""" Core components of Home Assistant. Home Assistant is a Home Automation framework for observing the state of entities and react to changes. """ import os import time import logging import signal import threading import enum import functools as ft from homeassistant.const import ( __version__, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, SERVICE_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, SERVICE_HOMEASSISTANT_RESTART, EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, EVENT_CALL_SERVICE, ATTR_NOW, ATTR_DOMAIN, ATTR_SERVICE, MATCH_ALL, EVENT_SERVICE_EXECUTED, ATTR_SERVICE_CALL_ID, EVENT_SERVICE_REGISTERED, TEMP_CELCIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME, ATTR_SERVICE_DATA, RESTART_EXIT_CODE) from homeassistant.exceptions import ( HomeAssistantError, InvalidEntityFormatError) import homeassistant.util as util import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util import homeassistant.util.location as location from homeassistant.helpers.entity import valid_entity_id, split_entity_id import homeassistant.helpers.temperature as temp_helper from homeassistant.config import get_default_config_dir DOMAIN = "homeassistant" # How often time_changed event should fire TIMER_INTERVAL = 1 # seconds # How long we wait for the result of a service call SERVICE_CALL_LIMIT = 10 # seconds # Define number of MINIMUM worker threads. # During bootstrap of HA (see bootstrap._setup_component()) worker threads # will be added for each component that polls devices. MIN_WORKER_THREAD = 2 _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HomeAssistant(object): """Root object of the Home Assistant home automation.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize new Home Assistant object.""" self.pool = pool = create_worker_pool() self.bus = EventBus(pool) self.services = ServiceRegistry(self.bus, pool) self.states = StateMachine(self.bus) self.config = Config() def start(self): """Start home assistant.""" _LOGGER.info( "Starting Home Assistant (%d threads)", self.pool.worker_count) create_timer(self) self.bus.fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START) def block_till_stopped(self): """Register service homeassistant/stop and will block until called.""" request_shutdown = threading.Event() request_restart = threading.Event() def stop_homeassistant(*args): """Stop Home Assistant.""" request_shutdown.set() def restart_homeassistant(*args): """Reset Home Assistant.""" request_restart.set() request_shutdown.set() self.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, stop_homeassistant) self.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_HOMEASSISTANT_RESTART, restart_homeassistant) try: signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, stop_homeassistant) except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning( 'Could not bind to SIGTERM. Are you running in a thread?') while not request_shutdown.isSet(): try: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: break self.stop() return RESTART_EXIT_CODE if request_restart.isSet() else 0 def stop(self): """Stop Home Assistant and shuts down all threads.""" _LOGGER.info("Stopping") self.bus.fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP) # Wait till all responses to homeassistant_stop are done self.pool.block_till_done() self.pool.stop() class JobPriority(util.OrderedEnum): """Provides job priorities for event bus jobs.""" EVENT_CALLBACK = 0 EVENT_SERVICE = 1 EVENT_STATE = 2 EVENT_TIME = 3 EVENT_DEFAULT = 4 @staticmethod def from_event_type(event_type): """Return a priority based on event type.""" if event_type == EVENT_TIME_CHANGED: return JobPriority.EVENT_TIME elif event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: return JobPriority.EVENT_STATE elif event_type == EVENT_CALL_SERVICE: return JobPriority.EVENT_SERVICE elif event_type == EVENT_SERVICE_EXECUTED: return JobPriority.EVENT_CALLBACK else: return JobPriority.EVENT_DEFAULT class EventOrigin(enum.Enum): """Represents origin of an event.""" local = "LOCAL" remote = "REMOTE" def __str__(self): return self.value class Event(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Represents an event within the Bus.""" __slots__ = ['event_type', 'data', 'origin', 'time_fired'] def __init__(self, event_type, data=None, origin=EventOrigin.local, time_fired=None): """Initialize a new event.""" self.event_type = event_type self.data = data or {} self.origin = origin self.time_fired = dt_util.strip_microseconds( time_fired or dt_util.utcnow()) def as_dict(self): """Create a dict representation of this Event.""" return { 'event_type': self.event_type, 'data': dict(self.data), 'origin': str(self.origin), 'time_fired': dt_util.datetime_to_str(self.time_fired), } def __repr__(self): # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member if self.data: return "<Event {}[{}]: {}>".format( self.event_type, str(self.origin)[0], util.repr_helper(self.data)) else: return "<Event {}[{}]>".format(self.event_type, str(self.origin)[0]) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.event_type == other.event_type and self.data == other.data and self.origin == other.origin and self.time_fired == other.time_fired) class EventBus(object): """Allows firing of and listening for events.""" def __init__(self, pool=None): """Initialize a new event bus.""" self._listeners = {} self._lock = threading.Lock() self._pool = pool or create_worker_pool() @property def listeners(self): """Dict with events and the number of listeners.""" with self._lock: return {key: len(self._listeners[key]) for key in self._listeners} def fire(self, event_type, event_data=None, origin=EventOrigin.local): """Fire an event.""" if not self._pool.running: raise HomeAssistantError('Home Assistant has shut down.') with self._lock: # Copy the list of the current listeners because some listeners # remove themselves as a listener while being executed which # causes the iterator to be confused. get = self._listeners.get listeners = get(MATCH_ALL, []) + get(event_type, []) event = Event(event_type, event_data, origin) if event_type != EVENT_TIME_CHANGED: _LOGGER.info("Bus:Handling %s", event) if not listeners: return job_priority = JobPriority.from_event_type(event_type) for func in listeners: self._pool.add_job(job_priority, (func, event)) def listen(self, event_type, listener): """Listen for all events or events of a specific type. To listen to all events specify the constant ``MATCH_ALL`` as event_type. """ with self._lock: if event_type in self._listeners: self._listeners[event_type].append(listener) else: self._listeners[event_type] = [listener] def listen_once(self, event_type, listener): """Listen once for event of a specific type. To listen to all events specify the constant ``MATCH_ALL`` as event_type. Returns registered listener that can be used with remove_listener. """ @ft.wraps(listener) def onetime_listener(event): """Remove listener from eventbus and then fires listener.""" if hasattr(onetime_listener, 'run'): return # Set variable so that we will never run twice. # Because the event bus might have to wait till a thread comes # available to execute this listener it might occur that the # listener gets lined up twice to be executed. # This will make sure the second time it does nothing. onetime_listener.run = True self.remove_listener(event_type, onetime_listener) listener(event) self.listen(event_type, onetime_listener) return onetime_listener def remove_listener(self, event_type, listener): """Remove a listener of a specific event_type.""" with self._lock: try: self._listeners[event_type].remove(listener) # delete event_type list if empty if not self._listeners[event_type]: self._listeners.pop(event_type) except (KeyError, ValueError): # KeyError is key event_type listener did not exist # ValueError if listener did not exist within event_type pass class State(object): """ Object to represent a state within the state machine. entity_id: the entity that is represented. state: the state of the entity attributes: extra information on entity and state last_changed: last time the state was changed, not the attributes. last_updated: last time this object was updated. """ __slots__ = ['entity_id', 'state', 'attributes', 'last_changed', 'last_updated'] # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, entity_id, state, attributes=None, last_changed=None, last_updated=None): """Initialize a new state.""" if not valid_entity_id(entity_id): raise InvalidEntityFormatError(( "Invalid entity id encountered: {}. " "Format should be <domain>.<object_id>").format(entity_id)) self.entity_id = entity_id.lower() self.state = state self.attributes = attributes or {} self.last_updated = dt_util.strip_microseconds( last_updated or dt_util.utcnow()) # Strip microsecond from last_changed else we cannot guarantee # state == State.from_dict(state.as_dict()) # This behavior occurs because to_dict uses datetime_to_str # which does not preserve microseconds self.last_changed = dt_util.strip_microseconds( last_changed or self.last_updated) @property def domain(self): """Domain of this state.""" return split_entity_id(self.entity_id)[0] @property def object_id(self): """Object id of this state.""" return split_entity_id(self.entity_id)[1] @property def name(self): """Name of this state.""" return ( self.attributes.get(ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME) or self.object_id.replace('_', ' ')) def copy(self): """Return a copy of the state.""" return State(self.entity_id, self.state, dict(self.attributes), self.last_changed, self.last_updated) def as_dict(self): """Return a dict representation of the State. To be used for JSON serialization. Ensures: state == State.from_dict(state.as_dict()) """ return {'entity_id': self.entity_id, 'state': self.state, 'attributes': self.attributes, 'last_changed': dt_util.datetime_to_str(self.last_changed), 'last_updated': dt_util.datetime_to_str(self.last_updated)} @classmethod def from_dict(cls, json_dict): """Initialize a state from a dict. Ensures: state == State.from_json_dict(state.to_json_dict()) """ if not (json_dict and 'entity_id' in json_dict and 'state' in json_dict): return None last_changed = json_dict.get('last_changed') if last_changed: last_changed = dt_util.str_to_datetime(last_changed) last_updated = json_dict.get('last_updated') if last_updated: last_updated = dt_util.str_to_datetime(last_updated) return cls(json_dict['entity_id'], json_dict['state'], json_dict.get('attributes'), last_changed, last_updated) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.entity_id == other.entity_id and self.state == other.state and self.attributes == other.attributes) def __repr__(self): attr = "; {}".format(util.repr_helper(self.attributes)) \ if self.attributes else "" return "<state {}={}{} @ {}>".format( self.entity_id, self.state, attr, dt_util.datetime_to_local_str(self.last_changed)) class StateMachine(object): """Helper class that tracks the state of different entities.""" def __init__(self, bus): """Initialize state machine.""" self._states = {} self._bus = bus self._lock = threading.Lock() def entity_ids(self, domain_filter=None): """List of entity ids that are being tracked.""" if domain_filter is None: return list(self._states.keys()) domain_filter = domain_filter.lower() return [state.entity_id for state in self._states.values() if state.domain == domain_filter] def all(self): """Create a list of all states.""" with self._lock: return [state.copy() for state in self._states.values()] def get(self, entity_id): """Retrieve state of entity_id or None if not found.""" state = self._states.get(entity_id.lower()) # Make a copy so people won't mutate the state return state.copy() if state else None def is_state(self, entity_id, state): """Test if entity exists and is specified state.""" entity_id = entity_id.lower() return (entity_id in self._states and self._states[entity_id].state == state) def is_state_attr(self, entity_id, name, value): """Test if entity exists and has a state attribute set to value.""" entity_id = entity_id.lower() return (entity_id in self._states and self._states[entity_id].attributes.get(name, None) == value) def remove(self, entity_id): """Remove the state of an entity. Returns boolean to indicate if an entity was removed. """ entity_id = entity_id.lower() with self._lock: return self._states.pop(entity_id, None) is not None def set(self, entity_id, new_state, attributes=None): """Set the state of an entity, add entity if it does not exist. Attributes is an optional dict to specify attributes of this state. If you just update the attributes and not the state, last changed will not be affected. """ entity_id = entity_id.lower() new_state = str(new_state) attributes = attributes or {} with self._lock: old_state = self._states.get(entity_id) is_existing = old_state is not None same_state = is_existing and old_state.state == new_state same_attr = is_existing and old_state.attributes == attributes if same_state and same_attr: return # If state did not exist or is different, set it last_changed = old_state.last_changed if same_state else None state = State(entity_id, new_state, attributes, last_changed) self._states[entity_id] = state event_data = {'entity_id': entity_id, 'new_state': state} if old_state: event_data['old_state'] = old_state self._bus.fire(EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, event_data) # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class Service(object): """Represents a callable service.""" __slots__ = ['func', 'description', 'fields'] def __init__(self, func, description, fields): """Initialize a service.""" self.func = func self.description = description or '' self.fields = fields or {} def as_dict(self): """Return dictionary representation of this service.""" return { 'description': self.description, 'fields': self.fields, } def __call__(self, call): """Execute the service.""" self.func(call) # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class ServiceCall(object): """Represents a call to a service.""" __slots__ = ['domain', 'service', 'data', 'call_id'] def __init__(self, domain, service, data=None, call_id=None): """Initialize a service call.""" self.domain = domain self.service = service self.data = data or {} self.call_id = call_id def __repr__(self): if self.data: return "<ServiceCall {}.{}: {}>".format( self.domain, self.service, util.repr_helper(self.data)) else: return "<ServiceCall {}.{}>".format(self.domain, self.service) class ServiceRegistry(object): """Offers services over the eventbus.""" def __init__(self, bus, pool=None): """Initialize a service registry.""" self._services = {} self._lock = threading.Lock() self._pool = pool or create_worker_pool() self._bus = bus self._cur_id = 0 bus.listen(EVENT_CALL_SERVICE, self._event_to_service_call) @property def services(self): """Dict with per domain a list of available services.""" with self._lock: return {domain: {key: value.as_dict() for key, value in self._services[domain].items()} for domain in self._services} def has_service(self, domain, service): """Test if specified service exists.""" return service in self._services.get(domain, []) def register(self, domain, service, service_func, description=None): """ Register a service. Description is a dict containing key 'description' to describe the service and a key 'fields' to describe the fields. """ description = description or {} service_obj = Service(service_func, description.get('description'), description.get('fields', {})) with self._lock: if domain in self._services: self._services[domain][service] = service_obj else: self._services[domain] = {service: service_obj} self._bus.fire( EVENT_SERVICE_REGISTERED, {ATTR_DOMAIN: domain, ATTR_SERVICE: service}) def call(self, domain, service, service_data=None, blocking=False): """ Call a service. Specify blocking=True to wait till service is executed. Waits a maximum of SERVICE_CALL_LIMIT. If blocking = True, will return boolean if service executed succesfully within SERVICE_CALL_LIMIT. This method will fire an event to call the service. This event will be picked up by this ServiceRegistry and any other ServiceRegistry that is listening on the EventBus. Because the service is sent as an event you are not allowed to use the keys ATTR_DOMAIN and ATTR_SERVICE in your service_data. """ call_id = self._generate_unique_id() event_data = { ATTR_DOMAIN: domain, ATTR_SERVICE: service, ATTR_SERVICE_DATA: service_data, ATTR_SERVICE_CALL_ID: call_id, } if blocking: executed_event = threading.Event() def service_executed(call): """Callback method that is called when service is executed.""" if call.data[ATTR_SERVICE_CALL_ID] == call_id: executed_event.set() self._bus.listen(EVENT_SERVICE_EXECUTED, service_executed) self._bus.fire(EVENT_CALL_SERVICE, event_data) if blocking: success = executed_event.wait(SERVICE_CALL_LIMIT) self._bus.remove_listener( EVENT_SERVICE_EXECUTED, service_executed) return success def _event_to_service_call(self, event): """Callback for SERVICE_CALLED events from the event bus.""" service_data = event.data.get(ATTR_SERVICE_DATA) domain = event.data.get(ATTR_DOMAIN) service = event.data.get(ATTR_SERVICE) call_id = event.data.get(ATTR_SERVICE_CALL_ID) if not self.has_service(domain, service): return service_handler = self._services[domain][service] service_call = ServiceCall(domain, service, service_data, call_id) # Add a job to the pool that calls _execute_service self._pool.add_job(JobPriority.EVENT_SERVICE, (self._execute_service, (service_handler, service_call))) def _execute_service(self, service_and_call): """Execute a service and fires a SERVICE_EXECUTED event.""" service, call = service_and_call service(call) if call.call_id is not None: self._bus.fire( EVENT_SERVICE_EXECUTED, {ATTR_SERVICE_CALL_ID: call.call_id}) def _generate_unique_id(self): """Generate a unique service call id.""" self._cur_id += 1 return "{}-{}".format(id(self), self._cur_id) class Config(object): """Configuration settings for Home Assistant.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self): """Initialize a new config object.""" self.latitude = None self.longitude = None self.temperature_unit = None self.location_name = None self.time_zone = None # If True, pip install is skipped for requirements on startup self.skip_pip = False # List of loaded components self.components = [] # Remote.API object pointing at local API self.api = None # Directory that holds the configuration self.config_dir = get_default_config_dir() def distance(self, lat, lon): """Calculate distance from Home Assistant in meters.""" return location.distance(self.latitude, self.longitude, lat, lon) def path(self, *path): """Generate path to the file within the config dir.""" return os.path.join(self.config_dir, *path) def temperature(self, value, unit): """Convert temperature to user preferred unit if set.""" if not (unit in (TEMP_CELCIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT) and self.temperature_unit and unit != self.temperature_unit): return value, unit try: temp = float(value) except ValueError: # Could not convert value to float return value, unit return ( round(temp_helper.convert(temp, unit, self.temperature_unit), 1), self.temperature_unit) def as_dict(self): """Create a dict representation of this dict.""" time_zone = self.time_zone or dt_util.UTC return { 'latitude': self.latitude, 'longitude': self.longitude, 'temperature_unit': self.temperature_unit, 'location_name': self.location_name, 'time_zone': time_zone.zone, 'components': self.components, 'version': __version__ } def create_timer(hass, interval=TIMER_INTERVAL): """Create a timer that will start on HOMEASSISTANT_START.""" # We want to be able to fire every time a minute starts (seconds=0). # We want this so other modules can use that to make sure they fire # every minute. assert 60 % interval == 0, "60 % TIMER_INTERVAL should be 0!" def timer(): """Send an EVENT_TIME_CHANGED on interval.""" stop_event = threading.Event() def stop_timer(event): """Stop the timer.""" stop_event.set() hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, stop_timer) _LOGGER.info("Timer:starting") last_fired_on_second = -1 calc_now = dt_util.utcnow while not stop_event.isSet(): now = calc_now() # First check checks if we are not on a second matching the # timer interval. Second check checks if we did not already fire # this interval. if now.second % interval or \ now.second == last_fired_on_second: # Sleep till it is the next time that we have to fire an event. # Aim for halfway through the second that fits TIMER_INTERVAL. # If TIMER_INTERVAL is 10 fire at .5, 10.5, 20.5, etc seconds. # This will yield the best results because time.sleep() is not # 100% accurate because of non-realtime OS's slp_seconds = interval - now.second % interval + \ .5 - now.microsecond/1000000.0 time.sleep(slp_seconds) now = calc_now() last_fired_on_second = now.second # Event might have been set while sleeping if not stop_event.isSet(): try: hass.bus.fire(EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, {ATTR_NOW: now}) except HomeAssistantError: # HA raises error if firing event after it has shut down break def start_timer(event): """Start the timer.""" thread = threading.Thread(target=timer) thread.daemon = True thread.start() hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, start_timer) def create_worker_pool(worker_count=None): """Create a worker pool.""" if worker_count is None: worker_count = MIN_WORKER_THREAD def job_handler(job): """Called whenever a job is available to do.""" try: func, arg = job func(arg) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # Catch any exception our service/event_listener might throw # We do not want to crash our ThreadPool _LOGGER.exception("BusHandler:Exception doing job") def busy_callback(worker_count, current_jobs, pending_jobs_count): """Callback to be called when the pool queue gets too big.""" _LOGGER.warning( "WorkerPool:All %d threads are busy and %d jobs pending", worker_count, pending_jobs_count) for start, job in current_jobs: _LOGGER.warning("WorkerPool:Current job from %s: %s", dt_util.datetime_to_local_str(start), job) return util.ThreadPool(job_handler, worker_count, busy_callback)