, 'attributes': {}, 'user': { 'userId': 'amzn1.account.AM3B00000000000000000000000' } }, 'request': { 'type': 'IntentRequest', 'requestId': REQUEST_ID, 'timestamp': '2015-05-13T12:34:56Z', 'intent': { 'name': 'CallServiceIntent', } } } call_count = len(calls) req = _req(data) self.assertEqual(200, req.status_code) self.assertEqual(call_count + 1, len(calls)) call = calls[-1] self.assertEqual('test', call.domain) self.assertEqual('alexa', call.service) self.assertEqual(['switch.test'], call.data.get('entity_id')) self.assertEqual(1, call.data.get('hello')) def test_session_ended_request(self): """Test the request for ending the session.""" data = { 'version': '1.0', 'session': { 'new': False, 'sessionId': SESSION_ID, 'application': { 'applicationId': APPLICATION_ID }, 'attributes': { 'supportedHoroscopePeriods': { 'daily': True, 'weekly': False, 'monthly': False } }, 'user': { 'userId': 'amzn1.account.AM3B00000000000000000000000' } }, 'request': { 'type': 'SessionEndedRequest', 'requestId': REQUEST_ID, 'timestamp': '2015-05-13T12:34:56Z', 'reason': 'USER_INITIATED' } } req = _req(data) self.assertEqual(200, req.status_code) self.assertEqual('', req.text)