"""Test the translation helper.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access from os import path import homeassistant.helpers.translation as translation from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component def test_flatten(): """Test the flatten function.""" data = { "parent1": { "child1": "data1", "child2": "data2", }, "parent2": "data3", } flattened = translation.flatten(data) assert flattened == { "parent1.child1": "data1", "parent1.child2": "data2", "parent2": "data3", } async def test_component_translation_file(hass): """Test the component translation file function.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, 'switch', { 'switch': {'platform': 'test'} }) assert await async_setup_component(hass, 'test_standalone', { 'test_standalone' }) assert await async_setup_component(hass, 'test_package', { 'test_package' }) assert path.normpath(translation.component_translation_file( 'switch.test', 'en')) == path.normpath(hass.config.path( 'custom_components', 'switch', '.translations', 'test.en.json')) assert path.normpath(translation.component_translation_file( 'test_standalone', 'en')) == path.normpath(hass.config.path( 'custom_components', '.translations', 'test_standalone.en.json')) assert path.normpath(translation.component_translation_file( 'test_package', 'en')) == path.normpath(hass.config.path( 'custom_components', 'test_package', '.translations', 'en.json')) def test_load_translations_files(hass): """Test the load translation files function.""" # Test one valid and one invalid file file1 = hass.config.path( 'custom_components', 'switch', '.translations', 'test.en.json') file2 = hass.config.path( 'custom_components', 'switch', '.translations', 'invalid.json') assert translation.load_translations_files({ 'switch.test': file1, 'invalid': file2 }) == { 'switch.test': { 'state': { 'string1': 'Value 1', 'string2': 'Value 2', } }, 'invalid': {}, } async def test_get_translations(hass): """Test the get translations helper.""" translations = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, 'en') assert translations == {} assert await async_setup_component(hass, 'switch', { 'switch': {'platform': 'test'} }) translations = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, 'en') assert translations == { 'component.switch.state.string1': 'Value 1', 'component.switch.state.string2': 'Value 2', } translations = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, 'de') assert translations == { 'component.switch.state.string1': 'German Value 1', 'component.switch.state.string2': 'German Value 2', } # Test a partial translation translations = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, 'es') assert translations == { 'component.switch.state.string1': 'Spanish Value 1', 'component.switch.state.string2': 'Value 2', } # Test that an untranslated language falls back to English. translations = await translation.async_get_translations( hass, 'invalid-language') assert translations == { 'component.switch.state.string1': 'Value 1', 'component.switch.state.string2': 'Value 2', }