Support for Snips on-device ASR and NLU.

For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import asyncio
import copy
import json
import logging
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.helpers import template, script, config_validation as cv
import homeassistant.loader as loader

DOMAIN = 'snips'
CONF_INTENTS = 'intents'
CONF_ACTION = 'action'

INTENT_TOPIC = 'hermes/nlu/intentParsed'

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
    DOMAIN: {
        CONF_INTENTS: {
            cv.string: {
                vol.Optional(CONF_ACTION): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA,
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)

INTENT_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
    vol.Required('text'): str,
    vol.Required('intent'): {
        vol.Required('intent_name'): str
    vol.Optional('slots'): [{
        vol.Required('slot_name'): str,
        vol.Required('value'): {
            vol.Required('kind'): str,
            vol.Required('value'): cv.match_all
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)

def async_setup(hass, config):
    """Activate Snips component."""
    mqtt = loader.get_component('mqtt')
    intents = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_INTENTS, {})
    handler = IntentHandler(hass, intents)

    def message_received(topic, payload, qos):
        """Handle new messages on MQTT."""
        LOGGER.debug("New intent: %s", payload)
        yield from handler.handle_intent(payload)

    yield from mqtt.async_subscribe(hass, INTENT_TOPIC, message_received)

    return True

class IntentHandler(object):
    """Help handling intents."""

    def __init__(self, hass, intents):
        """Initialize the intent handler."""
        self.hass = hass
        intents = copy.deepcopy(intents)
        template.attach(hass, intents)

        for name, intent in intents.items():
            if CONF_ACTION in intent:
                intent[CONF_ACTION] = script.Script(
                    hass, intent[CONF_ACTION], "Snips intent {}".format(name))

        self.intents = intents

    def handle_intent(self, payload):
        """Handle an intent."""
            response = json.loads(payload)
        except TypeError:
            LOGGER.error('Received invalid JSON: %s', payload)

            response = INTENT_SCHEMA(response)
        except vol.Invalid as err:
            LOGGER.error('Intent has invalid schema: %s. %s', err, response)

        intent = response['intent']['intent_name'].split('__')[-1]
        config = self.intents.get(intent)

        if config is None:
            LOGGER.warning("Received unknown intent %s. %s", intent, response)

        action = config.get(CONF_ACTION)

        if action is not None:
            slots = self.parse_slots(response)
            yield from action.async_run(slots)

    def parse_slots(self, response):
        """Parse the intent slots."""
        parameters = {}

        for slot in response.get('slots', []):
            key = slot['slot_name']
            value = self.get_value(slot['value'])
            if value is not None:
                parameters[key] = value

        return parameters

    def get_value(value):
        """Return the value of a given slot."""
        kind = value['kind']

        if kind == "Custom":
            return value["value"]
        elif kind == "Builtin":
                return value["value"]["value"]
            except KeyError:
                return None
            LOGGER.warning('Received unknown slot type: %s', kind)

        return None