"""Test singleton helper."""
from unittest.mock import Mock

import pytest

from homeassistant.helpers import singleton

def mock_hass():
    """Mock hass fixture."""
    return Mock(data={})

async def test_singleton_async(mock_hass):
    """Test singleton with async function."""

    async def something(hass):
        return object()

    result1 = await something(mock_hass)
    result2 = await something(mock_hass)
    assert result1 is result2
    assert "test_key" in mock_hass.data
    assert mock_hass.data["test_key"] is result1

def test_singleton(mock_hass):
    """Test singleton with function."""

    def something(hass):
        return object()

    result1 = something(mock_hass)
    result2 = something(mock_hass)
    assert result1 is result2
    assert "test_key" in mock_hass.data
    assert mock_hass.data["test_key"] is result1