""" Support for Ubiquiti's UVC cameras. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/camera.uvc/ """ import logging import socket import requests import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import CONF_PORT from homeassistant.components.camera import Camera, PLATFORM_SCHEMA import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv REQUIREMENTS = ['uvcclient==0.10.0'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_NVR = 'nvr' CONF_KEY = 'key' DEFAULT_PORT = 7080 PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Required(CONF_NVR): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_KEY): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, }) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Discover cameras on a Unifi NVR.""" addr = config[CONF_NVR] key = config[CONF_KEY] port = config[CONF_PORT] from uvcclient import nvr nvrconn = nvr.UVCRemote(addr, port, key) try: cameras = nvrconn.index() except nvr.NotAuthorized: _LOGGER.error("Authorization failure while connecting to NVR") return False except nvr.NvrError: _LOGGER.error("NVR refuses to talk to me") return False except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to NVR: %s", str(ex)) return False identifier = nvrconn.server_version >= (3, 2, 0) and 'id' or 'uuid' # Filter out airCam models, which are not supported in the latest # version of UnifiVideo and which are EOL by Ubiquiti cameras = [ camera for camera in cameras if 'airCam' not in nvrconn.get_camera(camera[identifier])['model']] add_devices([UnifiVideoCamera(nvrconn, camera[identifier], camera['name']) for camera in cameras]) return True class UnifiVideoCamera(Camera): """A Ubiquiti Unifi Video Camera.""" def __init__(self, nvr, uuid, name): """Initialize an Unifi camera.""" super(UnifiVideoCamera, self).__init__() self._nvr = nvr self._uuid = uuid self._name = name self.is_streaming = False self._connect_addr = None self._camera = None @property def name(self): """Return the name of this camera.""" return self._name @property def is_recording(self): """Return true if the camera is recording.""" caminfo = self._nvr.get_camera(self._uuid) return caminfo['recordingSettings']['fullTimeRecordEnabled'] @property def brand(self): """Return the brand of this camera.""" return 'Ubiquiti' @property def model(self): """Return the model of this camera.""" caminfo = self._nvr.get_camera(self._uuid) return caminfo['model'] def _login(self): """Login to the camera.""" from uvcclient import camera as uvc_camera from uvcclient import store as uvc_store caminfo = self._nvr.get_camera(self._uuid) if self._connect_addr: addrs = [self._connect_addr] else: addrs = [caminfo['host'], caminfo['internalHost']] store = uvc_store.get_info_store() password = store.get_camera_password(self._uuid) if password is None: _LOGGER.debug("Logging into camera %(name)s with default password", dict(name=self._name)) password = 'ubnt' if self._nvr.server_version >= (3, 2, 0): client_cls = uvc_camera.UVCCameraClientV320 else: client_cls = uvc_camera.UVCCameraClient camera = None for addr in addrs: try: camera = client_cls( addr, caminfo['username'], password) camera.login() _LOGGER.debug("Logged into UVC camera %(name)s via %(addr)s", dict(name=self._name, addr=addr)) self._connect_addr = addr break except socket.error: pass except uvc_camera.CameraConnectError: pass except uvc_camera.CameraAuthError: pass if not self._connect_addr: _LOGGER.error("Unable to login to camera") return None self._camera = camera return True def camera_image(self): """Return the image of this camera.""" from uvcclient import camera as uvc_camera if not self._camera: if not self._login(): return def _get_image(retry=True): try: return self._camera.get_snapshot() except uvc_camera.CameraConnectError: _LOGGER.error("Unable to contact camera") except uvc_camera.CameraAuthError: if retry: self._login() return _get_image(retry=False) else: _LOGGER.error( "Unable to log into camera, unable to get snapshot") raise return _get_image()